Our results show that the control variables (firm age and size) have no
significant association with firms’ likelihood to innovate. With regard to the direct
effect of internal knowledge sources on innovation, this study finds that internal R&D
is positively and statistically significant correlated with firm innovation. Hypothesis
1a is supported: a firm’s likelihood to innovate increases when there is an increase in
internal R&D. On the other hand, for hypothesis 1b the result is positive, but not
significant. Therefore, the study could not say if managerial experience of firms in
Vietnam has any relationship with innovation
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p between research institute, universities and
enterprises. Collaborative relations between them are all forms of direct or indirect
interaction, of a personal or organizational nature between universities and businesses
in order to support each other for the benefit on both sides: Cooperation in research
and development; Stimulate the dynamic movement of lecturers, students and
professionals working in businesses; Commercialize research results; Construction
training program; support creative and organizational governance efforts. The
cooperative relationship is understood as transactions between universities and
production and business organizations for the benefit of both sides. Promoting this
cooperation and exploiting its value can help the school solve financial difficulties,
help businesses gain or maintain a competitive advantage in today's dynamic market.
Moreover, this relationship also contributes to the nation's economic growth and
meets the labor market's demands in this dynamic environment.
Hence, the government could issue some policies to strengthen links
between businesses and partners, especially universities in training human
resources and cooperating technology innovation. Businesses need to be aware of
the need to associate and coordinate with partners in product development. The
role of research institutions and research universities need to be emphasized
because this is a high concentration of scientific content. Firms should actively
seek, contact these partners for agreement and cooperation; At the same time,
building a good and long-term cooperative relationship between businesses and
organizations. The coordination between the actors in the innovation system
including universities and businesses play an important role, so it is necessary to
have policies to promote cooperation between universities and firms together.
Government levels play an intermediary role in connecting universities and
businesses by regularly organizing technology fairs, conferences and seminars
with the participation of universities and businesses to serve more effectively the
demand for technology supply and demand.
6.2.2. Recommendation for firms
From a practical perspective, it is useful to remind managers that investing
in internal R&D might help them to increase the level of innovation in their firms.
R&D is closely connected with the creation of new products and production
technologies that have a direct effect on the nation's growth rate and the sustainable
development of the business. The relation between internal R&D and innovative
output has been proven in preceding research. It is well understood that firms that
spend in R&D broaden their scientific and/or technical knowledge ground, which
grants them to construct and acquire new innovative products or services.
This research has once again, confirmed this critical role of internal R&D.
Firms need research and development activities and to find appropriate solutions to
gain competitiveness and meet the practical requirements set out in the current
integration and globalization environment. Hence, in every firm, they should have
R&D department which is an indispensable part, they could be organized in hard form
such as having technical department, technology department or R&D department or
organized in the form of research projects and programs in the enterprise in
collaboration with research institutes, technical universities, etc. No matter what form
is organized, the number of people working in the R&D department of each firm is
always the most skilled engineers and technicians so they could create something new
or improved.
R&D is closely connected with the creation of new products and production
technologies that have a direct effect on the nation's growth rate and the sustainable
development of the business. The sources of investment for R&D are from the State,
businesses and external funding. In developed countries, the average ratio of R&D
investment from the state budget to the non-state sector is about 1: 4, while in
Vietnam, this ratio is estimated at 5: 1, meaning that R&D activities in Vietnam are
still mainly invested by the state (Nguyen Thi Bich Lien & Nguyen Thanh Huong,
2017). Regarding the critical role of R&D, firms in Vietnam should also consider
raising the organizational fund for these activities if they want to have fruitful
Moreover, collaborating with partners is also useful. The information
prospective and innovative motivation companies can achieve via their supply chain
have been highlighted in various studies (Bierly and Daly, 2007, Hsieh et al., 2010,
Liker and Choi, 2004) , but this study found that managers should be aware that only
collaborating within the supply chain seems to bring fruitful results. In addition, firms
should increase their interaction with customers and put their efforts on the
development of customized solutions to develop new products. Previous research
reveal that the extremely valuable foundations of outside learning are customers
(primarily ranking) and suppliers (second ranking). The significance of receiving the
‘voice of the customer’ (Griffen & Hauser, 1993) and of clients' input in the
innovation advancement process has been established long time ago (Chesbrough,
2003, Fang et al., 2008). Learning from customers is also proven to enhance the speed
of innovation. Listening to customers is the only way to help businesses ensure they
can create a product or service that customers really want to buy. In today's tough
competitive business world, companies can build a competitive edge as well as gain
customers' trust, loyalty and support in the long run by developing their links between
service products and customer feedback.
