Đề tài Quản lý bệnh nhân tại bệnh viện mắt Nam Định

LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Ngày này cùng với sự phát triển vượt bậc của khoa học kỹ thuật thì công nghệ thông tin là một công cụ hỗ trợ rất đắc lực trong công tác quản lý. Chúng ta dễ dàng thấy được việc đưa tin học vào trong quản lý kinh doanh là một trong những ứng dụng quan trọng trong rất nhiều ứng dụng cơ sở dữ liệu. Nhờ vào công tác tin học hóa mà công việc quản lý và điều hành doanh nghiệp tỏ ra rất nhanh chóng và hiệu quả. Chính vì lẽ đó mà cơ sở dữ liệu như là một giải pháp hữu hiệu nhất cho các doanh nghiệp có thể tồn tại và phát triển một cách nhanh chóng.thông tin là một trong những lĩnh vực có nhiều đóng góp thiết thực nhất, công nghệ thông tin có mặt trong hầu hết các lĩnh vực của cuộc sống đặc biệt công nghệ Bệnh viện Mắt tỉnh Nam Định là một trung tâm khám chữa các bệnh về Mắt lớn nhất tỉnh Nam Định. Do đó nhu cầu ứng dụng cơ sở dữ liệu trong việc quản lý bệnh nhân là hết sức thiết thực. Vì vậy nhóm em chọn đề tài phân tích và thiết kế hệ thống thông tin quản lý bệnh nhân tại bệnh viện Mắt tỉnh Nam Định làm đề tài thực tập môn PHÂN TÍCH THIẾT KẾ HỆ THỐNG. Hệ thống được phân tích và thiết kế theo phương pháp có cấu trúc và được cài đặt trên môi trường Visual Basic 6.0. Mặc dù có nhiều cố gắng nhưng vốn kiến thức chưa sâu, chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm và hệ thống khá phức tạp nên không thể tránh khỏi nhữngthiếu sót. Rất mong được sự góp ý của quý thầy cô,anh chị cùng các bạn để báo cáo được hoàn thiện hơn. Nam Định ngày Tháng năm 2010

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Đề tài Quản lý bệnh nhân tại bệnh viện mắt Nam Định, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
truoc(1).Enabled = True Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvedau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcba.Recordset.MoveFirst cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvesau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcba.Recordset.MoveNext grdbenhan.Refresh If Adodcba.Recordset.EOF = True Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True Else cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True End If Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvetruoc_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcba.Recordset.MovePrevious grdbenhan.Refresh If Adodcba.Recordset.BOF = True Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Else cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End If Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdxoa_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = True Dim str As String Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xoa b¶n ghi nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else Connection.OpenData ("benhan1") str = "DELETE * FROM benhan1 where ((mabn = '" & (cbmabn.Text) & "') and (manv = '" & cbmanv.Text & "') and (sophong = '" & cbmap.Text & "')and (mabenh = '" & cbmabText & "'))" cn.Execute (str) End If cbngayra.Enabled = False cbthangra.Enabled = False cbnamra.Enabled = False Lammoi Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub setnull() cmdluu(1).Enabled = True cbmabn.Text = "" cbmanv.Text = "" cbmab.Text = "" cbmap.Text = "" txttt.Text = "" cbngayvao.Text = "1" cbthangvao.Text = "1" cbnamvao.Text = "2009" End Sub Private Sub grdbenhan_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False If (Adodcba.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcba.Recordset.EOF = False) Then cbmabn.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value cbmanv.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value cbmab.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("mabenh").Value cbmap.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("sophong").Value txttt.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ttbenh").Value Call layngay(Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayvao"), cbngayvao, cbthangvao, cbnamvao) If Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayra").Value "" Then Call layngay(Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayra"), cbngayra, cbthangra, cbnamra) optcn.Visible = False lbn.Visible = True hienngay cmdtra.Visible = False Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbn.Visible = False ' an di anngay End If cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcba.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcba.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() cmdluu(1).Enabled = False If (Adodcba.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcba.Recordset.EOF = False) Then cbmabn.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value cbmanv.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value cbmab.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("mabenh").Value cbmap.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("sophong").Value txttt.Text = Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ttbenh").Value Call layngay(Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayvao"), cbngayvao, cbthangvao, cbnamvao) If Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayra").Value "" Then Call layngay(Adodcba.Recordset.Fields("ngayra"), cbngayra, cbthangra, cbnamra) optcn.Visible = False lbn.Visible = True hienngay cmdtra.Visible = False Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbn.Visible = False anngay End If cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcba.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcba.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodcba.