External organic dyspareunia may be due to an occlusive or
rigid hymen, vaginal contracture due to any cause, or inflammatory
disorders. Traumatic or infectious processes are seen in younger pa-tients and atrophic vulvovaginitis in postmenopausal women.
Organic causes of internal dyspareunia include vaginal disor-ders, severe cervicitis, marked fundal retroposition, uterine prolapse
or neoplasm, tuboovarian disease, pelvic endometriosis, and severe
disorders of the lower urinary tract or colon.
Psychiatric evaluation is indicated if complex psychosexual
problems seem to be present. Specialized techniques of physical ex-amination (e.g., cystoscopy, may be required to rule out organic
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y be marginal.
If the cause of incontinence is atrophic change from estrogen
deficiency, estrogen replacement will result in resolution of stress
incontinence in 10%–30% of postmenopausal women. Vaginal es-
trogen provides the most rapid response, but oral preparations main-
tain the patient’s status as well as do vaginal preparations.
If the patient is taking medications that stimulate ganglionic or
alpha-adrenergic blocking activity (e.g., guanethidine, methyldopa,
or prazosin), discontinuing their use may result in improved ure-
thral tone and improved continence. Alpha-adrenergic agonists (e.g.,
phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine) also may improve stress
Other methods, such as electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor
to increase urethral closure pressure and Teflon or collagen injected
periurethrally to compress the urethral mucosa and cause a mild ob-
struction to urinary flow, have been performed with some success.
Surgical Measures
The goal of surgical procedures for incontinence is to elevate and
support the urethrovesical junction to improve pressure transmis-
sion to the urethra during stress maneuvers. The best results are
obtained if the operative procedure for GSUI is combined with cor-
rection of pelvic support defects. The procedures may be accom-
plished vaginally or abdominally. The cure rate depends on patient
selection, accuracy of preoperative diagnosis, skill of the surgeon,
and length of follow-up. Cure rates for the abdominal procedures
are 85%–90% and for vaginal procedures 75%–85%.
The predominant abdominal procedures are the pubovaginal
sling, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz (MMK) procedure, the Burch pro-
cedure, the paravaginal procedure, or various modifications. With
the exception of the pubovaginal sling, these procedures consist
of placing sutures in the periurethral, vaginal, or perivaginal tissue
to elevate the urethrovesical junction and attaching these sutures to
relatively strong and permanent structures. The MMK uses the
periosteum of the pubic symphysis for suture fixation, whereas the
Burch procedure uses Cooper’s ligaments. The obturator fascia, ar-
cus tendineus of the pelvic fascia, insertion of the rectus fascia, and
the periosteum of the pubic ramus have all been employed in var-
ious modifications.
A pubovaginal sling using autologous fascia (e.g., rectus fascia,
fascia lata, or round ligaments) or synthetic material is accomplished
through a combined vaginal and abdominal approach. The sling is
submucosally passed under the urethra at the urethrovesical junc-
ture and then both ends (or polygycolic sutures attached to the ends)
carried through the endopelvic fascia, space of Retizus, abdominal
musculature (just lateral to the Rectus muscles), and rectus fascia.
The sling or sutures is then loosely tied and/or sutured superficial
to the rectus fascia. This provides excellent support, without undue
restriction, of urethrovesical junction motion. For many authorities,
the pubovaginal sling has become the technique of choice for
difficult cases and most surgical failures. An interval of bladder
reaccomodation is usually managed by intermittent self-catheteri-
zation or use of a suprapubic catheter.
Vaginal procedures for stress incontinence are based on the as-
sumption that weakening of or damage to the endopelvic fascia be-
tween the vagina and bladder is responsible for the poor support.
The initial procedure (Kelly plication) involves an anterior colpor-
rhaphy with plication at the urethrovesical angle through a midline
vaginal incision. Because long-term success is limited using the
endopelvic fascia, employing stronger structures (e.g., autologous
fascia, pubourethral ligaments, periosteum of the pubic ramus, and
pubococcygeus muscles) has met with better results.
Patients with urethral scarring or atony not amenable to stan-
dard surgical therapy may benefit from placement of an artificial
urethral sphincter that obstructs the urethra until the patient desires
to void, at which time the artificial sphincter is emptied by an in-
ternal pumping system to relieve the urethral obstruction and allow
the urine to flow.
Surgical complications include UTI, delayed postoperative
voiding, dyspareunia, frequency-urgency syndrome, and surgically
induced unstable bladder, in addition to iatrogenic damage to the
urinary tract, postoperative fistula, and bladder calculi from sutures
perforating the bladder mucosa.
The prognosis for medical management is usually an improve-
ment in symptoms but not cure. Surgical management is the only
definitive cure for GSUI. A poorer prognosis is likely for patients
who have had a previous surgical failure, low urethral closing pres-
sure at rest, concomitant local disease, combined urinary inconti-
nence (GSUI plus motor urge incontinence), or systemic diseases
that make healing or technical performance of surgery difficult (e.g.,
diabetes mellitus, obesity).
Detrusor instability incontinence results from involuntary uninhib-
ited detrusor muscle contractions. If the cause is neurologic, it is
termed hyperreflexic bladder. Most cases are idiopathic, although
infection and obstruction may contribute.
Because the urine loss is unpredictable and large volumes may
be lost, this condition may cause even more distress than does GSUI.
