Luận án Ảnh hưởng của thực hành quản trị nhân lực đến hành vi đổi mới của người lao động trong các công ty thuộc bộ công an

Mối quan hệ giữa các thực hành quản trị nhân lực và hành vi đổi mới của nhân viên là một đề tài quan trọng trong lĩnh vực quản trị nhân lực và đã được nghiên cứu tại nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới, tuy nhiên tại các nước có nền kinh tế đang trong giai đoạn chuyển đổi như Việt Nam lại ít nhận được sự quan tâm. Bên cạnh đó, hiện nay trên Thế giới đang tồn tại nhiều ý kiến về mối quan hệ trung gian và điều tiết giữa mối liên hệ của thực hành quản trị nhân lực và hành vi đổi mới. Do đó, dựa trên tổng quan các công trình nghiên cứu trong và ngoài nước, Luận án đã xây dựng được mô hình nghiên cứu về mối quan hệ giữa thực hành quản trị nhân lực và hành vi đổi mới của nhân viên. Bằng việc phân tích đối với cỡ mẫu bao gồm 879 nhân viên tại sáu doanh nghiệp thuộc Bộ Công An, kết quả Luận án cho thấy các hoạt động thực hành quản trị nhân lực tác động tích cực đến hành vi đổi mới của nhân viên thông qua vai trò trung gian của gắn kết công việc và cam kết tổ chức của mỗi cá nhân. Bên cạnh đó, vai trò điều tiết của môi trường đổi mới cũng được khẳng định trong mối quan hệ giữa cam kết tổ chức và hành vi đổi mới. Ngoài ra, nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra có sự khác biệt về hành vi đổi mới của các cá nhân theo giới tính, độ tuổi, trình độ học vấn, kinh nghiệm làm việc, thu nhập và vị trí công tác hiện tại. Dựa vào các kết quả của Luận án, Nghiên cứu sinh đề xuất một số khuyến nghị nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả của các hoạt động thực hành quản trị nhân lực, cải thiện gắn kết công việc, tính cam kết tổ chức, từ đó tăng cường các hành vi đổi mới trong doanh nghiệp. Khi đó, mỗi cá nhân sẽ có thái độ tích cực, trách nhiệm hơn và thể hiện tốt hơn trong các hoạt động, ý tưởng của cồn việc. Đồng thời, doanh nghiệp cũng dần dần xây dựng lợi thế cạnh tranh bền vững tạo nên giá trị riêng so với các tổ chức khác. Ngoài ra, tác giả cũng chỉ ra một số hạn chế của Luận án và đề xuất hướng nghiên cứu tiếp theo cho các đề tài thuộc lĩnh vực này trong thời gian tới. Từ đó, tác giả và các học giả quan tâm đến mối quan hệ giữa thực hành quản trị nhân lực, mức độ gắn kết về công việc, cam kết tổ chức và hành vi đổi mới của nhân viên có thể tiếp tục hoàn thiện cũng như phát triển sâu và rộng hơn các mô hình nghiên cứu mới, góp phần bổ sung thêm các công trình nghiên cứu khoa học có giá trị đồng thời giúp cho các nhà quản trị trong các doanh nghiệp thuộc Bộ Công an nói riêng và các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam nói chung có thêm căn cứ để đưa ra các quyết định phù hợp. Ngoài ra, người lao động trong các doanh nghiệp cũng nhận thức rõ ràng vấn đề hơn và thể hiện bản thân trong công việc hiệu suất, đạt kết quả cao, góp phần làm tăng trưởng kết quả hoạt động sản xuất, kinh doanh của tổ chức.

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Luận án Ảnh hưởng của thực hành quản trị nhân lực đến hành vi đổi mới của người lao động trong các công ty thuộc bộ công an, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
8.367 *** par_50 hv6 <--- hv .961 .036 26.414 *** par_51 hv4 <--- hv .863 .033 25.911 *** par_52 hv3 <--- hv .824 .033 24.814 *** par_53 hv5 <--- hv .871 .034 25.286 *** par_54 ck4 <--- ck 1.000 ck3 <--- ck .978 .046 21.074 *** par_55 ck1 <--- ck .973 .047 20.784 *** par_56 ck2 <--- ck .931 .044 21.014 *** par_57 ck5 <--- ck .956 .046 20.926 *** par_58 210 Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate th19 <--- th .784 th20 <--- th .712 th8 <--- th .793 th18 <--- th .777 th21 <--- th .785 th15 <--- th .768 th16 <--- th .765 th9 <--- th .796 th17 <--- th .760 th5 <--- th .782 th7 <--- th .792 th25 <--- th .769 th10 <--- th .766 th13 <--- th .727 th24 <--- th .741 th22 <--- th .782 th6 <--- th .779 th23 <--- th .779 th14 <--- th .732 th26 <--- th .779 th11 <--- th .779 th4 <--- th .718 th12 <--- th .794 th3 <--- th .676 th1 <--- th .693 th2 <--- th .431 gk5 <--- gk .747 gk6 <--- gk .711 gk3 <--- gk .757 gk8 <--- gk .761 gk11 <--- gk .748 211 gk7 <--- gk .694 gk2 <--- gk .759 gk12 <--- gk .670 gk10 <--- gk .741 gk1 <--- gk .746 gk9 <--- gk .753 gk13 <--- gk .730 gk14 <--- gk .759 gk4 <--- gk .670 mt5 <--- mt .826 mt9 <--- mt .815 mt4 <--- mt .785 mt2 <--- mt .746 mt7 <--- mt .819 mt6 <--- mt .766 mt3 <--- mt .805 mt8 <--- mt .810 mt10 <--- mt .789 mt1 <--- mt .756 hv1 <--- hv .822 hv8 <--- hv .824 hv7 <--- hv .852 hv2 <--- hv .810 hv6 <--- hv .823 hv4 <--- hv .760 hv3 <--- hv .740 hv5 <--- hv .747 ck4 <--- ck .759 ck3 <--- ck .715 ck1 <--- ck .706 ck2 <--- ck .713 ck5 <--- ck .710 212 Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label th gk .213 .015 14.042 *** par_59 th mt .193 .015 13.052 *** par_60 th hv .276 .019 14.886 *** par_61 th ck .346 .023 15.037 *** par_62 gk mt .211 .015 14.460 *** par_63 gk hv .278 .018 15.516 *** par_64 gk ck .229 .018 12.914 *** par_65 mt hv .244 .017 14.484 *** par_66 mt ck .201 .017 11.470 *** par_67 hv ck .307 .022 13.906 *** par_68 e1 e2 .042 .008 5.371 *** par_69 e1 e4 .073 .008 8.888 *** par_70 e2 e5 .053 .009 5.864 *** par_71 e7 e9 .063 .010 6.485 *** par_72 e8 e11 .052 .009 5.970 *** par_73 e15 e18 .040 .009 4.537 *** par_74 e16 e18 .058 .009 6.836 *** par_75 e21 e23 .052 .009 5.832 *** par_76 e22 e24 .077 .010 8.057 *** par_77 e24 e25 .057 .010 5.700 *** par_78 e27 e28 .057 .009 6.465 *** par_79 e29 e33 .034 .007 4.956 *** par_80 e30 e32 .048 .009 5.238 *** par_81 e33 e36 .050 .008 6.667 *** par_82 e42 e49 .036 .007 5.291 *** par_83 e43 e44 .032 .007 4.515 *** par_84 e47 e48 -.026 .006 -4.651 *** par_85 e44 e47 .031 .007 4.755 *** par_86 e51 e55 -.040 .007 -5.581 *** par_87 e51 e53 -.012 .007 -1.655 .098 par_88 e52 e57 -.018 .007 -2.662 .008 par_89 e56 e57 .083 .009 9.640 *** par_90 e57 e58 -.026 .007 -3.487 *** par_91 213 Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate th gk .730 th