Kinh doanh nhà qua mạng Client/Server

Mục lục 1 GIỚI THIỆU THREAD TRONG DELPHI 3 1.1 THREAD LÀ GÌ? 3 1.2 ỨNG DỤNG CỦA THREAD 3 1.3 SỬ DỤNG TTHREAD TRONG DELPHI 4 1.3.1 Các method đáng chú ý khi viết Thread 5 1.3.2 Các property đáng chú ý khi viết Thread 6 1.3.3 Tranh chấp dữ liệu khi viết multi-thread 7 1.3.4 Sử Dụng Critical Section trong chương trình 9 2 GIAO TIẾP GIỮA CÁC MÁY MÔ HÌNH CLIENT/SERVER 9 2.1 TCLIENTSOCKET 10 2.1.1 Ghi dữ liệu đến server 10 2.1.2 Đọc dữ liệu từ server 11 2.2 TCLIENTWINSOCKET 11 2.3 TSERVERSOCKET 12 2.3.1 Truyền dữ liệu đến một Client 13 2.3.2 Đọc dữ liệu từ một client 13 2.3.3 Bạn có thể biết chính xác Client thứ mấy đã gửi dữ liệu đến server socket 14 2.4 TSERVERWINSOCKET 14 2.4.1 Lắng nghe yêu cầu kết nối của Client 14 2.4.2 Quản lý dãy các client socket đã kết nối với server socket 15 2.5 TSERVERCLIENTWINSOCKET 15 3 GIỚI THIỆU CHƯƠNG TRÌNH 16 3.1 NỘI DUNG VÀ Ý NGHĨA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH 16 3.2 CÁC VẤN ĐỀ CHÍNH CẦN GIẢI QUYẾT 20 3.2.1 Tổ chức dữ liệu trong chương trình 20 3.2.2 Kết nối cho client 22 3.2.3 Hủy kết nối cho client 23 3.2.4 Tranh chấp dữ liệu 23 3.2.5 Dùng thread để phân chia CPU cho các thao tác của client 23 3.3 CÁC CHỨC NĂNG CHO NGƯỜI QUẢN LÝ 24 3.3.1 Tìm kiếm một nhà 25 3.3.2 Lấy thông tin của một nhà 26 3.3.3 Thêm thông tin một nhà mới 27 3.3.4 Xóa thông tin một nhà 29 3.3.5 Cập nhật thông tin một nhà 30 3.3.6 Thống kê số nhà đã cho thuê 32 Đếm số nhà đã cho thuê 32 Đưa một nhà đã hết hạn cho thuê về danh sách các nhà có thể cho thuê 33 3.3.7 Thống kê số nhà đã bán 37 Đếm số nhà đã bán 37 3.4 CÁC CHỨC NĂNG CHO NGƯỜI CẬP NHẬT THÔNG TIN NHÀ 38 3.4.1 Tìm kiếm một nhà 39 3.4.2 Lấy thông tin của một nhà 39 3.4.3 Cập nhật thông tin một nhà 39 3.4.4 Thêm thông tin một nhà mới 40 3.4.5 Xóa thông tin một nhà 40 3.5 CÁC CHỨC NĂNG CHO MỘT KHÁCH HÀNG 41 3.5.1 Lấy thông tin về một nhà 41 3.5.2 Tìm kiếm một nhà 41 3.5.3 Tìm kiếm theo điều kiện 43 3.5.4 Đăng ký thuê nhàø 48 3.5.5 Đăng ký mua nhà 52 3.6 MÃ CHƯƠNG TRÌNH KINH DOANH NHÀ ĐẤT TRÊN MẠNG CLIENT/SERVER 55 3.6.1 Nha.dpr 55 3.6.2 Nhaf.pas 56 3.6.3 ConectDlg.pas 78 3.6.4 Findf.pas 81 3.6.5 HomeInfo.pas 85 3.6.6 HomeTools.pas 88 3.6.7 Informf.pas 105 3.6.8 InputThuef.pas 107 3.6.9 MytdRTF.pas 109 3.6.10 MyThread.pas 113 3.6.11 RepThuef.pas 129

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temIndex; if index < 0 then Exit; with TDeleteThread.Create(index) do WaitFor; end; end; procedure TChatForm.AdminLTBtnModifyClick(Sender: TObject); var Index : Longint; begin Index := VLB.ItemIndex; if Index < 0 then Exit; if SetHomeInfo(true) then with TModifyDataThread.Create(index, fhome) do WaitFor; end; procedure TChatForm.TextSearchChange(Sender: TObject); begin with THomeSearchTextThread.Create(TextSearch.Text, true, -1) do WaitFor; VLB.ItemIndex := findex; end; procedure TChatForm.TextSearchKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then ShowData; end; procedure TChatForm.AdminLTBtnRepThueClick(Sender: TObject); begin RepThueForm := TRepThueForm.Create(self); with RepThueForm do begin isThue := true; ShowModal; Release; end; end; procedure TChatForm.AdminLTBtnRepBanClick(Sender: TObject); begin RepThueForm := TRepThueForm.Create(self); with RepThueForm do begin isThue := false; ShowModal; Release end end; procedure TChatForm.QFButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin close end; procedure TChatForm.ChangeIndex(var msg : TMessage); var Index : integer; begin Index := msg.WParam; if index < 0 then exit; VLB.ItemIndex := index; VLBClick(nil); end; procedure TChatForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin VLB.ItemIndex := 0; VLBClick(nil); end; initialization InitializeCriticalSection(CritSect); finalization DeleteCriticalSection(CritSect); end. ConectDlg.pas ConectDlg.pas chöùa khung trao ñoåi yeâu caàu nhaäp username, password… khi baét ñaàu chöông trình. (* ConectDlg.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit conectdlg; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, Tranbtn; type TConnectDlg = class(TForm) HostName: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; UserName: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; Level: TComboBox; Label4: TLabel; Password: TEdit; Image1: TImage; LTBtnNhan: TLTBtn; LTBtn2: TLTBtn; Bevel1: TBevel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure OKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private { Private declarations } procedure PaintBack(fCanvas : TCanvas); public { Public declarations } end; var ConnectDlg : TConnectDlg; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses Informf; type TUser = record aname : string[20]; apassword : string[20]; alevel : Byte; end; const UserCount = 3; arrUser : array[1..UserCount] of TUser = ( (aName : 'admin'; apassword : 'admin'; alevel : 2), (aName : 'update'; apassword : 'update'; alevel : 1), (aName : 'customer' ; apassword : 'customer'; alevel : 0) ); procedure TConnectDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Level.ItemIndex := 2; end; procedure TConnectDlg.OKClick(Sender: TObject); var i : byte; begin for i := 1 to UserCount do with ArrUser[i] do begin if (aName = UserName.Text) and (aPassword = Password.Text) and (Level.ItemIndex = aLevel) then begin ModalResult := mrOK; exit; end; end; ShowMessage('User not found'); ModalResult := mrNone; end; procedure TConnectDlg.PaintBack(fCanvas : TCanvas); var X, Y, W, H: LongInt; begin with Image1.Picture.Bitmap do begin W := Width; H := Height; end; Y := 0; while Y < Height do begin X := 0; while X < Width do begin fCanvas.Draw(X, Y, Image1.Picture.Bitmap); Inc(X, W); end; Inc(Y, H); end; end; procedure TConnectDlg.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBack(Canvas); end; procedure TConnectDlg.LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; procedure TConnectDlg.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then OKClick(nil); end; end. Findf.pas Khung trao ñoåi tìm kieám theo tuøy choïn (* findf.