About 1%–2% of adult females suffer from motor urge incontinence,
with the highest incidence occurring in the geriatric population.
Normal micturition sequence is relaxation of the urethral sphinc-
teric mechanism, followed by contraction of the detrusor muscle
1–3 sec later. The sequence is unchanged in motor urge inconti-
nence, but the patient cannot voluntarily inhibit the action. It may
occur at any bladder volume and may be spontaneous or provoked
by physical, psychologic, tactile, or auditory stimuli. Approximately
25%–50% of patients with motor urge incontinence are incontinent
only with provocation. About one third have concomitant GSUI,
making the distinction difficult. Most feel an urge to void immedi-
ately preceding the episode, but patients with neurologic disease
may have no warning.
The symptoms include urgency, frequency, stress incontinence,
and urge incontinence. Physical examination is usually normal un-
less detrusor hyperreflexia is present with associated neurologic
The diagnosis of motor urge incontinence is suggested by a
several second delay in urine loss during a urinary stress test. The
diagnosis is confirmed by cystometric evidence of involuntary de-
trusor contractions at rest, during bladder filling, or after provoca-
tive maneuvers. A smooth rise in pressure occurring simultaneously
with visible urine leakage is typical. Urethrocystometry confirms
that the involuntary contractions are preceded by a fall in urethral
pressure. Urethroscopy and cystoscopy may reveal bladder trabec-
ulation from hypertrophy of the detrusor muscle fascicles.
The differential diagnosis includes GSUI and sensory urge in-
continence. In the latter, the patient can inhibit the leakage with
strong encouragement, whereas motor urge incontinence cannot be
inhibited. GSUI can be distinguished using provocative cystometry
or simultaneous urethrocystometry.
Behavior modification techniques using hypnosis, biofeedback,
bladder retraining drills, and psychotherapy may be effective if neu-
rologic disease is not responsible for the unstable bladder. Bladder
retraining consists of having the patient void on schedule at inter-
vals that are gradually lengthened in an attempt to regain cortical
control over the voiding reflex. This may be effective in up to 80%
but requires compulsive patient cooperation, and recurrence rates
are high.
Medication will help in 50%–80% of patients and may affect a
cure in 20%–30%. The most effective drugs are anticholinergic
agents, but bladder analgesics, smooth muscle antispasmodics, cal-
cium channel blockers, and prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors have
been effective.
Surgery consisting of such procedures as denervation, cysto-
plasty, and urinary diversion usually are reserved for patients with
severe permanent bladder instability from neurologic disease and
when all other therapy fails.
Occasionally, indwelling catheters are used for patients who are
severely incapacitated, but this adds the risk of chronic infection.
Recurrence rates are high, bladder retraining techniques require
much time and effort, and medications have troublesome side ef-
fects. Hence, motor urge incontinence is likely to be a long-term
problem not easily resolved. Theoretically, bladder retraining is
ideal, since there are no side effects or surgery involved. If the pa-
tient responds initially, she is likely to respond to retraining should
a recurrence develop.
Sensory urge incontinence is diagnosed when incontinence occurs
with a feeling of urgency in a stable bladder without marked de-
scent of the urethra and bladder. The most common causes are
infection, diverticula, neoplasia, foreign body, and psychologic and
neurologic factors.
It is caused by either urethral relaxation or voluntary detrusor
contraction. Normally, as the bladder fills, there is a reflex urge to
urinate that is subconsciously inhibited until the bladder is full. Con-
ditions that irritate the bladder or urethra (e.g., infection, trauma)
over stimulate this reflex, resulting in intermittent urethral relax-
ation. This allows the dribbling of small amounts of urine, which
further stimulates the bladder. If the patient fails to concentrate
on maintaining continence, the detrusor may contract after urethral
relaxation, resulting in a larger volume of urine lost.
Clinical findings typically include a small bladder capacity on
cystometry that normalizes under anesthesia unless scarring is pres-
ent. Urethral pressure profiles or simultaneous urethrocystometry
reveals urethral relaxation or marked variations in urethral pres-
sure. Cystometrograms show no detrusor activity as long as the pa-
tient concentrates on not voiding. Urethroscopy and cystoscopy are
essential to avoid missing local treatable problems.
Therapy is directed toward the direct cause if one is present. Treat in-
fection (urinary or vaginal) with antibiotics. Chronic infection may
have prolonged symptomatology due to the residual inflammation and
edema long after bacteria have been destroyed. Urethral dilatation and
instillation of anti-inflammatory agents into the bladder may provide
relief. Neoplasia, diverticula, and calculi require surgery or lithotripsy.
Estrogen deficiency may be responsible for sensory urge incontinence
and is treated by estrogen replacement vaginally or orally.
The prognosis is good with cure of the underlying disorder.
Chronic causes may result in recurrence or only partial relief.
Overflow incontinence is the result of urinary retention with subse-
quent overflow. Causes of retention are multiple. Neurogenic reten-
tion may be a result of a denervated bladder with diminished or ab-
sent detrusor contractions or from detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia, in
which the urethra fails to relax with voiding attempts. Diabetes and
lower motor neuron disorders are most commonly responsible. Also,
obstruction of the urethra may occur postoperatively, with severe
relaxation of pelvic supports, or from pelvic masses. Medications
(e.g., ganglionic blockers, anticholinergic agents, alpha-adrenergic
agonists, and spinal or epidural anesthesia) may cause overflow in-
continence. Acute or chronic overdistention of the bladder results in
myotonic decompensation and subsequent inability to contract. This
may be idiopathic or psychogenic in origin.