mt .594 th hv .761 th ck .868 gk mt .754 gk hv .893 gk ck .666 mt hv .701 mt ck .523 hv ck .718 e1 e2 .175 e1 e4 .328 e2 e5 .207 e7 e9 .237 e8 e11 .220 e15 e18 .156 e16 e18 .247 e21 e23 .214 e22 e24 .286 e24 e25 .193 e27 e28 .242 e29 e33 .178 e30 e32 .194 e33 e36 .246 e42 e49 .210 e43 e44 .166 e47 e48 -.175 e44 e47 .182 e51 e55 -.223 e51 e53 -.068 e52 e57 -.090 e56 e57 .388 e57 e58 -.115 214 Variances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label th .338 .024 13.825 *** par_92 gk .251 .020 12.804 *** par_93 mt .313 .021 14.821 *** par_94 hv .388 .026 14.630 *** par_95 ck .471 .037 12.726 *** par_96 e1 .212 .011 20.032 *** par_97 e2 .276 .014 20.328 *** par_98 e3 .227 .011 19.897 *** par_99 e4 .234 .012 19.987 *** par_100 e5 .236 .012 19.939 *** par_101 e6 .262 .013 20.055 *** par_102 e7 .263 .013 20.051 *** par_103 e8 .234 .012 19.840 *** par_104 e9 .273 .014 20.076 *** par_105 e10 .276 .014 19.973 *** par_106 e11 .244 .012 19.870 *** par_107 e12 .256 .013 20.048 *** par_108 e13 .287 .014 20.065 *** par_109 e14 .273 .013 20.252 *** par_110 e15 .277 .014 20.178 *** par_111 e16 .232 .012 19.954 *** par_112 e17 .287 .014 19.991 *** par_113 e18 .239 .012 19.994 *** par_114 e19 .299 .015 20.233 *** par_115 e20 .277 .014 19.991 *** par_116 e21 .237 .012 19.957 *** par_117 215 Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label e22 .259 .013 20.284 *** par_118 e23 .253 .013 19.855 *** par_119 e24 .282 .014 20.494 *** par_120 e25 .312 .015 20.371 *** par_121 e26 2.092 .101 20.810 *** par_122 e27 .198 .010 19.500 *** par_123 e28 .279 .014 19.765 *** par_124 e29 .177 .009 19.420 *** par_125 e30 .210 .011 19.374 *** par_126 e31 .225 .012 19.541 *** par_127 e32 .285 .014 19.859 *** par_128 e33 .204 .011 19.387 *** par_129 e34 .377 .019 20.050 *** par_130 e35 .227 .012 19.600 *** par_131 e36 .203 .010 19.516 *** par_132 e37 .204 .010 19.498 *** par_133 e38 .224 .011 19.683 *** par_134 e39 .204 .010 19.444 *** par_135 e40 .335 .017 20.045 *** par_136 e41 .146 .008 18.384 *** par_137 e42 .162 .009 18.445 *** par_138 e43 .179 .009 18.996 *** par_139 e44 .202 .011 19.202 *** par_140 e45 .146 .008 18.509 *** par_141 e46 .200 .010 19.253 *** par_142 e47 .143 .008 18.281 *** par_143 e48 .156 .008 18.355 *** par_144 e49 .182 .010 18.824 *** par_145 216 Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label e50 .165 .008 19.360 *** par_146 e51 .186 .011 17.670 *** par_147 e52 .190 .010 18.570 *** par_148 e53 .173 .010 17.495 *** par_149 e54 .179 .009 18.922 *** par_150 e55 .170 .009 18.211 *** par_151 e56 .210 .011 19.419 *** par_152 e57 .218 .011 19.280 *** par_153 e58 .233 .012 19.542 *** par_154 e59 .346 .020 17.425 *** par_155 e60 .431 .024 18.266 *** par_156 e61 .449 .024 18.403 *** par_157 e62 .395 .022 18.295 *** par_158 e63 .423 .023 18.337 *** par_159 Squared Multiple Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate ck5 .504 ck2 .508 ck1 .498 ck3 .511 ck4 .576 hv5 .558 hv3 .547 hv4 .578 hv6 .678 hv2 .655 217 Estimate hv7 .725 hv8 .678 hv1 .676 mt1 .572 mt10 .622 mt8 .656 mt3 .648 mt6 .587 mt7 .671 mt2 .556 mt4 .616 mt9 .664 mt5 .682 gk4 .450 gk14 .575 gk13 .533 gk9 .567 gk1 .557 gk10 .549 gk12 .448 gk2 .577 gk7 .482 gk11 .559 gk8 .579 gk3 .573 gk6 .505 gk5 .558 th2 .186 218 Estimate th1 .481 th3 .457 th12 .631 th4 .516 th11 .606 th26 .606 th14 .535 th23 .606 th6 .606 th22 .611 th24 .549 th13 .529 th10 .587 th25 .592 th7 .627 th5 .611 th17 .578 th9 .633 th16 .585 th15 .590 th21 .616 th18 .603 th8 .628 th20 .506 th19 .614 219 Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Model Fit Summary CMIN Model NPAR CMIN DF P CMIN/DF Default model 159 5147.741 1857 .000 2.772 Saturated model 2016 .000 0 Independence model 63 45415.520 1953 .000 23.254 RMR, GFI Model RMR GFI AGFI PGFI Default model .021 .837 .823 .771 Saturated model .000 1.000 Independence model .271 .069 .039 .067 Baseline Comparisons Model NFI Delta1 RFI rho1 IFI Delta2 TLI rho2 CFI Default model .887 .881 .924 .920 .924 Saturated model 1.000 1.000 1.000 Independence model .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Parsimony-Adjusted Measures Model PRATIO PNFI PCFI Default model .951 .843 .879 Saturated model .000 .000 .000 Independence model 1.000 .000 .000 NCP Model NCP LO 90 HI 90 Default model 3290.741 3080.615 3507.961 Saturated model .000 .000 .000 Independence model 43462.520 42772.221 44159.190 220 FMIN Model FMIN F0 LO 90 HI 90 Default model 5.863 3.748 3.509 3.995 Saturated model .000 .000 .000 .000 Independence model 51.726 49.502 48.716 50.295 RMSEA Model RMSEA LO 90 HI 90 PCLOSE Default model .045 .043 .046 1.000 Independence model .159 .158 .160 .000 Model AIC BCC BIC CAIC Default model 5465.741 5490.743 6225.568 6384.568 Saturated model 4032.000 4349.012 13666.030 15682.030 Independence model 45541.520 45551.426 45842.583 45905.583 ECVI Model ECVI LO 90 HI 90 MECVI Default model 6.225 5.986 6.473 6.254 Saturated model 4.592 4.592 4.592 4.953 Independence model 51.870 51.083 52.663 51.881 HOELTER HOELTER HOELTER Model .05 .01 Default model 335 342 Independence model 40 41 221 Phụ lục 4.5: Phân tích cấu trúc tuyến tính SEM Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label gk <--- th .631 .033 18.962 *** par_70 ck <--- th 1.026 .047 21.628 *** par_72 hv <--- th .109 .055 1.984 .047 par_69 hv <--- gk .809 .047 17.351 *** par_71 hv <--- ck .140 .044 3.190 .001 par_73 hv <--- int .009 .003 2.894 .004 par_87 hv <--- mt .054 .020 2.690 .007 par_88 th19 <--- th 1.000 th20 <--- th .914 .036 25.275 *** par_1 th8 <--- th 1.063 .040 26.359 *** par_2 th18 <--- th 1.024 .033 31.377 *** par_3 th21 <--- th 1.059 .041 26.056 *** par_4 th15 <--- th 1.056 .042 25.359 *** par_5 th16 <--- th 1.046 .042 25.203 *** par_6 th9 <--- th 1.091 .041 26.500 *** par_7 th17 <--- th 1.051 .042 25.005 *** par_8 th5 <--- th 1.132 .044 25.917 *** par_9 th7 <--- th 1.100 .042 26.331 *** par_10 th25 <--- th 1.047 .041 25.381 *** par_11 th10 <--- th 1.097 .043 25.248 *** par_12 th13 <--- th .951 .040 23.655 *** par_13 th24 <--- th .998 .041 24.212 *** par_14 222 Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label th22 <--- th 1.038 .040 25.954 *** par_15 th6 <--- th 1.143 .044 25.794 *** par_16 th23 <--- th 1.043 .040 25.817 *** par_17 th14 <--- th 1.009 .042 23.845 *** par_18 th26 <--- th 1.123 .044 25.788 *** par_19 th11 <--- th 1.040 .040 25.825 *** par_20 th4 <--- th .904 .039 23.310 *** par_21 th12 <--- th 1.130 .043 26.476 *** par_22 th3 <--- th .838 .039 21.642 *** par_23 th1 <--- th .924 .041 22.310 *** par_24 th2 <--- th 1.188 .091 13.043 *** par_25 gk5 <--- gk 1.000 gk6 <--- gk 1.065 .043 24.803 *** par_26 gk3 <--- gk .973 .042 23.135 *** par_27 gk8 <--- gk 1.074 .046 23.320 *** par_28 gk11 <--- gk 1.072 .047 22.951 *** par_29 gk7 <--- gk 1.025 .049 20.926 *** par_30 gk2 <--- gk 1.048 .045 23.100 *** par_31 gk12 <--- gk 1.112 .055 20.355 *** par_32 gk10 <--- gk 1.045 .046 22.487 *** par_33 gk1 <--- gk 1.005 .044 22.705 *** par_34 gk9 <--- gk 1.030 .045 23.010 *** par_35 gk13 <--- gk 1.006 .045 22.141 *** par_36 gk14 <--- gk 1.049 .045 23.216 *** par_37 223 Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label gk4 <--- gk 1.052 .052 20.391 *** par_38 mt5 <--- mt 1.000 mt9 <--- mt 1.008 .035 28.940 *** par_39 mt4 <--- mt .957 .035 27.537 *** par_40 mt2 <--- mt .900 .035 25.423 *** par_41 mt7 <--- mt .972 .033 29.195 *** par_42 mt6 <--- mt .952 .036 26.543 *** par_43 mt3 <--- mt .915 .032 28.214 *** par_44 mt8 <--- mt .971 .034 28.602 *** par_45 mt10 <--- mt .971 .035 27.383 *** par_46 mt1 <--- mt .834 .032 25.918 *** par_47 hv1 <--- hv 1.000 hv8 <--- hv 1.015 .037 27.228 *** par_48 hv7 <--- hv 1.087 .039 27.969 *** par_49 hv2 <--- hv .938 .035 26.604 *** par_50 hv6 <--- hv .960 .039 24.781 *** par_51 hv4 <--- hv .862 .035 24.302 *** par_52 hv3 <--- hv .824 .035 23.252 *** par_53 hv5 <--- hv .871 .037 23.717 *** par_54 ck4 <--- ck 1.000 ck3 <--- ck .978 .046 21.091 *** par_55 ck1 <--- ck .972 .047 20.766 *** par_56 ck2 <--- ck .930 .044 21.024 *** par_57 ck5 <--- ck .955 .046 20.929 *** par_58 224 Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate gk <--- th .732 ck <--- th .870 hv <--- th .108 hv <--- gk .690 hv <--- ck .164 hv <--- int .053 hv <--- mt .051 th19 <--- th .784 th20 <--- th .711 th8 <--- th .792 th18 <--- th .777 th21 <--- th .785 th15 <--- th .768 th16 <--- th .765 th9 <--- th .795 th17 <--- th .760 th5 <--- th .781 th7 <--- th .791 th25 <--- th .769 th10 <--- th .766 th13 <--- th .727 th24 <--- th .741 th22 <--- th .782 225 th6 <--- th .779 th23 <--- th .779 th14 <--- th .732 th26 <--- th .778 th11 <--- th .779 th4 <--- th .718 th12 <--- th .795 th3 <--- th .676 th1 <--- th .693 th2 <--- th .431 gk5 <--- gk .748 gk6 <--- gk .711 gk3 <--- gk .757 gk8 <--- gk .762 gk11 <--- gk .751 gk7 <--- gk .692 gk2 <--- gk .756 gk12 <--- gk .674 gk10 <--- gk .737 gk1 <--- gk .744 gk9 <--- gk .753 gk13 <--- gk .727 gk14 <--- gk .759 gk4 <--- gk .675 226 mt5 <--- mt .828 mt9 <--- mt .814 mt4 <--- mt .787 mt2 <--- mt .748 mt7 <--- mt .818 mt6 <--- mt .767 mt3 <--- mt .804 mt8 <--- mt .810 mt10 <--- mt .785 mt1 <--- mt .755 hv1 <--- hv .806 hv8 <--- hv .807 hv7 <--- hv .838 hv2 <--- hv .793 hv6 <--- hv .807 hv4 <--- hv .741 hv3 <--- hv .719 hv5 <--- hv .727 ck4 <--- ck .760 ck3 <--- ck .715 ck1 <--- ck .705 ck2 <--- ck .713 ck5 <--- ck .710 227 Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label e1 e2 .042 .008 5.382 *** par_59 e1 e4 .073 .008 8.878 *** par_60 e2 e5 .053 .009 5.890 *** par_61 e7 e9 .063 .010 6.487 *** par_62 e8 e11 .053 .009 6.004 *** par_63 e15 e18 .040 .009 4.530 *** par_64 e16 e18 .058 .008 6.783 *** par_65 e21 e23 .052 .009 5.785 *** par_66 e22 e24 .077 .010 8.055 *** par_67 e24 e25 .057 .010 5.707 *** par_68 e27 e28 .057 .009 6.412 *** par_74 e29 e33 .034 .007 5.013 *** par_75 e30 e32 .048 .009 5.263 *** par_76 e33 e36 .052 .008 6.781 *** par_77 e42 e49 .037 .007 5.377 *** par_78 e43 e44 .030 .007 4.292 *** par_79 e47 e48 -.025 .006 -4.449 *** par_80 e44 e47 .031 .007 4.688 *** par_81 e51 e55 -.040 .007 -5.588 *** par_82 e51 e53 -.013 .007 -1.696 .090 par_83 e52 e57 -.018 .007 -2.640 .008 par_84 e56 e57 .083 .009 9.646 *** par_85 e57 e58 -.026 .007 -3.468 *** par_86 228 Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate e1 e2 .175 e1 e4 .328 e2 e5 .208 e7 e9 .237 e8 e11 .221 e15 e18 .156 e16 e18 .245 e21 e23 .212 e22 e24 .286 e24 e25 .193 e27 e28 .242 e29 e33 .180 e30 e32 .197 e33 e36 .252 e42 e49 .216 e43 e44 .159 e47 e48 -.169 e44 e47 .182 e51 e55 -.224 e51 e53 -.070 e52 e57 -.089 e56 e57 .389 e57 e58 -.115 229 Variances: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label th .338 .024 13.826 *** par_89 mt .315 .021 14.863 *** par_90 int 12.660 .604 20.952 *** par_91 e64 .117 .010 12.225 *** par_92 e66 .115 .012 9.470 *** par_93 e65 .067 .006 11.041 *** par_94 e1 .212 .011 20.036 *** par_95 e2 .276 .014 20.332 *** par_96 e3 .228 .011 19.908 *** par_97 e4 .233 .012 19.990 *** par_98 e5 .237 .012 19.945 *** par_99 e6 .262 .013 20.057 *** par_100 e7 .263 .013 20.055 *** par_101 e8 .234 .012 19.849 *** par_102 e9 .273 .014 20.080 *** par_103 e10 .277 .014 19.978 *** par_104 e11 .245 .012 19.876 *** par_105 e12 .257 .013 20.054 *** par_106 e13 .288 .014 20.072 *** par_107 e14 .273 .013 20.256 *** par_108 e15 .277 .014 20.182 *** par_109 e16 .231 .012 19.953 *** par_110 e17 .287 .014 19.996 *** par_111 230 e18 .238 .012 19.993 *** par_112 e19 .299 .015 20.237 *** par_113 e20 .278 .014 19.997 *** par_114 e21 .237 .012 19.956 *** par_115 e22 .259 .013 20.285 *** par_116 e23 .252 .013 19.856 *** par_117 e24 .282 .014 20.497 *** par_118 e25 .312 .015 20.374 *** par_119 e26 2.092 .101 20.811 *** par_120 e27 .198 .010 19.391 *** par_121 e28 .279 .014 19.680 *** par_122 e29 .177 .009 19.314 *** par_123 e30 .209 .011 19.251 *** par_124 e31 .223 .011 19.415 *** par_125 e32 .287 .015 19.795 *** par_126 e33 .206 .011 19.306 *** par_127 e34 .373 .019 19.964 *** par_128 