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit findf; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, VLB, HomeTools, Tranbtn, ShadowForm, QFButton; type TFindForm = class(TShadowForm) VLBFilter: TVLB; Nha: TComboBox; ViTri: TComboBox; Label1: TLabel; EditTriGiaMin: TEdit; ComboTiGiaMin: TComboBox; ComboTigiaMax: TComboBox; EditTriGiaMax: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; EditSMin: TEdit; EditSMax: TEdit; Label5: TLabel; Bevel1: TBevel; OK: TLTBtn; LTBtn2: TLTBtn; Bevel2: TBevel; Image1: TImage; QFButton1: TQFButton; Bevel3: TBevel; Label3: TLabel; procedure BitBtnFindClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure VLBFilterGetItem(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var ItemString: String); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure VLBFilterClick(Sender: TObject); procedure QFButton1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure wmNcHitTest(var Msg : TwmNcHitTest); message wm_NcHitTest; function TestTLTBtn(p : TPoint) : boolean; public Filter : PArrInt; FilterCount : Integer; FindResult : Boolean; FFHome : THomeInfo; end; var FindForm: TFindForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses nhaf; procedure TFindForm.BitBtnFindClick(Sender: TObject); var Home : THomeInfo; Find : TFind; begin FindResult := False; with Find do begin ThueBan := Nha.ItemIndex; NgoaiNoiThanh := ViTri.ItemIndex; TriGiaMax := myStrToReal(EditTriGiaMax.Text); TriGiaMin := myStrToReal(EditTriGiaMin.Text); RaVND(TriGiaMax, ComboTigiaMax.ItemIndex); RaVND(TriGiaMin, ComboTigiaMin.ItemIndex); DienTichMax := myStrToReal(EditSMax.Text); DienTichMin := myStrToReal(EditSMin.Text); end; Move(Find, Home, sizeof(Find)); ChatForm.SendMessageToServer(ChatForm.ClientSocket.Socket, idFind, 0, Home); end; procedure TFindForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Filter := nil; end; procedure TFindForm.VLBFilterGetItem(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var ItemString: String); begin if FindResult then begin ItemReceived := False; ChatForm.SendMessageToServer(ChatForm.ClientSocket.Socket, idGetItemFilter, Filter[Index], ChatForm.fHome); repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until ItemReceived; ItemString := ffHome.TenNha; end; end; procedure TFindForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin ChatForm.PaintBack(Canvas, ChatForm.Image1.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure TFindForm.LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; function TFindForm.TestTLTBtn(p : TPoint) : boolean; var i : integer; begin result := false; for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if (Controls[i] is TLTBtn) and (PtInRect((Controls[i] as TLTBtn).BoundsRect, p)) then Exit; if (Controls[i] is TQFButton) and (PtInRect((Controls[i] as TQFButton).BoundsRect, p)) then Exit; end; result := true; end; procedure TFindForm.wmNcHitTest(var Msg : TwmNcHitTest); begin inherited; if TestTLTBtn(ScreenToClient(Point(Msg.Pos.X, Msg.Pos.Y))) then Msg.Result := HTCAPTION; end; procedure TFindForm.VLBFilterClick(Sender: TObject); var Index : longint; begin if not FindResult then Exit; index := VLBFilter.ItemIndex; if index < 0 then exit; SendMessage(ChatForm.Handle, WM_ChangeIndex, Filter[Index], 0); end; procedure TFindForm.QFButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; end. HomeInfo.pas Khung trao ñoåi ñeå cho pheùp ngöôøi duøng theâm hay söûa ñoåi thoâng tin veà moät nhaø. (* Homeinfo.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit homeInfo; interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, Buttons, Spin, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Tranbtn, TransCheckBox; type THomeInfoForm = class(TForm) Bevel1: TBevel; Label1: TLabel; EditTenNha: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; EditCapNha: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; EditChieuDai: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; EditChieuRong: TEdit; Label12: TLabel; EditTangLau: TEdit; EditPhongTam: TEdit; EditPhongNgu: TEdit; Label10: TLabel; EditPhongKhach: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; EditDiaChi: TEdit; EditThanhPho: TEdit; Label6: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; EditDuong: TEdit; EditQuan: TEdit; Label11: TLabel; Bevel2: TBevel; ChkNhaChoThue: TTransCheckBox; Label15: TLabel; EditGiaMoiThang: TEdit; ComboTienThueTinhTheo: TComboBox; Bevel3: TBevel; ChkNhaBan: TTransCheckBox; Label16: TLabel; EditTriGia: TEdit; ComboTienBanTinhTheo: TComboBox; Bevel4: TBevel; ChkNhaNgoaiThanh: TTransCheckBox; ChkNhaCoHoBoi: TTransCheckBox; chkCoNuocMay: TTransCheckBox; chkNhaCoNuocGieng: TTransCheckBox; chkNhaCoHeThongNuocNong: TTransCheckBox; Bevel5: TBevel; chkNhaTrongHem: TTransCheckBox; ChieuRongHem: TLabel; EditChieuRongHem: TEdit; Label14: TLabel; EditVaoHemBaoSau: TEdit; Bevel6: TBevel; Label18: TLabel; DateTimePickerNamXayDung: TDateTimePicker; ComboTinhTrangNha: TComboBox; Label13: TLabel; Label19: TLabel; ComboTrangTriNoiThat: TComboBox; Bevel7: TBevel; ChkNhaCoVuon: TTransCheckBox; Label20: TLabel; EditChieuRongVuon: TEdit; Bevel8: TBevel; Label17: TLabel; ComboHuongNha: TComboBox; ComboChuQuyen: TComboBox; LabelChuQuyen: TLabel; OK: TLTBtn; LTBtn2: TLTBtn; procedure EditTenNhaChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure OKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses Nhaf; procedure THomeInfoForm.EditTenNhaChange(Sender: TObject); begin Ok.Enabled := (EditTenNha.Text '')// and not found; end; procedure THomeInfoForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin comboTienThueTinhTheo.ItemIndex := 0; comboTienBanTinhTheo.ItemIndex := 0; comboTinhTrangNha.ItemIndex := 0; comboTrangTriNoiThat.ItemIndex := 0; comboHuongNha.ItemIndex := 0; comboChuQuyen.ItemIndex := 0; end; procedure THomeInfoForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin ChatForm.PaintBack(Canvas, ChatForm.Image2.