Cystometric findings typically reveal a large bladder capacity
(as much as 1200 mL) with decreased sensation of the bladder and
poor to absent detrusor contractility.
Treatment in cases of acute retention is directed toward drainage to
prevent myotonic decompensation, chronic retention, infection, and
obstructive uropathy. To reduce urethral closing pressure and in-
crease detrusor contractility, alpha-adrenolytic agents (e.g., prazosin,
phenoxybenzamine), striated muscle relaxants (e.g., diazepam,
dantrolene), and cholinergic agents (e.g., bethanecol) are used. If the
patient has chronic urinary retention, intermittent self-catheterization
is helpful.
Urinary leakage will occur whenever the urethral sphincteric mech-
anism is bypassed. Abnormalities, such as fistulas, ectopic ureters,
and urethral diverticula, are the most common causes of bypass in-
continence. Both fistulas and diverticula may mimic GSUI, with
exacerbation during stressful activity. The urinary diverticula may
retain urine until the patient stands upright to walk or increases in-
traabdominal pressure, although the volume lost is usually less than
with GSUI.
Treatment is surgical with a good prognosis if successful. However,
damage to the urethral sphincteric mechanism during surgery will
result in incontinence.
Stress incontinence, sensory urge incontinence, motor urge inconti-
nence, and overflow incontinence may all have psychogenic origins.
Surgery is usually unsuccessful in relieving psychogenic inconti-
nence and should be avoided if possible. Psychiatric and medical
therapy have the best chance of success as long as the patient’s un-
derlying psychologic conflicts are resolved.
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic inflammatory condition almost ex-
clusively of women, most of whom are perimenopausal. It may rep-
resent a defect in the protective glycosaminoglycan layer of the tran-
sitional epithelium (of uncertain origin) or an autoimmune disease.
Urinary frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, discomfort with
voiding, and dyspareunia strongly suggest urinary infection. When
the symptomatology persists despite treatment for minimal urinary
findings (including negative cultures), suspect interstitial cystitis.
Interstitial cystitis is associated with stress or urge incontinence,
which must be confirmed by urodynamic studies. Urethral syn-
drome is commonly a misdiagnosis for interstitial cystitis, but the
latter may be noted in patients with hypersensitive bladders.
Chronicity of the urinary symptoms with suprapubic pain
strongly suggests interstitial cystitis. Cystoscopy typically reveals
a pancystitis and, occasionally, a localized fibrotic scar(s) or ul-
ceration (Hunner’s ulcer). Biopsies disclose chronic inflammation
(including numerous mast cells) in the submucosa and muscularis,
without evidence of cancer.
There is no cure for interstitial cystitis. Analgesics, bladder drill,
or other feedback programs should relieve patients with slight to
moderate interstitial cystitis. In severe cases, bladder distention un-
der anesthesia or instillation of dimethyl sulfoxide or oxycholore-
sene sodium (Chlorpactin WCS-90) may give more lasting relief.
Resection or laser therapy of a Hunner ulcer may be helpful. Cys-
tectomy or urinary diversion may be warranted in severe recalci-
trant cases.
A small, reddened, sensitive, fleshy excrescence at the urethral mea-
tus is called a caruncle. Most caruncles represent eversion (ectro-
pion of the urethra) or infection at the urinary meatus or both; how-
ever, vascular anomalies or benign or malignant tumors also may
cause caruncle formation. The vast majority of caruncles are be-
nign, persistent lesions. Caruncles may occur at any age, but post-
menopausal women are most commonly affected.
Caruncles appear as small, vividly red, sessile or flattened masses
protruding from the urethral meatus. They may bleed, exude, or cause
pain depending on the cause, size, and integrity. Dysuria, frequency,
and urgency are uncommon. Laboratory tests are not diagnostic. If
cancer is suspected, biopsy must be performed.
Estrogen therapy for postmenopausal women and avoidance of
local irritation will probably prevent and even heal caruncle for-
mation. Infections, including STDs, must be treated with appropri-
ate antibiotics. Estrogen (vaginal suppositories of estradiol 0.5 mg
every other night for 3 weeks) may be given before specific ther-
apy in postmenopausal patients who have not been receiving
If the caruncle is not markedly infected or malignant, light ful-
guration under local anesthesia, cryosurgery laser vaporization, or
excision may be performed. If stenosis develops, the urethral mea-
tus must be dilated. The prognosis is excellent in benign cases but
guarded when malignant change has occurred.
Urethral diverticulum is a sacculation caused by (1) congenital cys-
tic dilatation of paraurethral (wolffian) remnants; (2) infection of
the paraurethral glands, with rupture to the urethra; or (3) urinary,
obstetric, or gynecologic injury. Most patients are 40–50 years of
age and multiparous.
The mid- or distal third of the urethra is the usual site. With
congenital malformation, the cystic structure, usually 1–4 cm in di-
ameter, may be an angled or multiloculated cavity. Calculi are pres-
ent in the diverticulum in 10%–20% of patients.
Clinical Findings
Urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, dribbling after urination, dis-
charge of urinous or bloody, purulent fluid following stripping of
the urethra, vaginal pain, dyspareunia, urethral tenderness, pelvic
discomfort, and vaginal fullness occur. There may be indefinite an-
terior vaginal fullness that is periodically painful.