e35 .230 .012 19.536 *** par_129 e36 .205 .011 19.435 *** par_130 e37 .204 .011 19.398 *** par_131 e38 .227 .012 19.619 *** par_132 e39 .204 .011 19.340 *** par_133 e40 .332 .017 19.958 *** par_134 e41 .144 .008 18.127 *** par_135 231 e42 .162 .009 18.240 *** par_136 e43 .177 .009 18.795 *** par_137 e44 .201 .011 19.007 *** par_138 e45 .147 .008 18.334 *** par_139 e46 .199 .010 19.109 *** par_140 e47 .144 .008 18.058 *** par_141 e48 .156 .009 18.133 *** par_142 e49 .184 .010 18.690 *** par_143 e50 .165 .009 19.251 *** par_144 e51 .185 .011 17.632 *** par_145 e52 .190 .010 18.559 *** par_146 e53 .173 .010 17.459 *** par_147 e54 .179 .009 18.912 *** par_148 e55 .170 .009 18.191 *** par_149 e56 .210 .011 19.412 *** par_150 e57 .218 .011 19.271 *** par_151 e58 .233 .012 19.536 *** par_152 e59 .345 .020 17.404 *** par_153 e60 .431 .024 18.254 *** par_154 e61 .450 .024 18.408 *** par_155 e62 .394 .022 18.287 *** par_156 e63 .423 .023 18.332 *** par_157 232 Squared Multiple Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate ck .756 gk .536 hv .806 ck5 .504 ck2 .508 ck1 .497 ck3 .511 ck4 .577 hv5 .529 hv3 .517 hv4 .549 hv6 .651 hv2 .628 hv7 .702 hv8 .652 hv1 .650 mt1 .569 mt10 .617 mt8 .656 mt3 .646 mt6 .589 mt7 .669 mt2 .559 mt4 .620 mt9 .663 233 mt5 .686 gk4 .456 gk14 .575 gk13 .529 gk9 .566 gk1 .554 gk10 .544 gk12 .454 gk2 .572 gk7 .479 gk11 .564 gk8 .581 gk3 .572 gk6 .505 gk5 .559 th2 .186 th1 .481 th3 .457 th12 .631 th4 .516 th11 .608 th26 .606 th14 .535 th23 .607 th6 .606 th22 .612 th24 .549 234 th13 .529 th10 .586 th25 .591 th7 .626 th5 .611 th17 .578 th9 .632 th16 .585 th15 .590 th21 .616 th18 .603 th8 .627 th20 .506 th19 .614 235 Phụ lục 4.6: Các kiểm định ANOVA sự khác biệt về hành vi đổi mới theo đặc điểm cá nhân của cán bộ nhân viên Phụ lục 4.6.1: Công ty Test of Homogeneity of Variances hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 45.746 5 873 .000 ANOVA hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 229.643 5 45.929 423.639 .000 Within Groups 94.646 873 .108 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 289.910 5 283.716 .000 236 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) doanh nghiep (J) doanhn ghiep Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LS D 1 2 .35992* .04187 .000 .2777 .4421* 3 -.44989* .03302 .000 -.5147 -.3851* 4 .38091* .03800 .000 .3063 .4555* 5 1.15625* .03130 .000 1.0948 1.2177* 6 .14032* .04438 .002 .0532 .2274* 2 1 -.35992* .04187 .000 -.4421 -.2777* 3 -.80981* .04680 .000 -.9017 -.7180* 4 .02099 .05044 .677 -.0780 .1200 5 .79633* .04560 .000 .7068 .8858* 6 -.21960* .05540 .000 -.3283 -.1109* 3 1 .44989* .03302 .000 .3851 .5147* 2 .80981* .04680 .000 .7180 .9017* 4 .83080* .04337 .000 .7457 .9159* 5 1.60614* .03764 .000 1.5323 1.6800* 6 .59022* .04905 .000 .4939 .6865* 4 1 -.38091* .03800 .000 -.4555 -.3063* 2 -.02099 .05044 .677 -.1200 .0780 3 -.83080* .04337 .000 -.9159 -.7457* 5 .77534* .04208 .000 .6927 .8579* 6 -.24059* .05254 .000 -.3437 -.1375* 5 1 -1.15625* .03130 .000 -1.2177 -1.0948* 2 -.79633* .04560 .000 -.8858 -.7068* 3 -1.60614* .03764 .000 -1.6800 -1.5323* 4 -.77534* .04208 .000 -.8579 -.6927* 237 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) doanh nghiep (J) doanhn ghiep Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 6 -1.01593* .04791 .000 -1.1100 -.9219* 6 1 -.14032* .04438 .002 -.2274 -.0532* 2 .21960* .05540 .000 .1109 .3283* 3 -.59022* .04905 .000 -.6865 -.4939* 4 .24059* .05254 .000 .1375 .3437* 5 1.01593* .04791 .000 .9219 1.1100* Ta mh ane 1 2 .35992* .05918 .000 .1811 .1811 3 -.44989* .03077 .000 -.5414 -.5414 4 .38091* .02918 .000 .2935 .2935 5 1.15625* .04107 .000 1.0343 1.0343 6 .14032* .00787 .000 .1170 .1170 2 1 -.35992* .05918 .000 -.5388 -.5388 3 -.80981* .06623 .000 -1.0078 -1.0078 4 .02099 .06551 1.000 -.1751 -.1751 5 .79633* .07160 .000 .5833 .5833 6 -.21960* .05918 .006 -.3984 -.3984 3 1 .44989* .03077 .000 .3583 .3583 2 .80981* .06623 .000 .6118 .6118 4 .83080* .04167 .000 .7075 .7075 5 1.60614* .05071 .000 1.4565 1.4565 6 .59022* .03077 .000 .4987 .4987 4 1 -.38091* .02918 .000 -.4684 -.4684 2 -.02099 .06551 1.000 -.2171 -.2171 3 -.83080* .04167 .000 -.9541 -.9541 5 .77534* .04976 .000 .6283 .6283 238 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) doanh nghiep (J) doanhn ghiep Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 6 -.24059* .02918 .000 -.3280 -.3280 5 1 -1.15625* .04107 .000 -1.2782 -1.2782 2 -.79633* .07160 .000 -1.0094 -1.0094 3 -1.60614* .05071 .000 -1.7558 -1.7558 4 -.77534* .04976 .000 -.9224 -.9224 6 -1.01593* .04106 .000 -1.1379 -1.1379 6 1 -.14032* .00787 .000 -.1636 -.1636 2 .21960* .05918 .006 .0408 .0408 3 -.59022* .03077 .000 -.6818 -.6818 4 .24059* .02918 .000 .1531 .1531 5 1.01593* .04106 .000 .8940 .8940 Phụ lục 4.6.2: Giới tính Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df hanh vi Equal variances assumed .089 .765 -.971 877 Equal variances not assumed -.971 876.986 239 Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper hanh vi Equal variances assumed .332 -.03981 .04100 -.12028 .04066 Equal variances not assumed .332 -.03981 .04099 -.12027 .04065 Phụ lục 4.6.3: Độ tuổi Test of Homogeneity of Variances Hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 47.500 3 875 .000 ANOVA Hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 102.112 3 34.037 134.0 50 .000 Within Groups 222.176 875 .254 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 76.043 3 422.313 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 240 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) tuoi (J) tuoi Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.70783* .04700 .000 -.8001 -.6156 3 -.73310* .04831 .000 -.8279 -.6383 4 -.98148* .05335 .000 -1.0862 -.8768 2 1 .70783* .04700 .000 .6156 .8001 3 -.02527 .04433 .569 -.1123 .0617 4 -.27365* .04978 .000 -.3713 -.1760 3 1 .73310* .04831 .000 .6383 .8279 2 .02527 .04433 .569 -.0617 .1123 4 -.24838* .05102 .000 -.3485 -.1482 4 1 .98148* .05335 .000 .8768 1.0862 2 .27365* .04978 .000 .1760 .3713 3 .24838* .05102 .000 .1482 .3485 Tam hane 1 2 -.70783* .05722 .000 -.8595 -.5562 3 -.73310* .05779 .000 -.8862 -.5800 4 -.98148* .06608 .000 -1.1563 -.8066 2 1 .70783* .05722 .000 .5562 .8595 3 -.02527 .03309 .971 -.1127 .0621 4 -.27365* .04607 .000 -.3958 -.1515 3 1 .73310* .05779 .000 .5800 .8862 2 .02527 .03309 .971 -.0621 .1127 4 -.24838* .04676 .000 -.3723 -.1244 4 1 .98148* .06608 .000 .8066 1.1563 2 .27365* .04607 .000 .1515 .3958 3 .24838* .04676 .000 .1244 .3723 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 241 Phụ lục 4.6.4: Học vấn Test of Homogeneity of Variances hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 13.691 4 874 .000 ANOVA hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 104.399 4 26.100 103.739 .000 Within Groups 219.890 874 .252 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 289.061 4 373.719 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 242 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) hoc van (J) hocvan Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.05111 .06252 .414 -.1738 .0716 3 -.13223* .05404 .015 -.2383 -.0262* 4 -.26546* .05290 .000 -.3693 -.1616* 5 -1.12912* .06380 .000 -1.2543 -1.0039* 2 1 .05111 .06252 .414 -.0716 .1738 3 -.08113 .05570 .146 -.1904 .0282 4 -.21436* .05460 .000 -.3215 -.1072* 5 -1.07801* .06521 .000 -1.2060 -.9500* 3 1 .13223* .05404 .015 .0262 .2383* 2 .08113 .05570 .146 -.0282 .1904 4 -.13323* .04464 .003 -.2208 -.0456* 5 -.99689* .05713 .000 -1.1090 -.8848* 4 1 .26546* .05290 .000 .1616 .3693* 2 .21436* .05460 .000 .1072 .3215* 3 .13323* .04464 .003 .0456 .2208* 5 -.86366* .05606 .000 -.9737 -.7536* 5 1 1.12912* .06380 .000 1.0039 1.2543* 2 1.07801* .06521 .000 .9500 1.2060* 3 .99689* .05713 .000 .8848 1.1090* 4 .86366* .05606 .000 .7536 .9737* Tamhane 1 2 -.05111 .07267 .999 -.2563 .1541 3 -.13223 .06395 .333 -.3128 .0483 4 -.26546* .05808 .000 -.4299 -.1011* 243 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) hoc van (J) hocvan Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 5 -1.12912* .05639 .000 -1.2890 -.9693* 2 1 .05111 .07267 .999 -.1541 .2563 3 -.08113 .06292 .891 -.2588 .0966 4 -.21436* .05694 .002 -.3757 -.0530* 5 -1.07801* .05521 .000 -1.2347 -.9214* 3 1 .13223 .06395 .333 -.0483 .3128 2 .08113 .06292 .891 -.0966 .2588 4 -.13323 .04530 .034 -.2607 -.0058 5 -.99689* .04310 .000 -1.1183 -.8754* 4 1 .26546* .05808 .000 .1011 .4299* 2 .21436* .05694 .002 .0530 .3757* 3 .13323 .04530 .034 .0058 .2607 5 -.86366 .03378 .000 -.9588 -.7685 5 1 1.12912* .05639 .000 .9693 1.2890* 2 1.07801* .05521 .000 .9214 1.2347* 3 .99689* .04310 .000 .8754 1.1183* 4 .86366 .03378 .000 .7685 .9588 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 244 Phụ lục 4.6.5: Kinh nghiệm làm việc tại công ty Test of Homogeneity of Variances hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 4.682 3 875 .003 ANOVA hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 11.653 3 3.884 10.871 .000 Within Groups 312.636 875 .357 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 12.727 3 483.392 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 245 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) kinhnghiem (J) kinhng hiem Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .33805* .05954 .000 .2212 .4549* 3 .17707* .05818 .002 .0629 .2913* 4 .20683* .05840 .000 .0922 .3215* 2 1 -.33805* .05954 .000 -.4549 -.2212* 3 -.16097* .05612 .004 -.2711 -.0508* 4 -.13122* .05634 .020 -.2418 -.0206* 3 1 -.17707* .05818 .002 -.2913 -.0629* 2 .16097* .05612 .004 .0508 .2711* 4 .02976 .05491 .588 -.0780 .1375 4 1 -.20683* .05840 .000 -.3215 -.0922* 2 .13122* .05634 .020 .0206 .2418* 3 -.02976 .05491 .588 -.1375 .0780 Tamha ne 1 2 .33805* .05552 .000 .1912 .4849* 3 .17707* .05381 .006 .0348 .3193* 4 .20683* .05638 .002 .0578 .3559* 2 1 -.33805* .05552 .000 -.4849 -.1912* 3 -.16097* .05664 .028 -.3107 -.0113* 4 -.13122 .05909 .151 -.2874 .0249 3 1 -.17707* .05381 .006 -.3193 -.0348* 2 .16097* .05664 .028 .0113 .3107* 4 .02976 .05748 .996 -.1221 .1816 4 1 -.20683* .05638 .002 -.3559 -.0578* 2 .13122 .05909 .151 -.0249 .2874 3 -.02976 .05748 .996 -.1816 .1221 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 246 Phụ lục 4.6.6: Thu nhập Test of Homogeneity of Variances hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 31.107 3 875 .000 ANOVA hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 10.785 3 3.595 10.033 .000 Within Groups 313.504 875 .358 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 5.630 3 151.957 .001 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 247 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) thunh ap (J) thunh ap Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.33116* .10156 .001 -.5305 -.1318* 3 -.44569* .10084 .000 -.6436 -.2478* 4 -.52050* .10709 .000 -.7307 -.3103* 2 1 .33116* .10156 .001 .1318 .5305* 3 -.11453* .04592 .013 -.2047 -.0244* 4 -.18934* .05838 .001 -.3039 -.0747* 3 1 .44569* .10084 .000 .2478 .6436* 2 .11453* .04592 .013 .0244 .2047* 4 -.07481 .05713 .191 -.1869 .0373 4 1 .52050* .10709 .000 .3103 .7307* 2 .18934* .05838 .001 .0747 .3039* 3 .07481 .05713 .191 -.0373 .1869 Tamha ne 1 2 -.33116 .17206 .315 -.8062 .1439 3 -.44569 .16920 .070 -.9144 .0230 4 -.52050* .17493 .028 -1.0020 -.0390* 2 1 .33116 .17206 .315 -.1439 .8062 3 -.11453 .04411 .057 -.2310 .0020 4 -.18934* .06260 .016 -.3550 -.0237* 3 1 .44569 .16920 .070 -.0230 .9144 2 .11453 .04411 .057 -.0020 .2310 4 -.07481 .05423 .671 -.2188 .0692 4 1 .52050* .17493 .028 .0390 1.0020* 2 .18934* .06260 .016 .0237 .3550* 3 .07481 .05423 .671 -.0692 .2188 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 248 Phụ lục 4.6.7: Vị trí công tác Test of Homogeneity of Variances hanhvi Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 3.223 2 876 .040 ANOVA hanhvi Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 3.140 2 1.570 4.282 .014 Within Groups 321.149 876 .367 