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure THomeInfoForm.OKClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrOK; end; procedure THomeInfoForm.LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; // ModalResult := mrNone; end; end. HomeTools.pas HomeTools.pas laø moät thö vieän caùc haøm thao taùc treân döõ lieäu nhö: Caäp nhaät nhaø, laáy thoâng tin nhaø …. (* homeTools.pas Written by Le Tuan *) {$i-} unit hometools; interface const _USD : real = 14000; _CAY : real = 5000000; procedure myDelay(x : longint); function myStrToReal(s : string) : real; function myStrToInt(s : string) : integer; function myRealToStr(x : real) : string; function myIntToStr(x : integer) : string; procedure RaVND(var x : real; o : integer); type THomeInfo = packed record TenNha : string[30]; // ten nha CapNha : byte; // cap nha ChieuDai, // chieu dai ChieuRong : real; // chieu rong TangLau : byte; // so lau PhongKhach : byte; // so phong PhongNgu : byte; // so phong ngu PhongTam : byte; // so phong tam DiaChi, // dia chi Duong, // ten duong ThanhPho : string[30]; // thanh pho Quan : string[30]; // quan NhaChoThue : boolean; // co phai nha cho thue? GiaMoiThang : real; // gia tien thue moi thang NhaBan : boolean; // co phai nha muon ban? TriGia : real; // gia tien ban NhaNgoaiThanh : boolean; // ngoa.i hay noi thanh? CoNuocMay : Boolean; // co nuoc may khong? NhaCoHeThongNuocNong : Boolean; // co he thong nuoc nong? NhaCoHoBoi : boolean; // nha co ho khong? NhaCoNuocGieng : boolean; // nha co nuoc gieng? NhaTrongHem : boolean; // nha trong hem? ChieuRongHem : real; // chieu rong hem VaoHemBaosau : real; // NamXayDung : TDateTime; // TinhTrangNha : Byte; // TrangTriNoiThat : Byte; // NhaCoVuon : boolean; // nha co vuon khong? ChieuRongVuon : real; // HuongNha : Byte; // ChuQuyen : Byte; // DienTich : real; // dien tich nha rent_roi : boolean; // nha da thue roi sell_roi : boolean; // nha da ban roi NgayDauThue : TDateTime; // ngay bat dau thue nha NgayCuoiThue : TDateTime; // ngay ket thuc thue nha end; type TFind = packed record ThueBan : integer; NgoaiNoiThanh : integer; TriGiaMax : real; TriGiaMin : real; DienTichMax : real; DienTichMin : real; end; TIndexFile = file of longint; arrInt = array[0..0] of longint; PArrInt = ^arrInt; THomeData = class private datafile : file of THomeInfo; indexFile : TIndexFile; rentFile, sellFile : TIndexFile; procedure GetPath; public PathName : string; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function HomeSearch(Name : PChar; var found : Boolean): longint; function HomeGet(index : longint) : THomeInfo; function HomeInsert(home : THomeInfo; var Index : longint) : boolean; function HomeModify(home : THomeInfo; var Index : longint) : boolean; function HomeDelete(index : longint) : boolean; function HomeGetCount : longint; function HomeSell(index : longint) : boolean; function HomeGetCountSell : longint; function HomeGetSell(index: longint): THomeInfo; function HomeRent(index : longint; NgayDau, NgayCuoi : TDateTime) : boolean; function HomeUnRent(delindex : longint) : boolean; function HomeGetCountRent : longint; function HomeGetRent(index: longint): THomeInfo; function HomeFind(ThueBan, ViTri : Integer; GiaMin, GiaMax, SMin, SMax : real; var ListSelect : PArrInt; var FilterCount : longint) : boolean; end; const idxtypeSize = sizeof(longint); var MaxFilterCount : longint; implementation uses VNIChar, Windows, SysUtils, Forms; const const_datafilename = 'ltdata.dic'; const_indexFilename = 'ltidx.dic'; const_rentFilename = 'ltrent.dic'; const_sellFilename = 'ltsell.dic'; var datafilename : string; indexfilename : string; rentfilename : string; sellfilename : string; procedure myDelay(x : longint); var y : longint; begin y := GetTickCount; repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until GetTickCount > y + x; end; function myStrToReal(s : string) : real; var j : integer; begin Val(s, result, j); if j 0 then result := -1; end; function myStrToInt(s : string) : integer; begin try result := StrToInt(s); except result := -1; end; end; function myRealToStr(x : real) : string; begin try Str(x:0:2, result); except result := ''; end; end; function myIntToStr(x : integer) : string; begin try result := IntToStr(x); except result := ''; end; end; constructor THomeData.Create; begin inherited Create; GetPath; assignfile(datafile, datafilename); reset(datafile); if IOResult 0 then rewrite(datafile); assignfile(indexfile, indexfilename); reset(indexfile); if IOResult 0 then rewrite(indexfile); assignfile(rentfile, rentfilename); reset(rentfile); if IOResult 0 then rewrite(rentfile); assignfile(sellfile, sellfilename); reset(sellfile); if IOResult 0 then rewrite(sellfile); end; destructor THomeData.Destroy; begin closefile(datafile); closefile(indexfile); closefile(rentfile); closefile(sellfile); end; function THomeData.HomeInsert(home : THomeInfo; var Index : longint) : boolean; function findIndex : longint; var l, r, m, ListCount : Longint; ByteCmp : char; iHome : THomeInfo; begin ListCount := HomeGetCount; l := 0; r := ListCount - 1; m := 0; bytecmp := #0; while l <= r do begin m := (l + r) shr 1; iHome := HomeGet(m); bytecmp := VNI_StrComp(Home.TenNha, iHome.TenNha); if bytecmp = '>' then l := m + 1 else if bytecmp = '<' then r := m - 1 else begin result := -1; Exit; end; end; if (m ') then inc(m); result := m; end; label 1, 2; var ftIdx : TIndexFile; Count, Size, fsdata : longint; buf : PChar; begin Result := False; Index := FindIndex; if index < 0 then Exit; assignfile(ftidx, pathname + '1z2y3x4w.qgb'); rewrite(ftidx); count := index; seek(indexFile , 0); if count > 0 then begin size := count * idxtypeSize; getmem(buf, size); blockread(indexfile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftIdx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, size); end; fsdata := filesize(datafile); write(ftidx, fsdata); count := filesize(indexfile) - count; if count > 0 then begin size := count*idxtypeSize; getmem(buf, size); blockread(indexfile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftidx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, size); end; CloseFile(ftIdx); CloseFile(indexFile); if IOresult = 0 then begin Erase(indexfile); Rename(ftIdx, indexFilename); Reset(indexFile); seek(datafile, fsdata); write(datafile, home); Result := True; end; end; function THomeData.HomeGet(index : longint) : THomeInfo; begin fillchar(result, sizeof(result), 0); seek(indexfile, index); read(indexfile, index); seek(datafile,index); read(datafile, result); end; function THomeData.HomeGetCount : longint; begin result := filesize(indexfile); end; function THomeData.HomeSearch(Name : PChar; var found : Boolean): longint; var byteCmp : char; Listcount, l, r, m : longint; Home : THomeInfo; begin Found := False; if name[0] = #0 then begin result := 0; exit; end; ListCount := HomeGetcount; l := 0; m := 0; r := ListCount - 1; ByteCmp := #0; while (not Found) and (l <= r) do begin m := (l + r) shr 1; Home := HomeGet(m); Bytecmp := VNI_StrComp(Name, Home.TenNha); if Bytecmp = '>' then l := m + 1 else if Bytecmp = '<' then r := m - 1 else Found := True; end; result := m; if not found then begin if VNI_StrComp(copy(Home.TenNha, 1, length(name)), Name) '=' then begin Home := HomeGet(m + 1); if (m + 1 < ListCount) and (VNI_StrComp(copy(Home.TenNha, 1, length(name)), name) = '=') then inc(Result) else if (m > 0) and (bytecmp = '<') then dec(result); end; end; end; procedure THomeData.GetPath; var i : byte; begin pathname := paramstr(0); i := length(pathname); while (i > 0) and (pathname[i] '\') do dec(i); pathname := Copy(pathname, 1, i); datafilename := pathname + const_datafilename; indexFilename := pathname + const_indexFilename; rentfilename := pathname + const_rentfilename; sellFilename := pathname + const_sellFilename; end; function THomeData.HomeDelete(index : longint) : boolean; var count : longint; buf : pchar; ftidx : TIndexfile; begin result := false; if index < 0 then exit; assignfile(ftidx, pathname + '1z2y3x4w.qgb'); rewrite(ftidx); count := index; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, 0); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftIdx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; count := filesize(IndexFile)- count - 1; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, index + 1); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftidx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; result := IOResult = 0; if result then begin CloseFile(ftIdx); CloseFile(IndexFile); Erase(IndexFile); Rename(ftIdx, indexfilename); AssignFile(IndexFile, indexfilename); Reset(IndexFile); end; end; function THomeData.HomeModify(home : THomeInfo; var Index : longint) : boolean; begin result := HomeDelete(index); if result then result := HomeInsert(home, index); end; function THomeData.HomeSell(index : longint) : boolean; var count, dataIndex : longint; buf : pchar; ftidx : TIndexfile; begin result := false; if index < 0 then exit; seek(indexfile, index); read(indexfile, dataindex); seek(sellfile, filesize(sellfile)); write(sellfile, dataindex); assignfile(ftidx, pathname + '1z2y3x4w.qgb'); rewrite(ftidx); count := index; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, 0); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftIdx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; count := filesize(IndexFile)- count - 1; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, index + 1); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftidx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; result := IOResult = 0; if result then begin CloseFile(ftIdx); CloseFile(IndexFile); Erase(IndexFile); Rename(ftIdx, indexfilename); AssignFile(IndexFile, indexfilename); Reset(IndexFile); end; end; function THomeData.HomeGetCountSell : longint; begin result := filesize(sellfile); end; function THomeData.HomeGetSell(index: longint): THomeInfo; begin seek(sellfile, index); read(sellfile, index); seek(datafile, index); read(datafile, result); end; function THomeData.HomeRent(index : longint; NgayDau, NgayCuoi : TDateTime) : boolean; var dataindex, count : longint; buf : pchar; ftidx : TIndexfile; fHome : THomeInfo; begin result := false; if index < 0 then exit; seek(indexfile, index); read(indexfile, dataindex); seek(datafile, dataindex); read(datafile, fhome); fhome.NgayDauThue := NgayDau; fHome.NgayCuoiThue := NgayCuoi; seek(datafile, dataindex); write(datafile, fhome); seek(rentfile, filesize(rentfile)); write(rentfile, dataindex); assignfile(ftidx, pathname + '1z2y3x4w.qgb'); rewrite(ftidx); count := index; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, 0); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftIdx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; count := filesize(IndexFile)- count - 1; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(IndexFile, index + 1); blockread(IndexFile, buf^, count); blockwrite(ftidx, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); end; result := IOResult = 0; if result then begin CloseFile(ftIdx); CloseFile(IndexFile); Erase(IndexFile); Rename(ftIdx, indexfilename); AssignFile(IndexFile, indexfilename); Reset(IndexFile); end; end; function THomeData.HomeGetCountRent : longint; begin result := filesize(rentfile); end; function THomeData.HomeGetRent(index: longint): THomeInfo; begin seek(rentfile, index); read(rentfile, index); seek(datafile, index); read(datafile, result); end; function THomeData.HomeFind(ThueBan, ViTri : Integer; GiaMin, GiaMax, SMin, SMax : real; var ListSelect : PArrInt; var FilterCount : longint) : boolean; var Index : longint; Home : THomeInfo; Count : longint; begin Result := true; Count := FilterCount; FilterCount := 0; for Index := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Home := HomeGet(Index); case ThueBan of 1 : if not Home.Nhaban then Continue; 0 : if not Home.NhaChoThue then Continue; end; if ViTri >= 0 then if Home.NhaNgoaiThanh (ViTri = 0) then Continue; if GiaMin >= 0 then if ThueBan = 0 then if Home.GiaMoiThang < GiaMin then