Radiopaque contrast fluid studies generally will outline the di-
verticulum. Ultrasonography is not diagnostic. Insertion of a small
urethral sound will demonstrate a slight stricture of the urethra and
the diverticulum just beyond. Air cystoscopy or panendoscopy will
reveal the diverticular opening in most cases.
Urethrovaginal fistula may follow unsuccessful diverticulectomy or
spontaneous rupture (often during labor), erosion by stone, inci-
sional drainage, or fulguration of the cystic abnormality. Transi-
tional cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma may develop in urethral
diverticula. Stricture of the urethra may be a consequence of ex-
tensive or complicated surgery.
Differential Diagnosis
Urethritis is unassociated with postvoiding discharge or local full-
ness. Urethral abscess is a phase of diverticulum development. Ure-
throcele is not a swelling or herniation but a disengagement of the
urethra from the points of attachment. Tumors may be primary or
secondary and are firm, semifixed, and nontender.
Transvaginal diverticulectomy with urethral catheter drainage for
10 days for patients with a symptomatic urethral cyst usually is
Iatrogenic fistulas may occur in any part of the urinary tract and
result from direct or indirect injury. Occlusions usually involve the
ureter and occur as a result of angulation or obstruction by a su-
ture, scarring after injury, endometriosis or infection or as a com-
plication of the treatment of pelvic cancer. The kidney is rarely dam-
aged directly during gynecologic surgery. The incidence of urinary
tract injury in medical centers in the United States is about 0.8%
following major gynecologic surgery and 0.08% following obstet-
ric surgery.
Postpartum fistulas of the bladder or urethra generally are caused
by continued pressure of the presenting part or by instrumentation.
There is usually a history of prolonged labor (especially of the sec-
ond stage) or complicated operative delivery.
Symptoms and Signs
Unilateral ureteral injury usually causes flank pain, tenderness, and
fever but does not alter the urinary volume. Ureteral injury may re-
sult in constriction of the ureter, fistula, or infection. Escape of urine
from the abdominal or vaginal incision indicates ureteral or blad-
der fistulas or both. Ileus often follows urinary obstruction or ex-
travasation. Urinary infection, especially with partial obstruction of
the ureter, results in chills, fever, renal pain, and costovertebral and
loin tenderness. In the absence of preexisting bacteriuria, complete
obstruction of one ureter usually is asymptomatic. If urine leaks
into the peritoneal cavity, there will be signs of free peritoneal fluid
and peritoneal irritation. If leakage is retroperitoneal, regional pain
and a fluid collection will develop.
Signs of perirenal or psoas inflammation are secondary to
retroperitoneal extravasation or urine. Anuria and uremia follow
complete bilateral ureteral occlusion. In acute cases, rule out de-
hydration, shock, lower nephron nephrosis, and congestive heart
Laboratory Findings
● Passage of a urethral catheter should reveal obstruction.
● Urethroscopy will often expose blockage, perforating suture,
or fistula.
● Cystoscopy will disclose large vesical fistulas, but small fis-
tulas may escape detection.
● Retrograde studies of the urinary tract are especially useful
to rule out ureteral injury. If the ureteral catheters pass read-
ily to both renal pelves and clear urine is returned, ureteral
injury is excluded, except perhaps in a case of a crushing
injury or small perforation. If one of these complications
seems likely, the catheter should be secured in the ureter
for splinting and drainage for the 10–14 days necessary for
Obtain blood creatine and BUN tests to identify renal impairment.
Ultrasonographic or x-ray findings may disclose ureteral obstruc-
tion, fistula, or urinary extravasation. CT is the best radiographic
modality for evaluating ureteral obstruction. It can also assess the
degree of renal compromise, determine the site of a fistula or an
obstruction, and determine the presence of extravasated urine.
Even the freshly occluded kidney will not excrete the contrast
agent on excretory urography. Although the urogram can be used
as a screening test, it is not as sensitive as CT for detecting ex-
travasated urine. Moreover, the presence of intestinal gas will re-
duce the clarity of the roentgenogram.
Retrograde urography may be useful when a ureteral catheter is
blocked by an occlusion. A radiopaque catheter should be used so
that the level of the obstruction can be observed on the film. Injec-
tion of a contrast medium into a Braach bulb catheter may reveal a
fistula above the bulb fixed in the most distal portion of the ureter.
Bladder Fistula and Extravasation
Obtain an anteroposterior scout film of the pelvis. Fill the bladder
with 50 mL of suitable radiopaque medium in 200 mL of water, and
take a second film. Drain the bladder, and obtain a third film at
once. Slight extravasation, not visible in the second film, may be
clearly seen in the third.
Peritonitis is the most serious complication of urinary tract injury.
Anuria or oliguria may be associated with fatal uremia after bilat-
eral ureteral occlusion. Other complications are psoas or perirenal
abscess or thrombophlebitis. Urinary tract infection usually follows
partial ureteral obstruction.
Clear, yellowish, odorless drainage from the abdominal wound may
represent ascites or exudative peritoneal fluid, an antecedent of
wound dehiscence. Thin, brownish discharge from an abdominal or
vaginal suture line may be serum from a seroma or hematoma. In
ureteral obstruction, oliguria or anuria may be due to shock, dehy-
dration, or lower nephron nephrosis; abdominal distention may in-
dicate dynamic ileus caused by intestinal obstruction or adynamic
ileus due to peritonitis; fever may be due to an infected wound,
peritonitis, or thrombophlebitis; and kidney pain and costovertebral
or flank tenderness may be due to nephrolithiasis, ureterolithiasis,
or pyelonephritis.