Furthermore, firms could consider relocating to a region with higher numbers
of other firms, as it is likely that they could increase their product innovation activities
as a result. The reason behinds maybe because innovation is a knowledge-based
activity for which external knowledge is valuable. It has been said that openness
springs a firm access to external actors and sources that provide a firm with new
knowledge (Laursen and Salter, 2006). This suggests that openness is only relevant
if there is knowledge available to which a firm can open up. Roper, Vahter and Love
(2013) have already studied whether spillovers of openness have a positive effect on
innovative performance. Located in a region with various firms could enhance
innovation spillers and the firms can take advantages from that. In the case of
Vietnam, the government has operated some high-tech industrial zone such as Lang
Hoa Lac hi-tech zone or Ho Chi Minh hi-tech zone. Those hi-tech zones and parks
are mentioned in the master plan on development of hi-tech parks till 2020 and
orientations to 2030 signed by Vice Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam in 2015 and have
been emphasized as the places to attract and gather science and technology
intellectual forces throughout the country, overseas Vietnamese intellectuals and
foreign scientists in researching, creating and transferring technologies directly for
production and incubation. BBGV (2018) reported that in Vietnam, Industrial Parks
and Export Processing Zones have performed a key role in attracting foreign
investments and the growth of the country. Businesses in these zones gain from
preferential administration policies concerning land lease and tax inducements. In the
first six months of 2017, a 39 per cent year-on-year increase to 384.3 million USD
was observed in Investment in industrial parks and export processing zones. Hence,
Firms come to those hi-tech parks to be able to develop and collaborate each other
for innovation outcome to boost Vietnam economy. Therefore, in Vietnam if firms
looking for innovation could consider to relocated in those hi-tech zones.
6.3. Limitations of the research
The open innovation literature suggests that over-search might have a
negative effect on innovation (Bayona-Saez et al., 2017; Hung & Chou, 2013;
Laursen & Salter, 2006). Indeed, although the author did not formally hypothesize
about this possible effect, she was surprised to learn that even in a low-tech
environment too much openness had a negative correlation with product innovation.
This negative correlation of over-search might be related to the fact that the firms in
the sample operate in environments where external knowledge availability is at a
relatively low level. This means that the costs associated with finding more partners
do not outweigh the benefits. Hence, especially in the context of developing
countries, collaborating more intensely with partners could be more useful than
finding additional partners.
Several limitations to the study suggest avenues for future research. One of
the possible future research topics is to analyze the effect of knowledge sources over
a longer period. As the author could only access the data base from 2013 to 2017, the
future study could be for 10 or even 15 years. Future research could also use panel
data to examine the causal effects of different knowledge sources on innovation
output. Another possible topic could be to analyze the impact of knowledge sources
on state owned firms and compare these findings with private firms. What could be
the different between private enterprises and stated owned firms? That might not only
the size but also other conditions such as the ability to access knowledge sources.
Finally, this research data size finally come up with only 300 firms then the author
could not access the subsets hence she also encourages large-scale studies to provide
more detail on the nature of innovation, the various types of knowledge sources and
increase the number of observations to be able to test with various subsets of
populations (regions, age or size).
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