Total 324.289 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means hanhvi Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 5.932 2 133.153 .003 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 249 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: hanhvi (I) vitri (J) vitri Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .22107* .09662 .022 .0314 .4107 3 .21598* .07437 .004 .0700 .3619 2 1 -.22107* .09662 .022 -.4107 -.0314 3 -.00510 .06944 .942 -.1414 .1312 3 1 -.21598* .07437 .004 -.3619 -.0700 2 .00510 .06944 .942 -.1312 .1414 Tamha ne 1 2 .22107* .08220 .024 .0226 .4195 3 .21598* .06337 .003 .0620 .3700 2 1 -.22107* .08220 .024 -.4195 -.0226 3 -.00510 .06178 1.000 -.1548 .1446 3 1 -.21598* .06337 .003 -.3700 -.0620 2 .00510 .06178 1.000 -.1446 .1548 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 250 Phụ lục 4.7: Các kiểm định ANOVA sự khác biệt về gắn kết công việc theo đặc điểm cá nhân của cán bộ nhân viên Phụ lục 4.7.1: Giới tính Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df ganket Equal variances assumed .284 .594 -.952 877 Equal variances not assumed -.951 874.699 Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Differe nce Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper ganket Equal variances assumed .342 -.03462 .03638 -.10602 .03678 Equal variances not assumed .342 -.03462 .03639 -.10604 .03681 251 Phụ lục 4.7.2: Độ tuổi Test of Homogeneity of Variances ganket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 55.406 3 875 .000 ANOVA ganket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 66.412 3 22.137 102.546 .000 Within Groups 188.893 875 .216 Total 255.304 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means ganket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 55.420 3 413.225 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 252 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) tuoi (J) tuoi Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.58386* .04334 .000 -.6689 -.4988 3 -.56379* .04454 .000 -.6512 -.4764 4 -.79703* .04920 .000 -.8936 -.7005 2 1 .58386* .04334 .000 .4988 .6689 3 .02007 .04087 .623 -.0601 .1003 4 -.21317* .04590 .000 -.3033 -.1231 3 1 .56379* .04454 .000 .4764 .6512 2 -.02007 .04087 .623 -.1003 .0601 4 -.23324* .04704 .000 -.3256 -.1409 4 1 .79703* .04920 .000 .7005 .8936 2 .21317* .04590 .000 .1231 .3033 3 .23324* .04704 .000 .1409 .3256 Tamha ne 1 2 -.58386* .05260 .000 -.7233 -.4444 3 -.56379* .05330 .000 -.7051 -.4225 4 -.79703* .06342 .000 -.9648 -.6292 2 1 .58386* .05260 .000 .4444 .7233 3 .02007 .02832 .980 -.0547 .0949 4 -.21317* .04453 .000 -.3313 -.0950 3 1 .56379* .05330 .000 .4225 .7051 2 -.02007 .02832 .980 -.0949 .0547 4 -.23324* .04535 .000 -.3535 -.1130 4 1 .79703* .06342 .000 .6292 .9648 2 .21317* .04453 .000 .0950 .3313 3 .23324* .04535 .000 .1130 .3535 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 253 Phụ lục 4.7.3: Học vấn Test of Homogeneity of Variances ganket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.842 4 874 .023 ANOVA ganket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 68.936 4 17.234 80.820 .000 Within Groups 186.369 874 .213 Total 255.304 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means ganket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 130.945 4 360.314 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 254 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) hocvan (J) hocvan Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.06156 .05756 .285 -.1745 .0514 3 -.10754* .04975 .031 -.2052 -.0099* 4 -.18632* .04871 .000 -.2819 -.0907* 5 -.92105* .05874 .000 -1.0363 -.8058* 2 1 .06156 .05756 .285 -.0514 .1745 3 -.04599 .05128 .370 -.1466 .0547 4 -.12476* .05026 .013 -.2234 -.0261* 5 -.85950* .06003 .000 -.9773 -.7417* 3 1 .10754* .04975 .031 .0099 .2052* 2 .04599 .05128 .370 -.0547 .1466 4 -.07877 .04109 .056 -.1594 .0019 5 -.81351* .05260 .000 -.9167 -.7103* 4 1 .18632* .04871 .000 .0907 .2819* 2 .12476* .05026 .013 .0261 .2234* 3 .07877 .04109 .056 -.0019 .1594 5 -.73474* .05161 .000 -.8360 -.6334* 5 1 .92105* .05874 .000 .8058 1.0363* 2 .85950* .06003 .000 .7417 .9773* 3 .81351* .05260 .000 .7103 .9167* 4 .73474* .05161 .000 .6334 .8360* Tamha ne 1 2 -.06156 .06263 .981 -.2384 .1153 3 -.10754 .05891 .511 -.2738 .0587 4 -.18632* .05199 .004 -.3335 -.0391* 5 -.92105* .05627 .000 -1.0801 -.7620* 2 1 .06156 .06263 .981 -.1153 .2384 3 -.04599 .05476 .994 -.2005 .1085 4 -.12476 .04723 .086 -.2585 .0090 5 -.85950* .05191 .000 -1.0063 -.7127* 3 1 .10754 .05891 .511 -.0587 .2738 2 .04599 .05476 .994 -.1085 .2005 4 -.07877 .04217 .476 -.1975 .0399 255 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) hocvan (J) hocvan Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 5 -.81351* .04735 .000 -.9470 -.6801* 4 1 .18632* .05199 .004 .0391 .3335* 2 .12476* .04723 .086 -.0090 .2585* 3 .07877 .04217 .476 -.0399 .1975 5 -.73474 .03839 .000 -.8432 -.6262 5 1 .92105* .05627 .000 .7620 1.0801* 2 .85950* .05191 .000 .7127 1.0063* 3 .81351* .04735 .000 .6801 .9470* 4 .73474 .03839 .000 .6262 .8432 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Phụ lục 4.7.4: Kinh nghiệm làm việc tại công ty Test of Homogeneity of Variances ganket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. .382 3 875 .766 ANOVA ganket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 4.959 3 1.653 5.778 .001 Within Groups 250.345 875 .286 Total 255.304 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means ganket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 6.940 3 482.705 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 256 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) kinh nghi em (J) kinh nghi em Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .22080* .05328 .000 .1162 .3254* 3 .12249* .05207 .019 .0203 .2247* 4 .13503* .05226 .010 .0325 .2376* 2 1 -.22080* .05328 .000 -.3254 -.1162* 3 -.09832 .05022 .051 -.1969 .0002 4 -.08577 .05042 .089 -.1847 .0132 3 1 -.12249* .05207 .019 -.2247 -.0203* 2 .09832 .05022 .051 -.0002 .1969 4 .01254 .04914 .799 -.0839 .1090 4 1 -.13503* .05226 .010 -.2376 -.0325* 2 .08577 .05042 .089 -.0132 .1847 3 -.01254 .04914 .799 -.1090 .0839 Tamha ne 1 2 .22080* .04856 .000 .0924 .3492* 3 .12249 .04969 .082 -.0089 .2538 4 .13503 .05236 .060 -.0034 .2734 2 1 -.22080* .04856 .000 -.3492 -.0924* 3 -.09832 .04876 .238 -.2272 .0305 4 -.08577 .05148 .456 -.2218 .0503 3 1 -.12249 .04969 .082 -.2538 .0089 2 .09832 .04876 .238 -.0305 .2272 4 .01254 .05255 1.000 -.1263 .1514 4 1 -.13503 .05236 .060 -.2734 .0034 2 .08577 .05148 .456 -.0503 .2218 3 -.01254 .05255 1.000 -.1514 .1263 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 257 Phụ lục 4.7.5: Thu nhập Test of Homogeneity of Variances ganket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 20.852 3 875 .000 ANOVA ganket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 9.667 3 3.222 11.47 9 .000 Within Groups 245.637 875 .281 Total 255.304 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means ganket Statist ica df1 df2 Sig. Wel ch 7.122 3 151.8 54 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 258 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) thu nh ap (J) thunh ap Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.30244* .08989 .001 -.4789 -.1260* 3 -.33172* .08926 .000 -.5069 -.1565* 4 -.51277* .09480 .000 -.6988 -.3267* 2 1 .30244* .08989 .001 .1260 .4789* 3 -.02928 .04064 .471 -.1090 .0505 4 -.21033* .05168 .000 -.3118 -.1089* 3 1 .33172* .08926 .000 .1565 .5069* 2 .02928 .04064 .471 -.0505 .1090 4 -.18106* .05057 .000 -.2803 -.0818* 4 1 .51277* .09480 .000 .3267 .6988* 2 .21033* .05168 .000 .1089 .3118* 3 .18106* .05057 .000 .0818 .2803* Tamha ne 1 2 -.30244 .16138 .345 -.7483 .1434 3 -.33172 .15917 .235 -.7727 .1093 4 -.51277* .16391 .019 -.9643 -.0613* 2 1 .30244 .16138 .345 -.1434 .7483 3 -.02928 .03848 .971 -.1309 .0724 4 -.21033* .05489 .001 -.3556 -.0651* 3 1 .33172 .15917 .235 -.1093 .7727 2 .02928 .03848 .971 -.0724 .1309 4 -.18106* .04801 .001 -.3085 -.0536* 4 1 .51277* .16391 .019 .0613 .9643* 2 .21033* .05489 .001 .0651 .3556* 3 .18106* .04801 .001 .0536 .3085* *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 259 Phụ lục 4.7.6: Vị trí công tác Test of Homogeneity of Variances ganket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. .909 2 876 .403 ANOVA ganket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 5.015 2 2.508 8.777 .000 Within Groups 250.289 876 .286 Total 255.304 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means ganket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 11.019 2 130.435 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 260 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ganket (I) vitri (J) vitri Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .27995* .08530 .001 .1125 .4474 3 .27287* .06565 .000 .1440 .4017 2 1 -.27995* .08530 .001 -.4474 -.1125 3 -.00707 .06130 .908 -.1274 .1132 3 1 -.27287* .06565 .000 -.4017 -.1440 2 .00707 .06130 .908 -.1132 .1274 Tamha ne 1 2 .27995* .07596 .001 .0966 .4633 3 .27287* .05866 .000 .1302 .4155 2 1 -.27995* .07596 .001 -.4633 -.0966 3 -.00707 .05618 .999 -.1433 .1291 3 1 -.27287* .05866 .000 -.4155 -.1302 2 .00707 .05618 .999 -.1291 .1433 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 261 Phụ lục 4.8: Các kiểm định ANOVA sự khác biệt về cam kết tổ chức theo đặc điểm cá nhân của cán bộ nhân viên Phụ lục 4.8.1: Giới tính Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df cam ket Equal variances assumed .047 .829 -.321 877 Equal variances not assumed -.321 876.4 96 Independent Samples Test t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2- tailed ) Mean Differe nce Std. Error Differe nce 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper camk et Equal variances assumed .748 - .01565 .04878 -.11138 .08008 Equal variances not assumed .748 - .01565 .04878 -.11138 .08008 262 Phụ lục 4.8.2: Độ tuổi Test of Homogeneity of Variances camket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 98.858 3 875 .000 ANOVA camket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 345.620 3 115.207 893.080 .000 Within Groups 112.874 875 .129 Total 458.494 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means camket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 618.384 3 405.843 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 263 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) tuoi (J) tuoi Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -1.05417* .03350 .000 -1.1199 -.9884 3 -1.25923* .03443 .000 -1.3268 -1.1916 4 -1.90113* .03803 .000 -1.9758 -1.8265 2 1 1.05417* .03350 .000 .9884 1.1199 3 -.20505* .03160 .000 -.2671 -.1430 4 -.84696* .03548 .000 -.9166 -.7773 3 1 1.25923* .03443 .000 1.1916 1.3268 2 .20505* .03160 .000 .1430 .2671 4 -.64190* .03636 .000 -.7133 -.5705 4 1 1.90113* .03803 .000 1.8265 1.9758 2 .84696* .03548 .000 .7773 .9166 3 .64190* .03636 .000 .5705 .7133 Tamha ne 1 2 -1.05417* .04756 .000 -1.1804 -.9280 3 -1.25923* .04623 .000 -1.3820 -1.1365 4 -1.90113* .05008 .000 -2.0338 -1.7684 2 1 1.05417* .04756 .000 .9280 1.1804 3 -.20505* .01749 .000 -.2513 -.1588 4 -.84696* .02602 .000 -.9159 -.7781 3 1 1.25923* .04623 .000 1.1365 1.3820 2 .20505* .01749 .000 .1588 .2513 4 -.64190* .02349 .000 -.7042 -.5796 4 1 1.90113* .05008 .000 1.7684 2.0338 2 .84696* .02602 .000 .7781 .9159 3 .64190* .02349 .000 .5796 .7042 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 264 Phụ lục 4.8.3: Học vấn Test of Homogeneity of Variances camket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 4.922 4 874 .001 ANOVA camket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 53.335 4 13.334 28.763 .000 Within Groups 405.159 874 .464 Total 458.494 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means camket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 58.700 4 372.339 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 