Adequate preliminary studies of the urinary tract and full knowledge
of the anatomy and pathologic processes involved are essential
before surgery. The ureters should be catheterized and identified ini-
tially in all difficult cases, and the wire stylet should be left in the
ureteral catheter for identification—to prevent the ureter from be-
ing cut or clamped by mistake.
All structures must be identified before clamping, incision, and
ligation, and care must be taken to prevent undue traction and need-
less denudation of the ureter and base of the bladder. Only fine ab-
sorbable sutures should be used in or around the urinary tract. Mul-
tiple ligatures should not be used for hemorrhage. Instead, pressure
should be applied and a single bleeding point secured. The integrity
of the bladder and the course of the ureters must be traced at the com-
pletion of each abdominal operation if surgery was near the ureter.
The surgeon should personally remove ureteral catheters after
surgery if it is decided not to leave them in place. A hang-up may
indicate ureteral constriction.
Emergency Measures
Treat shock, blood loss, and dehydration as indicated and catheter-
ize the bladder. If oliguria or anuria is present, obtain creatine and
BUN. Check the specific gravity of the urine.
Surgical Measures
Bilateral Ureteral Obstruction
If both ureters are obstructed and the patient is a poor surgical risk,
nephrostomy or unilateral tube ureterostomy is preferred. Use the
largest urethral catheter that will enter the ureter. The other kidney
should not be left obstructed for more than a few days. As soon as
the patient becomes a satisfactory operative risk, relieve the second
blocked kidney by nephrostomy or tube ureterostomy. Deligation
alone is not satisfactory unless it can be performed easily. If deli-
gation is done, insert a splinting catheter through a longitudinal in-
cision several centimeters above the point of obstruction, pass it
to the kidney, bring it out from the urethra, and fix it to a Foley
retention catheter for 10–14 days. Then remove both catheters. The
retroperitoneal area must always be drained through a separate
lower quadrant or flank stab wound.
A gallbladder T tube can be used in lieu of a catheter when
the cross arm of the T is notched at the vertical segment; the
ureter is incised longitudinally several centimeters about the defect;
the tube is inserted so that its lower arm splints the point of injury;
the upper arm of the tube is fixed in the proximal ureter, and the
long arm is carried out retroperitoneally through a stab wound in
the flank; a drain is placed in the retroperitoneal space underlying
the T tube and allowed to remain until drainage ceases (about 1 week
after removal of the tube).
Vesicoperitoneal Fistula
Perform laparotomy as soon as the diagnosis is established. With
closure of the fistula in two layers using fine catgut, avoid the mu-
cosa in suturing. Drain the bladder by cystostomy or with a Foley
retention catheter, and use pelvic suction drainage for about 7 days.
Vesicovaginal Fistula
Treat local infection by removing old sutures and concretions and
by giving systemic antibiotics. Repair is indicated as outlined for
vesicoperitoneal fistula. In general, attempts at closure should be
delayed until 4 months or more after injury, although the use of
steroids and intensive antibiotics may allow more immediate repair.
All but large, inaccessible, immobile vesicovaginal fistulas (85%–
90% of the total) should be closed transvaginally.
Ureterovesicovaginal Fistula
Close the fistula abdominally using relatively few fine, absorbable,
interrupted mattress sutures and avoiding the mucosa. Pursestring
sutures should not be used.
Reimplantation of the severely damaged or severed ureter into
the bladder (ureteroneocystostomy) is preferable to ureteroenteros-
tomy on the same side. The bladder should be drained by cystostomy
or with a Foley retention catheter, and suction drainage should be
used for about 7 days.
Ligation of the damaged ureter and sacrifice of the kidney on
the involved side are almost always contraindicated. The opposite
kidney may be deficient or it may fail.
Most ureteral repairs are successful if performed carefully and if
urinary and extraperitoneal drainage is ensured. Very small vesico-
vaginal fistulas often close spontaneously if the bladder can be kept
collapsed and infection prevented. Urethral fistulas are notoriously
resistant to spontaneous closure if a urethral catheter is used. Many
heal well, however, when simply repaired and when a cystostomy
is used instead of a urethral catheter.
Common lesions of the anal canal are shown in Figure 30-12.
Proctalgia fugax, so-called rectal spasm or rectal neuralgia, is a
sudden cramping rectal pain of short duration. It is uncommon, and
its cause is not known. However, partial intussusception of redun-
dant rectal mucosa is suspected. Cramping rectal pain begins with-
out warning, ranges in intensity from marked to agonizing, and tends
to recur. The discomfort starts low in the rectum and moves higher
(perhaps combined with the urge to defecate). Pain is associated
with sweating, agitation, and even collapse. It subsides gradually,
leaving the patient weak and shaken.
FIGURE 30-12. Common lesions of the anal canal.
(From J.L. Wilson, Handbook of Surgery, 5th ed. Lange, 1973.)