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcba.RecordSource = "benhan1" Connection.OpenData ("benhan1") Adodcba.Refresh End Sub Private Sub khoa() cbmabn.Locked = True cbmanv.Locked = True cbmab.Locked = True cbmap.Locked = True cbngayvao.Locked = True cbthangvao.Locked = True cbnamvao.Locked = True cbngayra.Locked = True cbthangra.Locked = True cbnamra.Locked = True txttt.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() cbmabn.Locked = False cbmanv.Locked = False cbmab.Locked = False cbmap.Locked = False cbngayvao.Locked = False cbthangvao.Locked = False cbnamvao.Locked = False cbngayra.Locked = False cbthangra.Locked = False cbnamra.Locked = False txttt.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub anngay() cbngayra.Visible = False cbnamra.Visible = False cbthangra.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub hienngay() cbngayra.Visible = True cbnamra.Visible = True cbthangra.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub optcn_Click() lbn.Visible = True hienngay If optcn.Visible = True Then cmdtra.Visible = True cbngayra.Locked = False cbthangra.Locked = False cbnamra.Locked = False cbngayra.Enabled = True cbthangra.Enabled = True cbnamra.Enabled = True End If End Sub * Tạo giao diện tìm kiếm, thống kê - Tìm kiếm thông tin bệnh nhân Cho phép tìm kiếm bệnh nhân theo các tiêu chí: Họ tên, Địa chỉ… Khi tìm thấy bệnh nhân ta có thể xem các thông tin chi tiết của bệnh nhân đó như: Thông tin khám bệnh, thông tin bệnh án, thông tin đơn thuốc, nằm giường, XN/CC… Hình 4.6: Giao diện tìm kiếm thông tin bệnh nhân Hình 4.7: Giao diện thống kê bệnh nhân * Tạo giao diện lập phiếu xét nghiệm Hình 4.8: Giao diện tạo phiếu xét nghiệm Code của Form cập nhật và in phiếu xét nghiệm Dim kt As Boolean Dim nkd As Date Dim ktin As Boolean Private Sub cmdin_Click() DREP.rsPhieuXN.Open nxn = cbngayxn.Text & "/" & cbthangxn.Text & "/" & cbnamxn.Text DREP.rsPhieuXN.Filter = "mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and madt='" & dbmaxn.Text & "' and manv ='" & dbmanv & "' and ketquaxn= '" & txtkq.Text & "'" If DREP.rsPhieuXN.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox (" Kh«ng t×m thÊy d÷ liÖu") DREP.rsPhieuXN.Close Else rpkqxn.Show End If setnull cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub cmdsua_Click() kt = True cmdluu.Enabled = True cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa dbmabn.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call add_ngay(cbngayxn, cbthangxn, cbnamxn) cbngayxn.Text = "1" cbthangxn.Text = "1" cbnamxn.Text = "2009" kt = False ktin = False cmdin.Enabled = False AdodcbaConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcxn.RecordSource = "xncc" Connection.OpenData ("xncc") Adodcxn.Refresh grdxn.Refresh setnull Mo_khoa cmdluu.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdluu_Click() Dim str As String nxn = cbngayxn.Text & "/" & cbthangxn.Text & "/" & cbnamxn.Text Connection.OpenData ("xncc") If (kt = True) Then str = "update xncc set manv = '" & (dbmanv.Text) & "', madt= = '" & (dbmaxn.Text) & "', ngayXN = '" & nxn & "',ketquaXN = '" & (txtkq.Text) & "'where (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv= '" & Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("manv") & "' and madt = '" & Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("madt") & "' and ketquaxn = '" & Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("ketquaxn") & "')" cn.Execute (str) kt = False cmdin.Enabled = True Else If dbmabn.Text = "" Then MsgBox ("B¹n ph¶i nhËp m· bÖnh nh©n") cmdin.Enabled = False Else str = "INSERT INTO xncc(mabn,manv,madt,ngayXN,ketquaXN) VALUES ('" _ & dbmabn.Text & "','" & dbmanv.Text & "','" & dbmaxn.Text & "','" & nxn & "','" & txtkq.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) cmdin.Enabled = True End If End If Connection.Closedata grdxn.Refresh '///////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True dbmabn.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdmoi_Click() setnull Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub cmdvecuoi_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcxn.Recordset.MoveLast cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvedau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcxn.Recordset.MoveFirst cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvesau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcxn.Recordset.MoveNext grdxn.Refresh If Adodcxn.Recordset.EOF = True Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True Else cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvetruoc_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcxn.Recordset.MovePrevious grdxn.Refresh If Adodcxn.Recordset.BOF = True Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Else cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdxoa_Click() Dim str As String Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult cmdluu.Enabled = True nxn = cbngayxn.Text & "/" & cbthangxn.Text & "/" & cbnamxn.Text response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xo¸ b¶n ghi nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else Connection.OpenData ("xncc") str = "DELETE * FROM xncc WHERE mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and madt='" & dbmaxn.Text & "' and manv ='" & dbmanv & "' and ketquaxn= '" & txtkq.Text & "'" ' and ngayxn = '" & nxn & "' and day(ngayxn)='" & cbngayxn.Text & " and month(ngayxn)='" & cbthangxn.Text & "' and year(ngayxn)='" & cbnamxn.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) End If setnull Lammoi Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub setnull() cmdluu.Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = "" dbmanv.Text = "" dbmaxn.Text = "" txtkq.Text = "" cbngayxn.Text = "1" cbthangxn.Text = "1" cbnamxn.Text = "2009" End Sub Private Sub grdxn_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdluu.Enabled = False If (Adodcxn.