265 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) hoc van (J) hocv an Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.07790 .08487 .359 -.2445 .0887 3 -.12053 .07336 .101 -.2645 .0235 4 -.19429* .07181 .007 -.3352 -.0533* 5 -.82604* .08660 .000 -.9960 -.6561* 2 1 .07790 .08487 .359 -.0887 .2445 3 -.04262 .07561 .573 -.1910 .1058 4 -.11639 .07411 .117 -.2618 .0291 5 -.74814* .08852 .000 -.9219 -.5744* 3 1 .12053 .07336 .101 -.0235 .2645 2 .04262 .07561 .573 -.1058 .1910 4 -.07377 .06059 .224 -.1927 .0452 5 -.70551* .07755 .000 -.8577 -.5533* 4 1 .19429* .07181 .007 .0533 .3352* 2 .11639 .07411 .117 -.0291 .2618 3 .07377 .06059 .224 -.0452 .1927 5 -.63175* .07609 .000 -.7811 -.4824* 5 1 .82604* .08660 .000 .6561 .9960* 2 .74814* .08852 .000 .5744 .9219* 3 .70551* .07755 .000 .5533 .8577* 4 .63175* .07609 .000 .4824 .7811* Tamha ne 1 2 -.07790 .09592 .995 -.3488 .1930 3 -.12053 .08235 .790 -.3532 .1122 4 -.19429 .08121 .162 -.4238 .0353 266 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) hoc van (J) hocv an Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 5 -.82604* .07968 .000 -1.0515 -.6005* 2 1 .07790 .09592 .995 -.1930 .3488 3 -.04262 .07908 1.000 -.2662 .1809 4 -.11639 .07790 .770 -.3367 .1039 5 -.74814* .07630 .000 -.9642 -.5321* 3 1 .12053 .08235 .790 -.1122 .3532 2 .04262 .07908 1.000 -.1809 .2662 4 -.07377 .06040 .919 -.2436 .0961 5 -.70551 .05833 .000 -.8699 -.5411 4 1 .19429* .08121 .162 -.0353 .4238* 2 .11639* .07790 .770 -.1039 .3367* 3 .07377 .06040 .919 -.0961 .2436 5 -.63175 .05671 .000 -.7916 -.4719 5 1 .82604 .07968 .000 .6005 1.0515 2 .74814* .07630 .000 .5321 .9642* 3 .70551 .05833 .000 .5411 .8699 4 .63175 .05671 .000 .4719 .7916 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 267 Phụ lục 4.8.4: Kinh nghiệm làm việc tại công ty Test of Homogeneity of Variances camket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.844 3 875 .037 ANOVA camket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 8.637 3 2.879 5.600 .001 Within Groups 449.857 875 .514 Total 458.494 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means camket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 6.034 3 478.197 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 268 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) kinhn ghiem (J) kinhn ghiem Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .25146* .07142 .000 .1113 .3916* 3 .22249* .06980 .001 .0855 .3595* 4 .24647* .07006 .000 .1090 .3840* 2 1 -.25146* .07142 .000 -.3916 -.1113* 3 -.02897 .06732 .667 -.1611 .1032 4 -.00498 .06759 .941 -.1376 .1277 3 1 -.22249* .06980 .001 -.3595 -.0855* 2 .02897 .06732 .667 -.1032 .1611 4 .02398 .06587 .716 -.1053 .1533 4 1 -.24647* .07006 .000 -.3840 -.1090* 2 .00498 .06759 .941 -.1277 .1376 3 -.02398 .06587 .716 -.1533 .1053 Tamha ne 1 2 .25146* .07019 .002 .0659 .4370* 3 .22249* .06434 .004 .0523 .3926* 4 .24647* .07151 .004 .0574 .4355* 2 1 -.25146* .07019 .002 -.4370 -.0659* 3 -.02897 .06520 .998 -.2013 .1434 4 -.00498 .07228 1.000 -.1960 .1860 3 1 -.22249* .06434 .004 -.3926 -.0523* 2 .02897 .06520 .998 -.1434 .2013 4 .02398 .06662 1.000 -.1521 .2000 4 1 -.24647* .07151 .004 -.4355 -.0574* 2 .00498 .07228 1.000 -.1860 .1960 3 -.02398 .06662 1.000 -.2000 .1521 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 269 Phụ lục 4.8.5: Thu nhập Test of Homogeneity of Variances camket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 16.965 3 875 .000 ANOVA camket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 29.267 3 9.756 19.887 .000 Within Groups 429.227 875 .491 Total 458.494 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means camket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 15.008 3 154.962 .000 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 270 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) thun hap (J) thunh ap Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 -.45433* .11883 .000 -.6876 -.2211* 3 -.75282* .11799 .000 -.9844 -.5212* 4 -.62237* .12531 .000 -.8683 -.3764* 2 1 .45433* .11883 .000 .2211 .6876* 3 -.29849* .05373 .000 -.4039 -.1930* 4 -.16804* .06832 .014 -.3021 -.0340* 3 1 .75282* .11799 .000 .5212 .9844* 2 .29849* .05373 .000 .1930 .4039* 4 .13045 .06685 .051 -.0008 .2616 4 1 .62237* .12531 .000 .3764 .8683* 2 .16804* .06832 .014 .0340 .3021* 3 -.13045 .06685 .051 -.2616 .0008 Tamha ne 1 2 -.45433 .19816 .152 -1.0021 .0935 3 -.75282* .19728 .003 -1.2986 -.2070* 4 -.62237* .20308 .022 -1.1812 -.0636* 2 1 .45433 .19816 .152 -.0935 1.0021 3 -.29849* .05027 .000 -.4312 -.1658* 4 -.16804 .06964 .095 -.3525 .0165 3 1 .75282* .19728 .003 .2070 1.2986* 2 .29849* .05027 .000 .1658 .4312* 4 .13045 .06708 .278 -.0474 .3083 4 1 .62237* .20308 .022 .0636 1.1812* 2 .16804 .06964 .095 -.0165 .3525 3 -.13045 .06708 .278 -.3083 .0474 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 271 Phụ lục 4.8.6: Vị trí công tác Test of Homogeneity of Variances camket Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1.095 2 876 .335 ANOVA camket Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2.574 2 1.287 2.473 .085 Within Groups 455.921 876 .520 Total 458.494 878 Robust Tests of Equality of Means camket Statistica df1 df2 Sig. Welch 2.904 2 130.611 .058 a. Asymptotically F distributed. 272 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: camket (I) vitri (J) vitri Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound LSD 1 2 .23342* .11512 .043 .0075 .4594 3 .06771 .08861 .445 -.1062 .2416 2 1 -.23342* .11512 .043 -.4594 -.0075 3 -.16571* .08273 .045 -.3281 -.0033 3 1 -.06771 .08861 .445 -.2416 .1062 2 .16571* .08273 .045 .0033 .3281 Tamha ne 1 2 .23342 .10237 .070 -.0137 .4805 3 .06771 .07665 .761 -.1186 .2540 2 1 -.23342 .10237 .070 -.4805 .0137 3 -.16571 .07817 .105 -.3553 .0238 3 1 -.06771 .07665 .761 -.2540 .1186 2 .16571 .07817 .105 -.0238 .3553 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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