Continue else else if (ThueBan = 1) and (Home.TriGia < GiaMin) then Continue; if GiaMax >= 0 then if ThueBan = 0 then if Home.GiaMoiThang > GiaMax then Continue else else if (ThueBan = 1) and (Home.TriGia > GiaMax) then Continue; if SMin >= 0 then if Home.DienTich < SMin then Continue; if SMax >= 0 then if Home.DienTich > SMax then Continue; ListSelect[FilterCount] := Index; Inc(FilterCount); if FilterCount >= MaxFilterCount then Break; end; end; procedure RaVND(var x : real; o : integer); begin case o of 1 : x := x * _USD; //USD 2 : x := x * _CAY; //Cayvang end; end; function THomeData.HomeUnRent(delindex : longint) : boolean; var buf : pchar; fHome : THomeInfo; index, count : longint; trent: TIndexFile; begin seek(rentfile, delindex); read(rentfile, index); seek(datafile, index); read(datafile, fHome); HomeInsert(fHome, index); //remove recdeleted from rentfile assignfile(trent, pathname + '1z2y3x4w.qgb'); rewrite(trent); count := delindex; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypeSize); seek(rentfile, 0); blockread(rentfile, buf^, count); blockwrite(trent, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxtypesize); end; count := filesize(rentfile) - count - 1; if count > 0 then begin getmem(buf, count*idxtypesize); seek(rentfile, delindex + 1); blockread(rentfile, buf^, count); blockwrite(trent, buf^, count); freemem(buf, count*idxTypesize); end; result := IOResult = 0; if result then begin CloseFile(trent); CloseFile(rentfile); Erase(rentfile); Rename(trent, rentfilename); AssignFile(rentfile, rentfilename); Reset(rentfile); end; result := IOresult = 0; end; begin MaxFilterCount := Sizeof(THomeInfo) div 4; end. Informf.pas Khung trao ñoåi duøng ñeå thoâng baùo loãi hoaëc cho ngöôøi duøng thaáy moät thoâng tin naøo ñoù. (* informf.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit informf; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ShdWin, ExtCtrls, Tranbtn, StdCtrls; type TInfoForm = class(TShdwin) Label1: TLabel; OK: TLTBtn; Bevel1: TBevel; LTBtn2: TLTBtn; procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure OKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } // isConfirm : Boolean; end; function ShowInfo(s : string; isConfirm : Boolean) : integer; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses nhaf; function ShowInfo(s : string; isConfirm : Boolean) : integer; begin with TInfoForm.Create(ChatForm) do begin Label1.Caption := s; if isConfirm then begin OK.Left := 70; LTBtn2.Visible := true; end else begin LTBtn2.Visible := false; OK.Left := 77; end; result := ShowModal; Release; end; end; procedure TInfoForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin Chatform.PaintBack(Canvas, ChatForm.Image4.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure TInfoForm.OKClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrOK; end; procedure TInfoForm.LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; end. InputThuef.pas Khung trao ñoåi cho pheùp khaùch haøng nhaäp thôøi gian ngaøy thueâ nhaø. (* inputthuef.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit inputthuef; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Tranbtn, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, VNForm; type TInputThue = class(TVNForm) DateTimePickerDau: TDateTimePicker; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; DateTimePickerCuoi: TDateTimePicker; OK: TLTBtn; LTBtn2: TLTBtn; procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure OKClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses nhaf; procedure TInputThue.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin ChatForm.PaintBack(Canvas, Chatform.Image1.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure TInputThue.LTBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; procedure TInputThue.OKClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrOK; end; end. MytdRTF.pas MytdRTF.pas laø moät thö vieän caùc haøm duøng vaøo vieäc hieän thò thoâng tin veà nhaø cöûa ra moät memo daïng RichTextFormat. (* mytdrtf.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit mytdrtf; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, HomeTools; procedure RecToRTF(Home : THomeInfo; var rtf : TMemoryStream); implementation const header : pchar = '{\rtf1\ansi\deff4\deflang1033\deftab10' + '{\fonttbl' + '{\f0\froman Vietnam;}' + '{\f1\froman thanhoa;}' + '{\f2\fcharset2 Wingdings;}' + '{\f3\froman VNI-FreeWrite\tlul;}' + '{\f4\fnil\fprq2 VNI Times;}' + '}' + '{\colortbl\red54\green80\blue252;' + '\red0\green128\blue0;' + '\red0\green0\blue255;' + '\red43\green10\blue10;' + '\red0\green0\blue0;}'; sTen_F : pchar = '\plain\cf4\fs18\f0\b '; sTen : pchar = '\par\plain\cf4\fs18\f0\b '; sGiaTri : pchar = '\pard\tx1950\tab \plain\cf4\fs18\f0 '; TenNha : pchar = 'Tˆn nh…'; CapNha : pchar = 'Cãp nh…'; ChieuDai : pchar = 'Chi‹u d…i'; ChieuRong : pchar = 'Chi‹u r›ng'; TangLau : pchar = 'S– täng läu'; PhongKhach : pchar = 'S– ph•ng khÿch'; PhongNgu : pchar = 'S– ph•ng ngœ'; PhongTam : pchar = 'S– ph•ng tém'; DiaChi : pchar = '®«a ch©'; Duong : pchar = 'Tˆn ­Ÿõng'; ThanhPho : pchar = 'Tˆn th…nh ph–'; Quan : pchar = 'Tˆn quçn'; NhaChoThue : pchar = 'Nh… thuˆ'; GiaMoiThang : pchar = 'Giÿ thuˆ mši thÿng'; NhaBan : pchar = 'Nh… bÿn'; TriGia : pchar = 'Tr« giÿ cèn nh…'; NhaNgoaiThanh : pchar = 'Nh… ngoâi th…nh'; CoNuocMay : pchar = 'Nh… c¢ nŸôc mÿy'; NhaCoHeThongNuocNong : pchar = 'H¬ th–ng nŸôc n¢ng'; NhaCoHoBoi : pchar = 'Nh… c¢ h˜ bói'; NhaCoNuocGieng : pchar = 'Nh… c¢ nŸôc gi‰ng'; NhaTrongHem : pchar = 'Nh… trong hm'; ChieuRongHem : pchar = 'Chi‹u r›ng hm'; VaoHemBaosau : pchar = 'Chi‹u sƒu hm'; NamXayDung : pchar = 'Nèm xƒy d¨ng'; TinhTrangNha : pchar = 'Tnh trâng nh…'; TrangTriNoiThat : pchar = 'Trang tr¡ n›i thãt'; NhaCoVuon : pchar = 'Nh… c¢ vŸõn'; ChieuRongVuon : pchar = 'Chi‹u r›ng vŸõn'; HuongNha : pchar = 'HŸông nh…'; ChuQuyen : pchar = 'Chœ quy‹n nh… cãp'; NgayThueDau : pchar = 'Ngay bét ­äu thuˆ'; NgayThueCuoi : pchar = 'Ngay thuˆ cu–i c—ng'; procedure