Rectal examination readily differentiates proctalgia fugax from
thrombosed hemorrhoids, fissure in ano, or abscess. The pain of
factitial proctitis, which may follow intravaginal radium therapy or
local treatment of acute rectal disease, is constant and is accompa-
nied by rectal bleeding and ulceration. Sigmoidorectal obstruction
causes extreme, unrelenting, progressive pain and is not likely to
Ample sedation and filling of the rectum with 200–300 mL of
air or warm fluid may give dramatic relief. Recurrent attacks may
be treated by submucosal injections of a solution containing 4% phe-
nol, 50% glycerine, and water. Injections of 1 mL each at four points
1 cm apart just below the rectosigmoid junction may be curative.
(See Condylomata Acuminata, p. 578)
Hemorrhoids (“piles”) are anorectal varicosities caused by lax
pelvic veins and venous stasis. Internal hemorrhoids lie above the
anorectal or mucocutaneous dentate line and are derived from the
superior and middle hemorrhoidal veins. They usually are located
in the right anterior and both posterior quadrants of the rectum. In-
ternal hemorrhoids are covered by a thin rectal mucosa and are
innervated by autonomic nerves. External hemorrhoids develop be-
low the mucocutaneous line and may appear in any quadrant. They
are covered by skin, are supplied by the inferior hemorrhoidal vein,
and are innervated by cutaneous nerves. Combined external and in-
ternal hemorrhoids are uncommon, but they may be serious if they
involve at least a third of the anorectal margin.
Hemorrhoids cause itching, pain (the most severe occurs with
thrombosis), protrusion, and bleeding. Most women with hemor-
rhoids develop them during pregnancy or delivery. Never assume
that hemorrhoids are the cause of bleeding from the bowel until
careful and complete physical, proctologic, and laboratory studies
have failed to reveal cancer, a benign tumor, or other local or sys-
temic disease.
Prevention includes good bowel habits, avoidance of straining,
and prompt treatment of diarrhea and anorectal disorders. No ther-
apy is required for asymptomatic hemorrhoids. Stool softeners, lax-
atives, and fiber-rich foods together with ample fluids should be
Hemorrhoids causing mild or infrequent symptoms are treated
with warm sitz baths, astringent ointments, or suppositories and oral
analgesics. Avoid using sensitizing local anesthetics or antibiotics.
Take measures to correct faulty bowel function.
Hemorrhoids with moderate symptoms (large or prolapsed hem-
orrhoids) should be treated as for mild symptoms. One hemorrhoid
a week may be injected with 1 mL of 5% quinine and urea solu-
tion or 5% sodium morrhuate solution using a 22-gauge needle.
Hemorrhoids with severe symptoms (large or strangulated hemor-
rhoids) are acutely painful. These and thrombosed external hemor-
rhoids should be incised under local anesthesia and the clot re-
moved. For the first 24 h after clot formation, treat as for mild
symptoms. Later, consider hemorrhoidectomy.
Symptomatic hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be treated
for mild symptoms if possible. Hemorrhoidectomy should be de-
ferred until after the puerperium.
Open radial hemorrhoidectomy (vascular ligation and excision)
is the preferred surgical method. A cleansing enema should be ad-
ministered before hemorrhoidectomy. Avoid packs or drains after
surgery. Cover the incision with moist gel sponge. The patient
should receive daily sitz baths, mild laxatives, and parenteral anal-
gesics. Antibiotics may be given if needed. Perform gentle digital
rectal dilation 5–7 days postoperatively and repeat two or three
times every 5–7 days to prevent bridging and fistula formation.
Complications of hemorrhoidectomy include postoperative bleed-
ing, perianal hematoma, infection, fecal impaction, delayed healing
(with granulation tissue), rectal stenosis, and recurrence of hemor-
rhoids. Hemorrhoids are never precancerous, but cancer may co-
exist. Hemorrhoidectomy is curative. Hemorrhoids are unlikely to
be permanently cured by injection therapy, but complications are
Anorectal mucosal lacerations occur frequently as a result of sud-
den or marked distention (e.g., during a difficult bowel movement).
Acute fissures, although temporarily painful and perhaps associated
with scant bleeding, generally heal rapidly. Chronic fissures may
be persistent: either they fail to heal, or they heal and break down.
Recurrent fissures may be associated with the eventual development
of a sentinel pile, hypertrophic papillae, and anal spasm (especially
painful on rectal examination).
Treatment of acute fissures is the same as that for hemorrhoids
with mild symptoms. A single application of a mild styptic, such as
1% silver nitrate solution, may be beneficial.
For chronic or recurrent fissures, surgical excision of the sen-
tinel pile or papilla and the fissure, preferably without suture clo-
sure, may be required. Postoperative care is similar to that after
Anal fistula (Fig. 30-13) is a chronically suppurating rectoperineal
tract usually caused by pyogenic bacteria, often after obstetric
trauma. A complete fistula has an internal (rectal) opening and one
of more external (perianal) openings. An incomplete or blind fis-
tula has an internal opening only.
Many others are associated with repair of a third-degree or
fourth-degree perineal laceration. Anal fistulas also develop from
an anal crypt, usually preceded by anal abscess.
Pain is reported when the fistula closes temporarily, suppura-
tion develops, and drainage brings relief. Periodic soiling by fecal
discharge is a common complaint. If the internal opening of a com-
plete fistula is above the sphincter, involuntary passage of flatus is
reported commonly.
FIGURE 30-13. Cross-section of muscles of anal wall showing usual paths
of anal fistulas.
(From J.L. Wilson, Handbook of Surgery, 5th ed. Lange, 1973.)