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcxn.Recordset.EOF = False) Then dbmabn.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbmaxn.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("madt").Value Call layngay(Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("ngayXN"), cbngayxn, cbthangxn, cbnamxn) txtkq.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("ketquaXN").Value khoa cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcxn.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcxn.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() cogt cmdluu.Enabled = False cmdsua.Enabled = True If (Adodcxn.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcxn.Recordset.EOF = False) Then dbmabn.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbmaxn.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("madt").Value Call layngay(Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("ngayXN"), cbngayxn, cbthangxn, cbnamxn) txtkq.Text = Adodcxn.Recordset.Fields("ketquaXN").Value khoa If Adodcxn.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False End If If Adodcxn.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodcxn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcxn.RecordSource = "xncc" Connection.OpenData ("xncc") Adodcxn.Refresh End Sub Private Sub khoa() dbmabn.Locked = True dbmanv.Locked = True dbmaxn.Locked = True cbngayxn.Locked = True cbthangxn.Locked = True cbnamxn.Locked = True txtkq.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() dbmabn.Locked = False dbmanv.Locked = False dbmaxn.Locked = False cbngayxn.Locked = False cbthangxn.Locked = False cbnamxn.Locked = False txtkq.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub cogt() dbmabn.Enabled = True dbmanv.Enabled = True dbmaxn.Enabled = True txtkq.Enabled = True cbngayxn.Enabled = True cbthangxn.Enabled = True cbnamxn.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub txtmabn_Change() Dim st As String If Trim(txtmabn.Text = "") Then Adodcxn.Refresh grdxn.Refresh Else If Trim(txtmabn.Text) "" Then If st "" Then st = st + " and " + "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" Else st = "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" End If End If Adodcxn.Recordset.Filter = st grdxn.Refresh End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Thiết kế giao diện cập nhật bệnh nhân nằm giường và in hóa đơn Code Dim kt As Boolean Dim nn As Date Dim nt As Date Private Sub cmdin_Click() DREP.rshoadongiuong.Open nn = cbngaynhan.Text & "/" & cbthangnhan.Text & "/" & cbnamnhan.Text nt = cbngaytra.Text & "/" & cbthangtra.Text & "/" & cbnamtra.Text DREP.rshoadongiuong.Filter = "mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "'and sogiuong = '" & dbg.Text & "' and ngaynhan = '" & nn & "' and ngaytra = '" & nt & "'" RPhoadongiuong.Show setnull cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa cogt anngay cmdtra.Visible = False lbtra.Visible = False cmdin.Visible = False End Sub '/////CAP NHAT TRA GIUONG Private Sub cmdtra_Click() Dim str As String Connection.OpenData ("BNG") nt = cbngaytra.Text & "/" & cbthangtra.Text & "/" & cbnamtra.Text str = "update BNG set ngaytra = '" & nt & "' where (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "'and sogiuong = '" & dbg.Text & "' and day(ngaynhan)='" & cbngaynhan.Text & "' and month(ngaynhan)='" & cbthangnhan.Text & "' and year(ngaynhan)='" & cbnamnhan.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) MsgBox (" CËp nhËt thµnh c«ng") grdg.Refresh Adodcg.Refresh Connection.Closedata Lammoi cmdin.Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub optcn_Click() matgt cbngaytra.Enabled = True cbthangtra.Enabled = True cbnamtra.Enabled = True cbngaynhan.Enabled = False cbthangnhan.Enabled = False cbnamnhan.Enabled = False cbngaytra.Locked = False cbthangtra.Locked = False cbnamtra.Locked = False If optcn.Value = True Then lbtra.Visible = True hienngay cmdtra.Visible = True cmdin.Visible = True cmdin.Enabled = False End If cbngaytra.Text = "1" cbthangtra.Text = "1" cbnamtra.Text = "2009" End Sub '//////// TIM KIEM THEO MA BENH NHAN Private Sub txtmabn_Change() Dim st As String If Trim(txtmabn.Text = "") Then Adodcg.Refresh grdpg.Refresh Else If Trim(txtmabn.Text) "" Then If st "" Then st = st + " and " + "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" Else st = "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" End If End If Adodcpg.Recordset.Filter = st grdpg.Refresh End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdsua_Click() cmdtra.Visible = False kt = True cmdluu.Enabled = True cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa dbmabn.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() optcn.Visible = False cmdtra.Visible = False cmdsua.Enabled = False cmdxoa.Enabled = False lbtra.Visible = False anngay cmdin.Visible = False Call add_ngay(cbngaynhan, cbthangnhan, cbnamnhan) Call add_ngay(cbngaytra, cbthangtra, cbnamtra) cbngaynhan.Text = "1" cbthangnhan.Text = "1" cbnamnhan.Text = "2009" cbngaytra.Text = "1" cbthangtra.Text = "1" cbnamtra.Text = "2009" '//////////// kt = False cmdin.Enabled = False Adodcg.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcg.RecordSource = "BNG" Connection.OpenData ("BNG") Adodcg.Refresh grdg.Refresh setnull Mo_khoa End Sub '///////////////////////// Private Sub cmdluu_Click() Dim str As String nn = cbngaynhan.Text & "/" & cbthangnhan.Text & "/" & cbnamnhan.Text nt = cbngaytra.Text & "/" & cbthangtra.Text & "/" & cbnamtra.Text Connection.OpenData ("BNG") If (kt = True) Then str = "update BNG set sogiuong = '" & (dbg.Text) & "', ngaynhan = '" & nn & "', ngaytra ='" & nt & "' where ( mabn = '" _ & dbmabn.Text & "' and sogiuong = '" & Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("sogiuong") & "')" cn.Execute (str) kt = False Else If dbmabn.Text = "" Then MsgBox (" B¹n ch­a nhËp m· bÖnh nh©n. NhËp m·") Else str = "INSERT INTO BNG(mabn,sogiuong,ngaynhan) VALUES ('" _ & dbmabn.Text & "','" & dbg.Text & "','" & nn & "')" cn.Execute (str) MsgBox (" CËp nhËt thµnh c«ng") End If End If Connection.Closedata grdg.Refresh '///////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdtra.Visible = False optcn.Visible = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdin.Enabled = True dbmabn.