WriteEOFRTF(var rtf : TMemoryStream); var c : char; begin c := '}'; rtf.Write(c, 1); end; procedure RecToRTF(Home : THomeInfo; var rtf : TMemoryStream); const noyes : array[Boolean] of pchar = ( 'Kh“ng', 'C¢' ); saidung : array[Boolean] of pchar = ( 'Sai', '®£ng' ); sTinhtrang : array[0..3] of pchar = ( 'Rãt t–t', 'T–t', 'Trung bnh', 'K‚m' ); sTrangTriNoiThat : array[0..3] of pchar = ( 'Sang tr”ng', 'T–t', 'Trung bnh', 'K‚m' ); sHuongNha : array[0..7] of pchar = ( '®“ng', 'Tƒy', 'Nam', 'Béc', '®“ng béc', '®“ng nam', 'Tƒy béc', 'Tƒy nam' ); sCapChuQuyen : array[0..3] of pchar = ( 'Cãp th…nh ph–', 'Cãp quçn', 'Cãp phŸõng', 'Kh“ng giãy' ); snoinfo : pchar = 'Kh“ng c¢ th“ng tin'; procedure WriteRTF(ten, giatri : pchar; f : boolean); begin if f then rtf.Write(sTen_f^, strlen(sTen_f)) else rtf.Write(sTen^, strlen(sTen)); rtf.Write(Ten^, strlen(Ten)); rtf.Write(sGiaTri^, strlen(sGiaTri)); if giatri[0] '-' then rtf.Write(giatri^, length(giatri)) else rtf.Write(snoinfo^, strlen(snoinfo)) end; begin rtf.Write(header^, strlen(header)); WriteRTF(TenNha, @Home.TenNha[1], true); WriteRTF(DiaChi, @Home.Diachi[1], false); WriteRTF(Duong, @Home.Duong[1], false); WriteRTF(NhaNgoaiThanh, saidung[Home.NhaNgoaiThanh], false); WriteRTF(ThanhPho, @Home.ThanhPho[1], false); WriteRTF(Quan, @Home.Quan[1], false); WriteRTF(NhaTrongHem, saidung[Home.NhaTrongHem], false); WriteRTF(ChuQuyen, sCapChuQuyen[Home.ChuQuyen], false); WriteRTF(CapNha, @IntToStr(Home.CapNha)[1], false); WriteRTF(ChieuDai, @myRealToStr(Home.ChieuDai)[1], false); WriteRTF(ChieuRong, @myRealToStr(Home.ChieuRong)[1], false); WriteRTF(TangLau, @IntToStr(Home.TangLau)[1], false); WriteRTF(PhongKhach, @IntToStr(Home.PhongKhach)[1], false); WriteRTF(PhongNgu, @IntToStr(Home.PhongNgu)[1], false); WriteRTF(PhongTam, @IntToStr(Home.PhongTam)[1], false); WriteRTF(NhaChoThue, noyes[Home.NhaChoThue], false); WriteRTF(GiaMoiThang, @myRealToStr(Home.GiaMoithang)[1], false); WriteRTF(NhaBan, noyes[Home.NhaBan], false); WriteRTF(TriGia, @myRealToStr(Home.TriGia)[1], false); WriteRTF(CoNuocMay, noyes[Home.CoNuocMay], false); WriteRTF(NhaCoHeThongNuocNong, noyes[ Home.NhaCoHeThongNuocNong], false); WriteRTF(NhaCoHoBoi, noyes[Home.NhaCoHoBoi], false); WriteRTF(NhaCoNuocGieng, noyes[Home.NhaCoNuocGieng], false); WriteRTF(ChieuRongHem, @myRealToStr(Home.ChieuRongHem)[1], false); WriteRTF(VaoHemBaosau, @myRealToStr(Home.VaoHemBaoSau)[1], false); WriteRTF(NamXayDung, @DateToStr(Home.NamXayDung)[1], false); WriteRTF(TinhTrangNha, sTinhTrang[Home.TinhTrangNha], false); WriteRTF(TrangTriNoiThat, sTrangTriNoithat[ Home.TrangTriNoiThat], false); WriteRTF(NhaCoVuon, noyes[Home.NhaCoVuon], false); WriteRTF(ChieuRongVuon, @myRealToStr(Home.ChieuRongVuon)[1], false); WriteRTF(HuongNha, sHuongNha[Home.HuongNha], false); WriteRTF(NgayThueDau, @DateToStr(Home.NgayDauThue)[1], false); WriteRTF(NgayThueCuoi, @DateToStr(Home.NgayCuoiThue)[1], false); WriteEOFRTF(rtf);, 0); end; end. MyThread.pas MyThread.pas laø moät thö vieän chöùa caùc lôùp TThread nhö : TInsertDataThread, TMuaNhaThread… (* myThread.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit myThread; interface uses Classes, Windows, hometools, SysUtils, Forms, dialogs; type TInsertDataThread = class(TThread) private FHome : THomeInfo; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Home : THomeInfo); end; TModifyDataThread = class(TThread) private FHome : THomeInfo; FIndex : Longint; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint; Home : THomeInfo); end; TMuaNhaThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : Longint; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index: Longint); end; TThueNhaThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : Longint; FNgayDauThue, FNgayCuoiThue : TDateTime; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index: Longint; NgayDauThue, NgayCuoiThue : TDateTime); end; THomeGetThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : longint; FIsServer : Boolean; FClient : Integer; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint; IsServer : Boolean; Client : Integer); end; THomeSearchTextThread = class(TThread) private FName : string; FIsServer : Boolean; FClient : Integer; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Name : string; IsServer : Boolean; Client : Integer); end; THomeGetFilterThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : longint; FIsServer : Boolean; FClient : Integer; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint; IsServer : Boolean; Client : Integer); end; THomeGetDataThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : longint; FIsServer : Boolean; FClient : Integer; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint; IsServer : Boolean; Client : Integer); end; TFindThread = class(TThread) private FFilter : PArrInt; FFind : TFind; FClient : Integer; FFilterCount : Longint; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Find : TFind; Client : Integer); end; TDeleteThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : Longint; procedure DoTerminate; override; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index: Longint); end; THomeRentGetDataThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : longint; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint); end; TUnRentThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : Longint; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint); end; THomeSellGetDataThread = class(TThread) private FIndex : longint; procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Index : longint); end; THomeRentCountThread = class(TThread) private procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create; end; THomeSellCountThread = class(TThread) private procedure DoThread; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create; end; implementation { Important: Methods and properties of objects in VCL can only be used in a method called using Synchronize, for example, Synchronize(UpdateCaption); and UpdateCaption could