Devious sinus tracts cause difficulty in identification of the in-
ternal opening. Injection of 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts
methylene blue into the external openings releases oxygen by con-
tact with the discharges. The blue dye is carried through the tract,
and on anoscopic examination, the colored solution can be seen to
bubble from the opening. For x-ray studies, injection of iodized oil
(Lipiodol) may outline the fistulous tract.
Intestinal parasites should be identified by means of scrapings.
Proper closure of an episiotomy or a complete perineal laceration
usually will prevent fistula in ano. Prompt and adequate treatment
of proctitis should prevent fistula in ano.
Chemotherapy should be used if parasites (e.g., Eilistlytica) are
present. Incision of the entire fistula with excision of all portions of
the tract is the only curative treatment. If the fistula is not totally
exposed and removed, recurrence is likely.
Anal incontinence follows obstetric lacerations, anorectal operations
(especially fistulectomy), and neurologic disorders involving spinal
nerves S2–4. When incontinence is the result of trauma or a com-
plication of surgery, operative correction is indicated after the in-
flammation has subsided and initial healing is complete. Most se-
rious lacerations due to childbirth injury should not be repaired until
about 6 months after delivery.
Anal cancer—almost always squamous cell type—represents only
1%–2% of all cancers of the colon, rectum, and anus. The cause is
not known, but chronic granulomatous anal lesions are suspected.
Anal cancer appears as a slightly raised, firm, ulcerative, and
slightly tender area. Anal cancer is frequently confused with chronic
fissures in ano or bleeding hemorrhoids and is treated palliatively.
It may be difficult to cure if the cancer extends upward into the
sphincter and around the anus and metastasizes to the inguinal
Biopsy of suspected or frankly tumorous anal lesions should be
done under local anesthesia. Ample excision of very small anal can-
cers is feasible. Most lesions are large when they are first diagnosed
accurately, however, and require abdominoperineal resection and
radical groin resection. Radiation treatment, even for palliation, is
unsatisfactory. The 5-year survival rate is only about 50%.
Acute pelvic pain and pain of ,3 months duration are more likely
to have identifiable causes, whereas it is unlikely to find the initi-
ating etiology of most subacute (3–6 months duration) and
chronic (.6 months duration) pain. Characteristically, the originat-
ing event triggered pain and the pain led to affective responses (suf-
fering), which overtime, led to pain behavior. The cumulative adap-
tive changes collectively known as pain behavior may be functional
or dysfunctional and are made based on the pain (that may no longer
even be present). Chronic pain may be categorized as: structural
(from ongoing diseases, e.g., cancer, osteoarthritis) psychophysio-
logic (e.g., muscle spasm leading to pain after the original insult
has passed), and somatic (the internalization of stress which is ex-
pressed as pain). Some have labeled the latter two groups psy-
chogenic or functional. Both tend to be chronic or recurrent. Women
25–45 years of age are most susceptible. The reported incidence in
gynecologic patients in the United States is 5%–25%, depending on
the interests and skills of the reporting physician.
Pain not attributable to physical causes may result from exag-
geration of normal physiologic impulses, ignorance, fear, or ten-
sion, or from a lowered perceptual threshold to disturbing stimuli.
Pain is associated with past or present environmental factors. The
patient’s complaint is often fixed on one anatomic area or organ
Before the pain is labeled psychogenic, there are four other al-
ternatives to consider: the pain is from a disease process that is not
yet detectable, the pain may be associated with vascular disorders
where no disease process can be observed, the pain may be due
to nongynecologic causes (e.g., gastrointestinal, genitourinary, or
skeletal), and the psychogenic overlay is the result of chronic pain.
A reasonable approach is to determine what organic problems are
present and what psychologic factors are present and to treat both.
Complaints are almost invariably multiple. In addition to pelvic
pain, most patients also report dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, abnor-
mal menses, and other pelvic complaints. There may be numerous
abdominal scars, indicating polysurgery. The patient insists that
she is in great pain, but in at least 25% of cases, no physical
abnormality can be found. In the rest, insignificant physical varia-
tions or minimal lesions may be present.
The historical investigation should include a description and
timing of the pain (when, where, why, what relation to menses, re-
lation to stress, degree, and character). It should be determined if
the patient has pain in other parts of the body (e.g., headache, back-
ache, or genitourinary tract pain). A careful menstrual and sexual
history should be taken. Her work and leisure habits should be dis-
cussed. Inquiry should be made about pelvic and abdominal infec-
tions, previous operative procedures, and other gynecologic disor-
ders (e.g., endometriosis, adenomyosis). A thoughtful social history
should be obtained, including marital status, children, stresses in
life (childhood, adolescent, and adult), and history of physical or
sexual abuse. Patients with chronic pelvic pain are more likely to
experience depression, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, sleep
disorders, and somatization disorders. They are more likely to have
been sexually abused as a child or as an adult. Contributing factors
in the patient’s life should be elicited, including physical or sexual
abuse, rape or incest, domestic discord, parental divorce, alcohol or
drug abuse, and so forth.
A baseline general physical and neurologic examination is nec-
essary in every chronic pelvic pain case. Both the abdominal and
pelvic examinations should focus specific attention on pain repro-
duction. Whereas laboratory evaluations are tailored to each patient
they often include CBC, ESR, VDRL, UA and culture, and cervi-
cal cytology.