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdmoi_Click() cmdtra.Visible = False setnull Mo_khoa optcn.Value = False optcn.Visible = False lbtra.Visible = False anngay cmdsua.Enabled = False cmdxoa.Enabled = False cmdin.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdvecuoi_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcg.Recordset.MoveLast cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvedau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcg.Recordset.MoveFirst cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvesau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcg.Recordset.MoveNext grdg.Refresh If Adodcg.Recordset.EOF = True Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True Else cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvetruoc_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcg.Recordset.MovePrevious grdg.Refresh If Adodcg.Recordset.BOF = True Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Else cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub '///////////XOA THONG TIN Private Sub cmdxoa_Click() Dim str As String Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult cmdtra.Visible = False cmdluu.Enabled = True nn = cbngaynhan.Text & "/" & cbthangnhan.Text & "/" & cbnamnhan.Text nt = cbngaytra.Text & "/" & cbthangtra.Text & "/" & cbnamtra.Text response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xo¸ b¶n ghi nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else '//// Xoa du lieu o bang BNG Connection.OpenData ("BNG") str = "DELETE * FROM BNG WHERE (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "'and sogiuong = '" & dbg.Text & "' and day(ngaynhan)= '" & cbngaynhan.Text & "' and month(ngaynhan) ='" & cbthangnhan.Text & "' and year(ngaynhan) = '" & cbnamnhan.Text & "' and day(ngaytra)= '" & cbngaytra.Text & "' and month(ngaytra) ='" & cbthangtra.Text & "' and year(ngaytra) = '" & cbnamtra.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) End If setnull '////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub setnull() cmdluu.Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = "" dbg.Text = "" cbngaynhan.Text = "1" cbthangnhan.Text = "1" cbnamnhan.Text = "2009" cbngaytra.Text = "1" cbthangtra.Text = "1" cbnamtra.Text = "2009" End Sub Private Sub grdg_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cmdtra.Visible = False cmdsua.Enabled = True cmdxoa.Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdluu.Enabled = False If (Adodcg.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcg.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien dbmabn.Text = Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbg.Text = Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("sogiuong").Value Call layngay(Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaynhan"), cbngaynhan, cbthangnhan, cbnamnhan) If Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaytra").Value "" Then Call layngay(Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaytra"), cbngaytra, cbthangtra, cbnamtra) optcn.Visible = False ' an di lbtra.Visible = True ' hien len hienngay cmdin.Visible = True Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbtra.Visible = False ' an di anngay cmdin.Visible = False End If cogt khoa cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcg.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcg.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() cogt cmdtra.Visible = False cmdluu.Enabled = False cmdsua.Enabled = True If (Adodcg.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcg.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien cmdsua.Enabled = True cmdxoa.Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbg.Text = Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("sogiuong").Value Call layngay(Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaynhan"), cbngaynhan, cbthangnhan, cbnamnhan) If Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaytra").Value "" Then Call layngay(Adodcg.Recordset.Fields("ngaytra"), cbngaytra, cbthangtra, cbnamtra) optcn.Visible = False ' an di lbtra.Visible = True ' hien len hienngay cmdin.Visible = True Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbtra.Visible = False ' an di anngay End If cogt khoa If Adodcg.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False End If If Adodcg.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodcg.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcg.RecordSource = "BNG" Connection.OpenData ("BNG") Adodcg.Refresh End Sub Private Sub khoa() dbmabn.Locked = True dbg.Locked = True cbngaynhan.Locked = True cbthangnhan.Locked = True cbnamnhan.Locked = True cbngaytra.Locked = True cbthangtra.Locked = True cbnamtra.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() dbmabn.Locked = False dbg.Locked = False cbngaynhan.Locked = False cbthangnhan.Locked = False cbnamnhan.Locked = False cbngaytra.Locked = False cbthangtra.Locked = False cbnamtra.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub matgt() dbmabn.Enabled = False dbg.Enabled = False cbngaynhan.Enabled = True cbthangnhan.Enabled = True cbnamnhan.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cogt() dbmabn.Enabled = True dbg.Enabled = True cbngaynhan.Enabled = True cbthangnhan.Enabled = True cbnamnhan.