look like, procedure ModifyDataThread.UpdateCaption; begin Form1.Caption := 'Updated in a thread'; end; } uses nhaf, repthuef; procedure myDelay(x : longint); var y : longint; begin y := GetTickCount; repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until GetTickCount > y + x; end; { TInsertDataThread } constructor TInsertDataThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FHome := Home; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TInsertDataThread.DoThread; begin ChatForm.InsertData(FHome); end; procedure TInsertDataThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure TInsertDataThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {TModifyDataThread} constructor TModifyDataThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; FHome := Home; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TModifyDataThread.DoThread; begin ChatForm.ModifyData(FIndex, FHome); end; procedure TModifyDataThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure TModifyDataThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {TMuaNhaThread} constructor TMuaNhaThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TMuaNhaThread.DoThread; begin ChatForm.MuaNha(FIndex); end; procedure TMuaNhaThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; {TThueNhaThread} constructor TThueNhaThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; FNgayDauThue := NgayDauThue; FNgayCuoiThue := NgayCuoiThue; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TThueNhaThread.DoThread; begin ChatForm.ThueNha(FIndex, FNgayDauThue, FNgayCuoiThue); end; procedure TThueNhaThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure TThueNhaThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {THomeGetThread} constructor THomeGetThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; FIsServer := IsServer; FClient := Client; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeGetThread.DoThread; var x : xxType; begin ChatForm.ffHome := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGet(FIndex); if not FIsServer then begin FillChar(x, sizeof(x), 0); StrCopy(x.mess, idSetItem); x.Home := ChatForm.ffHome; ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[FClient].SendBuf(x, sz); end; end; procedure THomeGetThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure THomeGetThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {THomeSearchTextThread} constructor THomeSearchTextThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FName := Name; FIsServer := IsServer; FClient := Client; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeSearchTextThread.DoThread; var x : xxType; found : boolean; begin ChatForm.fIndex := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeSearch(Pchar(FName), found); if not FIsServer then begin FillChar(x, sizeof(x), 0); StrCopy(x.mess, idSetIndex); x.index := ChatForm.fIndex; ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[FClient].SendBuf(x, sz); end end; procedure THomeSearchTextThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure THomeSearchTextThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {THomeGetFilterThread} constructor THomeGetFilterThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; FIsServer := IsServer; FClient := Client; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeGetFilterThread.DoThread; var x : xxType; begin ChatForm.ffHome := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGet(FIndex); if not FIsServer then begin FillChar(x, sizeof(x), 0); StrCopy(x.mess, idSetItemfilter); x.Home := ChatForm.ffHome; ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[FClient].SendBuf(x, sz); end; end; procedure THomeGetFilterThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure THomeGetFilterThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {THomeGetDataThread} constructor THomeGetDataThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; FIsServer := IsServer; FClient := Client; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeGetDataThread.DoThread; var x : xxType; begin ChatForm.fHome := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGet(FIndex); if not FIsServer then begin FillChar(x, sizeof(x), 0); StrCopy(x.mess, idSetData); x.Home := ChatForm.fHome; ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[FClient].SendBuf(x, sz); end; end; procedure THomeGetDataThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure THomeGetDataThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; { TFindThread } constructor TFindThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FFind := Find; FClient := Client; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TFindThread.DoThread; var x : xxType; begin FFilterCount := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGetCount; Getmem(FFilter, FFilterCount * sizeof(longint)); ChatForm.HomeData.HomeFind(FFind.ThueBan, FFind.NgoaiNoiThanh, FFind.TriGiaMin, FFind.TriGiaMax, FFind.DienTichMin, FFind.DienTichMax, FFilter, FFilterCount); FillChar(x, sizeof(x), 0); x.index := FFilterCount; StrCopy(x.mess, idFindResult); move(FFilter^, x.Home, FFilterCount * sizeof(longint)); ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[FClient].SendBuf(x, sz); Freemem(FFilter); end; procedure TFindThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure TFindThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {TDeleteThread} constructor TDeleteThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TDeleteThread.DoThread; begin ChatForm.DeleteNha(FIndex); end; procedure TDeleteThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; procedure TDeleteThread.DoTerminate; begin inherited; end; {THomeRentGetDataThread} constructor THomeRentGetDataThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeRentGetDataThread.DoThread; begin RepThueForm.fHome := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGetRent(FIndex); end; procedure THomeRentGetDataThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; { TUnRentThread } constructor TUnRentThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TUnRentThread.DoThread; var i, count : integer; fHome : THomeInfo; begin if ChatForm.HomeData.HomeUnRent(FIndex) then begin Count := ChatForm.homeData.HomeGetCount; for i := 0 to ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.ActiveConnections - 1 do ChatForm.SendMessageToClient( ChatForm.ServerSocket.Socket.Connections[i], idSetVLBNumItems, Count, fHome); end; end; procedure TUnRentThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; {THomeSellGetDataThread} constructor THomeSellGetDataThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; FIndex := Index; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeSellGetDataThread.DoThread; begin RepThueForm.fHome := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGetSell(FIndex); end; procedure THomeSellGetDataThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; {THomeRentCountThread} constructor THomeRentCountThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeRentCountThread.DoThread; begin RepThueForm.fHomeRentCount := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGetCountRent; end; procedure THomeRentCountThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; {THomeSellCountThread} constructor THomeSellCountThread.Create; begin FreeOnTerminate := True; inherited Create(False); end; procedure THomeSellCountThread.DoThread; begin RepThueForm.fHomeSellCount := ChatForm.HomeData.HomeGetCountSell; end; procedure THomeSellCountThread.Execute; begin EnterCriticalSection(CritSect); Synchronize(DoThread); LeaveCriticalSection(CritSect); end; end. RepThuef.pas Khung trao ñoåi ñeå hieän thò danh saùch caùc nhaø cho thueâ hoaëc möôùn. (* repthuef.pas Written by Le Tuan *) unit repthuef; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, VLB, HomeTools, myThread, Tranbtn, ShadowForm, MyDialog, informf, QFButton; type TRepThueForm = class(TShadowForm) VLB: TVLB; Bevel2: TBevel; Bevel3: TBevel; RichEdit: TRichEdit; Bevel4: TBevel; Label1: TLabel; AdminLTBtnUnThue: TLTBtn; AdminLTBtnCount: TLTBtn; LabelName: TLabel; QFButton1: TQFButton; Bevel1: TBevel; ImageBan: TImage; ImageThue: TImage; procedure VLBGetItem(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var ItemString: String); procedure AdminLTBtnUnThueClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure VLBClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure AdminLTBtnCountClick(Sender: TObject); procedure QFButton1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure ShowData; function TestTLTBtn(p : TPoint) : boolean; procedure wmNcHitTest(var Msg : TwmNcHitTest); message wm_NcHitTest; public fHome : THomeInfo; isThue : Boolean; fHomeRentCount : longint; fHomeSellCount : longint; end; var RepThueForm: TRepThueForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses nhaf, mytdrtf; procedure TRepThueForm.VLBGetItem(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var ItemString: String); begin if (index < 0) then exit; if isThue then with THomeRentGetDataThread.Create(Index) do WaitFor else with THomeSellGetDataThread.Create(Index) do WaitFor; ItemString := fHome.TenNha; end; procedure TRepThueForm.AdminLTBtnUnThueClick(Sender: TObject); var index : longint; begin index := VLB.ItemIndex; if (index < 0) or (self = nil) then exit; if ShowInfo( 'Bân c¢ mu–n ­Ÿa nh… n…y v‹ danh sÿch nh… cho thuˆ kh“ng?', true) mrOK then Exit; with TUnRentThread.Create(index) do WaitFor; VLB.NumItems := ChatForm.homeData.HomeGetCountRent; ChatForm.VLB.NumItems := ChatForm.homeData.HomeGetCount; end; procedure TRepThueForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin ChatForm.PaintBack(Canvas, ChatForm.Image1.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure TRepThueForm.ShowData; var rtf : TMemoryStream; begin LabelName.Caption := fHome.TenNha; rtf := TMemoryStream.Create; RecToRTF(fHome, rtf); RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromStream(rtf); rtf.Free; end; procedure TRepThueForm.VLBClick(Sender: TObject); var index : longint; begin index := VLB.ItemIndex; if (index < 0) or (self = nil) then begin RichEdit.Clear; Exit; end; if isThue then with THomeRentGetDataThread.Create(Index) do WaitFor else with THomeSellGetDataThread.Create(Index) do WaitFor; ShowData; end; procedure TRepThueForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin if isThue then begin ImageThue.Visible := true; Caption := 'Th–ng kˆ nh… cho thuˆ'; Label1.Caption := '&Nh… ­á cho thuˆ:'; AdminLTBtnUnThue.Visible := true; AdminLTBtnCount.Hint := 'Th–ng kˆ t™ng s– nh… ­á cho thuˆ'; VLB.NumItems := ChatForm.homeData.HomeGetCountRent; end else begin ImageBan.Visible := true; Caption := 'Th–ng kˆ nh… ­á bÿn'; Label1.Caption := '&Nh… ­á bÿn:'; AdminLTBtnUnThue.Visible := false; AdminLTBtnCount.Hint := 'Th–ng kˆ t™ng s– nh… ­á bÿn'; VLB.NumItems := ChatForm.homeData.HomeGetCountSell; end; VLB.ItemIndex := 0; VLBClick(nil); // NamePanel.Color := rgb(9, 115, 25); end; procedure TRepThueForm.AdminLTBtnCountClick(Sender: TObject); begin if isThue then begin with THomeRentCountThread.Create do WaitFor; ShowInfo('C¢ ' + IntToStr(fHomeRentCount) + ' ng“i nh… ­á cho thuˆ.', false); end else begin with THomeSellCountThread.Create do WaitFor; ShowInfo('C¢ ' + IntToStr(fHomeSellCount) + ' ng“i nh… ­á bÿn.', false); end end; procedure TRepThueForm.QFButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; function TRepThueForm.TestTLTBtn(p : TPoint) : boolean; var i : integer; begin result := false; for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if (Controls[i] is TLTBtn) and (PtInRect((Controls[i] as TLTBtn).BoundsRect, p)) then Exit; if (Controls[i] is TQFButton) and (PtInRect((Controls[i] as TQFButton).BoundsRect, p)) then Exit; end; result := true; end; procedure TRepThueForm.wmNcHitTest(var Msg : TwmNcHitTest); begin inherited; if TestTLTBtn(ScreenToClient(Point(Msg.Pos.X, Msg.Pos.Y))) then Msg.Result := HTCAPTION; end; end.

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