Ruling Out Organic Disease
After appropriate initial evaluation, it may be necessary to rule out
organic disease by laparoscopy, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, gas-
trointestinal endoscopy, and genitourinary studies. Psychologic test-
ing should be performed by those expert in the field. Recall that
minor abnormalities of the genitourinary system are frequently in-
appropriately blamed for chronic pelvic pain.
Psychoneurosis may progress to psychosis. A despondent patient
may commit suicide. If unaffected uterus or ovaries are removed,
the symptoms may be transferred to the gastrointestinal or urinary
Psychogenic disease can be differentiated from organic disease by
ruling out the latter or by recognition of psychoneurosis or psy-
chosis while investigating organic pathology. Most patients with
psychogenic pelvic pain have many characteristic features that make
a direct diagnosis possible without extensive studies.
Chronic salpingitis or urinary tract infection, spastic and other
types of colitis, and endometriosis must be ruled out, perhaps by
laparoscopy. A comparison of organic and psychogenic pelvic pain
may be helpful in diagnosis (Table 30-1).
TABLE 30-1
Organic Psychogenic
Type Sharp, cramping, Dull, continuous
Time of Any time; may Usually begins
onset awaken well after
patient waking, when
obligations are
Localization Localizes with Variable, shifting,
typical point generalized
Progress Soon becomes Remains the same
either better for weeks,
or worse months, or
Provocative Often reproduced Not triggered or
tests or augmented accentuated by
by tests or examination
manipulation, but by
not mood interpersonal
Sex education, counseling, and early recognition and treatment of
emotional illness are the best preventive measures.
After examination and observation, the patient should be reassured
and given simple symptomatic therapy. The physician must be em-
pathetic, unhurried, a good listener, and skilled in positive rein-
forcement and support.
Once the diagnosis is established, the disorder must be explained
to the patient in direct, convincing terms. The patient should be
given an acceptable escape. A useful analogy may be that of ten-
sion headache. The physicians must gain the patient’s cooperation,
perhaps via reorientation and reeducation. A key is to treat the pa-
tient promptly and continue on a regular basis.
Simple analgesics are useful. Do not give sedatives, tranquiliz-
ers, amphetamines, or narcotics because these patients are prone to
addiction. Sedatives may lead to depression and suicide. Be pre-
pared to spend a great deal of time talking to the patient. Do not
perform operative procedures except on definite surgical indica-
tions. Psychotherapy or referral to a psychiatrist may be required.
Every effort must be made to assist her to adjust socially.
These patients often refuse psychotherapy, withdraw early from a
treatment program, and change physicians frequently. The medical
future is bleak unless the patient confronts the real problem. Reas-
surance and symptomatic therapy result in temporary improvement
in about three fourths of patients. Psychiatric treatment results in
lasting improvement in many patients.
Dyspareunia (painful coitus) may be functional (psychogenic), or-
ganic, or both. Functional dyspareunia occurs most frequently and
is more difficult to treat. Either type may occur early (primary) or
late (secondary) in the sexually active interval of life. The site of
discomfort may be external (at the introitus) or internal (deep within
the vagina or beyond), and some women describe both types of
pain. Functional dyspareunia may be caused by psychosexual prob-
lems, a previous extremely negative experience (e.g., sexual mo-
lestation), fear of genital damage, fear of sexually transmittable dis-
ease, or fear of pregnancy.
Vaginismus, an involuntary spasm of the muscles of the introi-
tus and levators when the thighs are abducted, is an indication of
extreme anxiety. It may be due to psychologic factors or personal
emotional problems, or it may occur in anticipation of or in response
to pain.
External organic dyspareunia may be due to an occlusive or
rigid hymen, vaginal contracture due to any cause, or inflammatory
disorders. Traumatic or infectious processes are seen in younger pa-
tients and atrophic vulvovaginitis in postmenopausal women.
Organic causes of internal dyspareunia include vaginal disor-
ders, severe cervicitis, marked fundal retroposition, uterine prolapse
or neoplasm, tuboovarian disease, pelvic endometriosis, and severe
disorders of the lower urinary tract or colon.
Psychiatric evaluation is indicated if complex psychosexual
problems seem to be present. Specialized techniques of physical ex-
amination (e.g., cystoscopy, may be required to rule out organic
Functional dyspareunia can be treated only by counseling and
psychotherapy. Both partners should be interviewed. Information
on contraception is often helpful. The importance of foreplay be-
fore sexual intercourse must be emphasized. An appropriate water-
soluble vaginal gel may be useful. Adequate estrogen treatment of-
ten is required for postmenopausal women.
For functional dyspareunia, hymenal-vaginal dilations by the
patient with a conical (Kelly) dilator or test tubes of graduated sizes
may give confidence. Lubricants or anesthetic ointment applied to
the introitus gives some relief but is of no permanent value.
The treatment of organic dyspareunia varies and depends on the
basic underlying cause. Organic dyspareunia due to vaginal dryness
may be treated with a water-soluble lubricant. Estrogen therapy is
indicated for senile vulvovaginitis.
Hymenotomy, hymenectomy, perineotomy, and similar proce-
dures should be performed only on clear indications. Obstructive
lesions should be corrected. Treat symptomatic vaginitis or cer-
vicitis appropriately. Few patients with functional dyspareunia are
quickly and easily cured, even with psychotherapy. Organic dys-
pareunia subsides promptly after elimination of the cause.
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