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub anngay() cbngaytra.Visible = False cbnamtra.Visible = False cbthangtra.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub hienngay() cbngaytra.Visible = True cbnamtra.Visible = True cbthangtra.Visible = True End Sub Thiết kế giao diện cập nhật đơn thuốc Đoạn code của Form cập nhật đơn thuốc Dim ktsua As Boolean Dim ktnhap As Boolean Dim ktt As Boolean Dim nkd As Date Private Sub cmdin_Click() DREP.rsdonthuocrp.Open nkd = cbngaykd.Text & "/" & cbthangkd.Text & "/" & cbnamkd.Text DREP.rsdonthuocrp.Filter = "mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv='" & dbmanv.Text & "' and ngaykedon = '" & nkd & "'" rpdonthuoc.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdsuath_Click() ktsua = True ktnhap = False ktt = False Mo_khoa cmdluu(1).Enabled = True dbmabn.Enabled = False dbmanv.Enabled = False cbngaykd.Enabled = False cbthangkd.Enabled = False cbnamkd.Enabled = False dbmath.Enabled = False End Sub '/////////Them thuoc Private Sub cmdthem_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False cmdsuath.Enabled = False dbmath.Text = "" txtsl.Text = "" txtcd.Text = "" cmdluu(1).Enabled = True ktsua = False ktnhap = False dbmath.Locked = False txtsl.Locked = False txtcd.Locked = False ktt = True End Sub '///////////Xoa thuoc Private Sub cmdxoath_Click() Dim str As String cmdluu(1).Enabled = True Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xoa thuèc nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else '//// Xoa du lieu o bang thuoc Connection.OpenData ("donthuoc") str = "DELETE * FROM donthuoc WHERE mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "'and manv= '" & dbmanv.Text & "'and mathuoc = '" & dbmath.Text & "'" cn.Execute (str) End If '////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call add_ngay(cbngaykd, cbthangkd, cbnamkd) cbngaykd.Text = "1" cbthangkd.Text = "1" cbnamkd.Text = "2009" cmdthem(0).Enabled = False cmdsuath.Enabled = False cmdxoath.Enabled = False ktnhap = True ktsua = False ktt = False AdodcbaConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcdt.RecordSource = "donthuoc" Connection.OpenData ("donthuoc") Adodcdt.Refresh grddt.Refresh setnull Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub cmdluu_Click(Index As Integer) Dim str As String nkd = cbngaykd.Text & "/" & cbthangkd.Text & "/" & cbnamkd.Text Connection.OpenData ("donthuoc") If (ktsua = True) Then If IsNumeric(txtsl.Text) = False Then MsgBox ("NhËp l¹i sè l­îng kiªu sè") Else str = "update donthuoc set soluong = '" & (txtsl.Text) & "',cachdung = '" & txtcd.Text & "' where (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv= '" & dbmanv.Text & "'and mathuoc= '" & dbmath.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) End If End If If ktnhap = True Then If (dbmabn.Text = "") Or (dbmanv.Text = "") Or (dbmath.Text = "") Then MsgBox ("NhËp thiÕu th«ng tin. NhËp l¹i.") Else If IsNumeric(txtsl.Text) = False Then MsgBox ("NhËp l¹i sè l­îng kiªu sè") Else sql = "INSERT INTO donthuoc(mabn,manv,mathuoc,soluong,cachdung,ngaykedon) VALUES ('" _ & (dbmabn.Text) & "','" & (dbmanv.Text) & "','" & (dbmath.Text) & "','" & (txtsl.Text) & "', '" & (txtcd.Text) & "','" & nkd & "')" cn.Execute (sql) cmdthem(0).Enabled = True cmdsuath.Enabled = True cmdxoath.Enabled = True cmdluu(1).Enabled = False End If End If End If If ktt = True Then If IsNumeric(txtsl.Text) = False Then MsgBox ("NhËp l¹i sè l­îng kiªu sè") Else str = "INSERT INTO donthuoc(mabn,manv,mathuoc,soluong,cachdung,ngaykedon) VALUES ('" _ & (dbmabn.Text) & "','" & (dbmanv.Text) & "','" & (dbmath.Text) & "','" & (txtsl.Text) & "', '" & (txtcd.Text) & "','" & nkd & "')" cn.Execute (str) ktt = False dbmath.Text = "" txtsl.Text = "" txtcd.Text = "" cmdluu(1).Enabled = False End If End If grddt.Refresh Adodcdt.Refresh Connection.Closedata '///////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa dbmabn.Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdmoi_Click(Index As Integer) setnull Mo_khoa cmdluu(1).Enabled = True dbmabn.Enabled = True cmdthem(0).Enabled = False cmdsuath.Enabled = False cmdxoath.Enabled = False ktnhap = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvecuoi_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcdt.Recordset.MoveLast cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvedau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcdt.Recordset.MoveFirst cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvesau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcdt.Recordset.MoveNext grddt.Refresh If Adodcdt.Recordset.EOF = True Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True Else cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True End If Hienthi End Sub Private Sub cmdvetruoc_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu(1).Enabled = False Adodcdt.Recordset.MovePrevious grddt.Refresh If Adodcdt.Recordset.BOF = True Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Else cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End If Hienthi End Sub '///////////Xoa ca don thuoc Private Sub cmdxoa_Click(Index As Integer) Dim str As String Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult cmdluu(1).Enabled = True nkd = cbngaykd.Text & "/" & cbthangkd.Text & "/" & cbnamkd.Text response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn d¬n thuèc nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else Connection.OpenData ("donthuoc") str = "DELETE * FROM donthuoc WHERE (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv= '" & dbmanv.Text & "')" ' day(ngaykedon)='" & cbngaykd.Text & "' and month(ngaykedon)='" & cbthangkd.Text & "' and year(ngaykedon)='" & cbnamkd.Text & "')" ' and ngaykedon =nkd )" cn.Execute (str) End If Lammoi Mo_khoa setnull End Sub Private Sub setnull() cmdluu(1).Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = "" dbmanv.Text = "" dbmath.Text = "" txtsl.Text = "0" txtcd.Text = "" cbngaykd.Text = "1" cbthangkd.Text = "1" cbnamkd.Text = "2009" End Sub Private Sub grddt_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cogt cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdluu(1).Enabled = False cmdsuath.Enabled = True cmdxoath.Enabled = True cmdthem(0).Enabled = True If (Adodcdt.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcdt.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien dbmabn.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbmath.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("mathuoc").Value Call layngay(Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("ngaykedon"), cbngaykd, cbthangkd, cbnamkd) txtsl.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("soluong").Value txtcd.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("cachdung").Value khoa cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcdt.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcdt.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() cogt cmdluu(1).Enabled = False cmdsuath.Enabled = True cmdxoath.Enabled = True cmdthem(0).Enabled = True If (Adodcdt.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcdt.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien dbmabn.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbmath.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("mathuoc").Value Call layngay(Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("ngaykedon"), cbngaykd, cbthangkd, cbnamkd) txtsl.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("soluong").Value txtcd.Text = Adodcdt.Recordset.Fields("cachdung").Value khoa If Adodcdt.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False End If If Adodcdt.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False End If End If End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodcdt.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcdt.RecordSource = "donthuoc" Connection.OpenData ("donthuoc") Adodcdt.Refresh End Sub Private Sub khoa() dbmabn.Locked = True dbmanv.Locked = True dbmath.Locked = True cbngaykd.Locked = True cbthangkd.Locked = True cbnamkd.Locked = True txtcd.Locked = True txtsl.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() dbmabn.Locked = False dbmanv.Locked = False dbmath.Locked = False cbngaykd.Locked = False cbthangkd.Locked = False cbnamkd.Locked = False txtcd.Locked = False txtsl.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub cogt() dbmabn.Enabled = True dbmanv.Enabled = True dbmath.Enabled = True txtsl.Enabled = True txtcd.Enabled = True cbngaykd.Enabled = True cbthangkd.Enabled = True cbnamkd.Enabled = True End Sub Thiết kế giao diện cập nhật và in phiếu khám bệnh Code của Form cập nhật và in phiếu khám bệnh Dim kt As Boolean Dim nkb As Date '///////////// In Phieu kham benh Private Sub cmdin_Click() DREP.rsphieuKB.Open nkb = cbngaykb.Text & "/" & cbthangkb.Text & "/" & cbnamkb.Text DREP.rsphieuKB.Filter = "mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv='" & dbmanv.Text & "' and sophong ='" & dbp.Text & "' and yckham = '" & txtyckb.Text & "' and ngaykham = '" & nkb & "'" RPPhieuKB.Show setnull cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa End Sub '///////////// Cap nhat ket qua kham benh Private Sub cmdkq_Click() Dim str As String nkb = cbngaykb.Text & "/" & cbthangkb.Text & "/" & cbnamkb.Text str = "update dongkb1 set kqkham = '" & (txtkqkb.Text) & "'where (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "'and manv = '" & dbmanv.Text & "' and sophong = '" & dbp.Text & "' and yckham = '" & txtyckb.Text & "' and day(ngaykham)= '" & cbngaykb.Text & "' and month(ngaykham) ='" & cbthangkb.Text & "' and year(ngaykham) = '" & cbnamkb.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) MsgBox (" CËp nhËt thµnh c«ng") Lammoi setnull cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True optcn.Value = False optcn.Visible = False lbk.Visible = False txtkqkb.Visible = False cmdkq.Visible = False Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub optcn_Click() matgt txtkqkb.Enabled = True txtkqkb.Locked = False If optcn.Value = True Then lbk.Visible = True txtkqkb.Visible = True txtkqkb.Text = "" cmdkq.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub txtmabn_Change() Dim st As String If Trim(txtmabn.Text = "") Then Adodcpkb.Refresh grdpkb.Refresh Else If Trim(txtmabn.Text) "" Then If st "" Then st = st + " and " + "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" Else st = "mabn like '" + Trim(txtmabn.Text) + "*'" End If End If Adodcpkb.Recordset.Filter = st grdpkb.Refresh End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdsua_Click() cmdkq.Visible = False kt = True cmdluu.Enabled = True cmdin.Enabled = False Mo_khoa dbmabn.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() optcn.Visible = False cmdkq.Visible = False cmdsua.Enabled = False cmdxoa.Enabled = False lbk.Visible = False txtkqkb.Visible = False Call add_ngay(cbngaykb, cbthangkb, cbnamkb) cbngaykb.Text = "1" cbthangkb.Text = "1" cbnamkb.Text = "2009" '//////////// kt = False cmdin.Enabled = False Adodcpkb.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcpkb.RecordSource = "dongKB1" Connection.OpenData ("dongkb1") Adodcpkb.Refresh grdpkb.Refresh setnull Mo_khoa End Sub '///////////////////////// '////////////CAP NHAT THONG TIN KHAM BENH Private Sub cmdluu_Click() Dim str As String cmdkq.Visible = False nkb = cbngaykb.Text & "/" & cbthangkb.Text & "/" & cbnamkb.Text Connection.OpenData ("dongkb1") If (kt = True) Then str = "update dongkb1 set manv = '" & (dbmanv.Text) & "', sophong= = '" & (dbp.Text) & "', ngaykham = '" & nkb & "',yckham = '" & (txtyckb.Text) & "', kqkham = '" & (txtkqkb.Text) & "'where ( mabn = '" _ & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv = '" & Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("manv") & "' and sophong = '" & Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("sophong") & "' and yckham = '" & Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("yckham") & "' and kqkham = '" & Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("kqkham") & "')" cn.Execute (str) kt = False Else If dbmabn.Text = "" Then MsgBox (" B¹n ch­a nhËp m· bÖnh nh©n. NhËp m·") Else str = "INSERT INTO dongkb1(mabn,manv,sophong,ngaykham,yckham) VALUES ('" _ & dbmabn.Text & "','" & dbmanv.Text & "','" & dbp.Text & "','" & nkb & "','" & txtyckb.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) End If End If Connection.Closedata grdpkb.Refresh '///////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa 'optcn.Visible = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdin.Enabled = True dbmabn.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdmoi_Click() cmdkq.Visible = False setnull Mo_khoa optcn.Value = False optcn.Visible = False lbk.Visible = False txtkqkb.Visible = False cmdsua.Enabled = False cmdxoa.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdvecuoi_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcpkb.Recordset.MoveLast cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvedau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcpkb.Recordset.MoveFirst cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvesau_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcpkb.Recordset.MoveNext grdpkb.Refresh If Adodcpkb.Recordset.EOF = True Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True Else cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdvetruoc_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False Adodcpkb.Recordset.MovePrevious grdpkb.Refresh If Adodcpkb.Recordset.BOF = True Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True Else cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End If Hienthi cmdin.Enabled = True End Sub '////////////XOA THONG TIN Private Sub cmdxoa_Click() cmdkq.Visible = False cmdluu.Enabled = True Dim str As String nkb = cbngaykb.Text & "/" & cbthangkb.Text & "/" & cbnamkb.Text Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xo¸ b¶n ghi nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else '//// Xoa du lieu o bang XNCC Connection.OpenData ("dongkb1") str = "DELETE * FROM dongkb1 WHERE (mabn = '" & dbmabn.Text & "' and manv = '" & dbmanv.Text & "' and sophong = '" & dbp.Text & "' and yckham = '" & txtyckb.Text & "' and day(ngaykham)= '" & cbngaykb.Text & "' and month(ngaykham) ='" & cbthangkb.Text & "' and year(ngaykham) = '" & cbnamkb.Text & "')" cn.Execute (str) End If setnull '////////////////////////////////////////////// Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub setnull() cmdluu.Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = "" dbmanv.Text = "" dbp.Text = "" txtyckb.Text = "" cbngaykb.Text = "1" cbthangkb.Text = "1" cbnamkb.Text = "2009" End Sub Private Sub grdpkb_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cmdkq.Visible = False cmdsua.Enabled = True cmdxoa.Enabled = True cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdluu.Enabled = False If (Adodcpkb.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcpkb.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien dbmabn.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbp.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("sophong").Value Call layngay(Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("ngaykham"), cbngaykb, cbthangkb, cbnamkb) txtyckb.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("yckham").Value If Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("kqkham").Value "" Then txtkqkb.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("kqkham").Value optcn.Visible = False ' an di lbk.Visible = True ' hien len txtkqkb.Visible = True Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbk.Visible = False ' an di txtkqkb.Visible = False End If cogt khoa cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True If Adodcpkb.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False cmdvesau(2).Enabled = True cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = True End If If Adodcpkb.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False cmdvedau(0).Enabled = True cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = True End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() cogt cmdkq.Visible = False cmdluu.Enabled = False cmdsua.Enabled = True If (Adodcpkb.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodcpkb.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien cmdsua.Enabled = True cmdxoa.Enabled = True dbmabn.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("mabn").Value dbmanv.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("manv").Value dbp.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("sophong").Value Call layngay(Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("ngaykham"), cbngaykb, cbthangkb, cbnamkb) txtyckb.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("yckham").Value If Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("kqkham").Value "" Then txtkqkb.Text = Adodcpkb.Recordset.Fields("kqkham").Value optcn.Visible = False ' an di lbk.Visible = True ' hien len txtkqkb.Visible = True Else optcn.Visible = True optcn.Value = False lbk.Visible = False ' an di txtkqkb.Visible = False End If khoa If Adodcpkb.Recordset.BOF Then cmdvedau(0).Enabled = False cmdvetruoc(1).Enabled = False End If If Adodcpkb.Recordset.EOF Then cmdvesau(2).Enabled = False cmdvecuoi(3).Enabled = False End If cmdin.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodcpkb.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodcpkb.RecordSource = "dongkb1" Connection.OpenData ("dongkb1") Adodcpkb.Refresh 'Setnull End Sub Private Sub khoa() dbmabn.Locked = True dbmanv.Locked = True dbp.Locked = True cbngaykb.Locked = True cbthangkb.Locked = True cbnamkb.Locked = True txtkqkb.Locked = True txtyckb.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() dbmabn.Locked = False dbmanv.Locked = False dbp.Locked = False cbngaykb.Locked = False cbthangkb.Locked = False cbnamkb.Locked = False txtkqkb.Locked = False txtyckb.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub matgt() dbmabn.Enabled = False dbmanv.Enabled = False dbp.Enabled = False txtyckb.Enabled = False txtkqkb.Enabled = False cbngaykb.Enabled = False cbthangkb.Enabled = False cbnamkb.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cogt() dbmabn.Enabled = True dbmanv.Enabled = True dbp.Enabled = True txtyckb.Enabled = True txtkqkb.Enabled = True cbngaykb.Enabled = True cbthangkb.Enabled = True cbnamkb.Enabled = True End Sub Thiết kế giao diện cập nhật thông tin thành viên Code: Dim kt As Boolean Private Sub cmdluu_Click(Index As Integer) Dim str As String Connection.OpenData ("Quantri") If (kt = True) Then str = "update Quantri set use = '" & (txt1.Text) & "', quyen = '" & quyen & "',pass = '" & txt2.Text & "'" cn.Execute (str) kt = False Else str = "INSERT INTO Quantri (use,pass,) VALUES ('" & txt1.Text & "','" & txt2.Text & "','" & quyen & "')" cn.Execute (str) setnull End If Connection.Closedata DataGrid1.Refresh Adodc1.Refresh Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdsua.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdthem_Click(Index As Integer) kt = False Adodc1.RecordSource = "Quantri" setnull Mo_khoa cmdluu.Enabled = True cmdsua.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdxoa_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = True Dim str As String Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult response = MsgBox(("B¹n cã muèn xoa b¶n ghi nµy kh«ng?"), vbYesNo + vbCritical, ("Thoong baso")) If response = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else Connection.OpenData ("thuoc") str = "DELETE * FROM Quantri " cn.Execute (str) End If Lammoi Mo_khoa cmdsua.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub DataGrid1_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = False If (Adodc1.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = False) Then txt1.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("use").Value txt2.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("pass").Value If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("quyen").Value = "op2" Then op1.Value = False op2.Value = True Else op2.Value = False op1.Value = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataGrid1.Refresh kt = False Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodc1.RecordSource = "Quantri" Connection.OpenData ("Quantri") Adodc1.Refresh DataGrid1.Refresh setnull Mo_khoa End Sub Private Sub cmdsua_Click(Index As Integer) cmdluu.Enabled = True kt = True Mo_khoa cmdsua.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub setnull() txt1.Text = "" txt2.Text = "" op1.Value = True End Sub Private Sub cmdthoat_Click(Index As Integer) Unload Me End Sub Private Sub khoa() txt1.Locked = True txt2.Locked = True End Sub Private Sub Mo_khoa() txt1.Locked = False txt2.Locked = False End Sub Private Sub Lammoi() Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:\nhom3\quanlybenhnhan.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodc1.RecordSource = "Quantri" Connection.OpenData ("Quantri") Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Hienthi() If (Adodc1.Recordset.BOF = False And Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = False) Then '-------------------------------------------------- '// Ket xuat thong tin tu luoi ra dieu khien txt1.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("use").Value txt2.Text = Adodc2.Recordset.Fields("pass").Value End If End Sub Private Sub nam_Click() op1.Value = True op2.Value = False End Sub Private Sub nu_Click() op2.Value = True op1.Value = False End Sub Giao diện phần đăng nhập Code Private Sub cmdcancel_Click() ' Unload Me End End Sub Private Sub cmdok_Click() Dim st As String st = "use like '" + txtten.Text + "' and pass like '" + txtmk.Text + "'" Adodc1.Recordset.Filter = st If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("quyen") = True Then Dangnhap.Hide FrmChinh.cn.Enabled = True FrmChinh.lp.Enabled = True FrmChinh.TK.Enabled = True FrmChinh.admin.Enabled = False Else Dangnhap.Hide FrmChinh.cn.Enabled = True FrmChinh.lp.Enabled = True FrmChinh.TK.Enabled = True FrmChinh.admin.Enabled = True End If Else MsgBox ("B¹n nhËp sai tªn hoÆc mËt khÈu!") txtmk.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtten.Text = "" txtmk.Text = "" End Sub Giao diện chính của chương trình Code Private Sub b_Click() CNBenh.Show End Sub Private Sub benhan_Click() CNbenhan.Show End Sub Private Sub bn_Click() CapnhatBN.Show End Sub Private Sub cnthuoc_Click() capnhatthuoc.Show End Sub Private Sub cntv_Click() Frmadmin.Show End Sub Private Sub cv_Click() cnchuyenvien.Show End Sub Private Sub dn_Click() Dangnhap.Show End Sub Private Sub donthuoc_Click() CNdonthuoc1.Show End Sub Private Sub pkb_Click() khambenh.Show End Sub Private Sub pxn_Click() Phieuxn.Show End Sub Private Sub saoluu_Click() End Sub Private Sub slph_Click() saoluu.Show End Sub Private Sub TKKB_Click() TKe.Show End Sub Private Sub TKTT_Click() TKK.Show End Sub Private Sub tragiuong_Click() hoadongiuong.Show End Sub

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