The technical procedures for growing and caring of citrus in VietNam
On fruit crops, pests and diseases caused much
damages and the farmers normally use pestisides for
controlling them, which lead to residue on fruits.
However, for controlling of pests, the best way is
using IPM, which use less toxicity chemicals,
combines with cultural practices, biological agents,
and organic fertilizers.
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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
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Establishment of an orchard is a long term investment and hence needs
the complete planning. Any mistake committed during selection of site,
plant density, choice of varieties, quality of seedling… reflects greatly
on the orchard performance.
For got management and sustained yields, it is very important to
select a good site for orchard.
Temperature: It should be remembered that the optimum temperature
range for tropical trees is between 23-30oC, if temperature is low at 10oC
can damage tropical trees.
Rainfall: In general, a climate with low rainfall and plenty sunshine in
good for tropical trees. High rainfall areas are less suitable for fruit trees
because of pressures of pests and diseases, lower yield and poor fruit
Soil: Fruit trees can grow and produce well in a wide variety of soil
types, except very light, sandy soils and heavy clay soils. In general,
most fruit trees prefer the soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
The water table should be no higher than one meter below the
soil surface.
Other important factors
Day length, the amount of sunshine, the level of relative humidity,
latitude, altitude and slope of land may all affect fruit tree growth, fruit
yield and quality.
Selected site for citrus planting, , it is isolated
from HLB disease areas.
Aspect for planting
Being evergreen, fruit tree perfom best in site that are warm
and sunny.
The mounding is at right angles to the sunrise is
recommended. Each tree on the mounding will receive more
sunlight from sun.
Windbrerak should be estalished before planting commance, the
benefits of windbreak include reduction in wind damage to trees and
fruit, reduction in evaporative stress to trees and an improved
microclimate for crop pollination in Mekong delta, Hibiscus plant is
recommanded and Cusuarina for highland.
To establish the wind- break in order to prevent
flower and fruit falling from storm
The layout of orchard
There are 2 popular planting systems are being practiced, theye are:
Square system: Is simplest and ubiquitous system of planting adopted
for a number of fruit crops, as it provides ease in cultivation and irrigation.
The trees are planted in 4 corners of the square in straight lines.
(suitable for the southeast areas).
Quincunx system: it is similar to square system except that a fifth plant
is located at the centre of each square (suitable for mekong delta with high
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The disease - free seedlings should be planted in selected orchard
Planting density and distance(spacing)
Planting density depending on factors such as the species of tree,
cultivar, the type of rootstock, the environment and planting zone.
Table: Commonly planting distance in citrus crops
Crops Mekong delta South –East
Kinh mandarin
Tieu manarin
2 x 3m
4 x 5m
4 x 5m
3 x 4m
3 x 4m
4 x 5m
5 x 6m
4 x 5m
The depth of topsoil can be increased, which is rich in nutrient and oganic
matter, by moving topsoil from between the rows into the tree lines.
Mounding can help overcome site limitations such as shallow topsoil, poor drainage
and have beneficial effects by increasing the nutrient supply under the tree line and
improving aeration in the root zone.
Irrigation systems recommanded to install on the moundings.
Mekong delta: usually have got acid sulfat soil layer under topsoil,
high water table level and shallow topsoil. Therefore mouding is
recommanded in this soil type. For fruit tree cultivation in the Mekong
Delta, land is specially made into alternative canal-beds in order to
increase the deepth of topsoil. Then fruit trees planted on small mounds
of the bed. The mound size is about 50-60cm height and 80-100cm in
South-East : The mounding is suitable with upland
(highland) of the eastern part of south Vietnam. If growers are
unable to carry out the mounding for the whole site, similar
mound in Mekong Delta are recommended with 30-40cm
height and 60-80cm in diameter.
Prepare for planting holes
Planting holes of 60cm x 100cm x 100cm are dug and
allowed to weather for about two weeks prior to planting.
Then, organic manure, lime and phosphate fertilizer can be
mixed with topsoil and subsoil (incorporated) to be used to fill
the planting holes.
The time of planting
The optimum time for planting fruit trees varies
according to the species, water sources. It is best planted at the
beginning of the raining. Growers should avoid transplanting
seedling during hot summer weather .
Irrigation system
There are three main source of irrigation water for
orchards: Well, river, stream, and ponds.
Irrigation system should be established when the orchard
is being laid out. In the Mekong delta is furrow irrigation or
over canopy can be used because of abundant water.
Drip irrigation can be used if water is limited such
as highland area.
Ground cover and mulching
The use of grass cover and plant residue is recommended to
reduce water loss from the soil and increase soil organic
matter and structure.
During 4-6 months of dry season the tree basins are mulched with weed
residue, banana leaves, coconut fiber, straw…
Between the row of tree, grass is recommended to sow
such as Commelina diffusa(rau trai),Setaria
palmifolia(cỏ lá tre), Kradun thong...
Keeping grass in the orchards in order to avoid soil erosion and retain
humidity ; It is good condition for beneficial in sects to live
Fertilizers for fruit trees
Young trees: The plants have become established, monthly
applications of DAP: 18%N – 46% P2O5 (Diammonium phosphate),
at a rate of 40g/10 liters of water/tree, will encourage rapid vegetative
growth. Besides, we also applied regular dressings of organic
manures. The rate of fertilizer application should be increased as trees
become older.
Bearing trees: fertilizers is recommended to be applied three times
during the crop cycle:
Fertilizers for fruit trees
Young trees: The plants have become established, monthly
applications of DAP: 18%N – 46% P2O5 (Diammonium phosphate),
at a rate of 40g/10 liters of water/tree, will encourage rapid vegetative
growth. Besides, we also applied regular dressings of organic
manures. The rate of fertilizer application should be increased as trees
become older.
Bearing trees: fertilizers is recommended to be applied three times
during the crop cycle:
1. 1. After reaping:
SSupply with NPK in from 15-15-15 ar 20-20-20 and oranic fertilizer will help develop
new roots and leaves, improve soil structure.
2. 2. Before blooming:
FFertilizer used during this time must be low in N content while high in P and K content.
Such as NPK fertilizer in from 8-24-24.
CKNO3 should be sprayed on the plant canopy to help increase maturity of leaves.
3. 3. After fruit setting and fruit development.
FFertilizer containing high nitrogen and phosphorus are applied at this stage.
CCaNO3 is also prefered during this stage as calcium help to increase fruit quality (at
tractive color, firmer flesh and prolong self life of fruit in postharvert stage). In this
stage, the amount of fertilizer should be divided into from 2 to 3 time for application.
Nutrient component of manures (%) /100gr.
( Lê Văn Căn, 1982)
H2O N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
Poultry manure(pig)
Castle manures
Chicken manure
To apply organic fertilizers such as:Green manure,
Castle manure and chicken manure
Table: Recommandation of fertilizers based on yield of
tree( kg /tree)
dose (gr/tree/year)
Kind of
The yield of tree
Urea Super
20kg/tree/year 650 900 370
40kg/tree/year 1080 1500 620
60kg/tree/year 1300 1800 700
90kg/tree/year 1750 2400 1000
120kg/tree/year 2170 3030 1250
150kg/tree/year 2600 3640 1500
The method of fertilizer application:
The fertilizer should be placed in a circular band around
the periphery of the plant canopy, then cover with soil and
Training and pruning
There are three main objectives for training and
pruning, sush as:
+ The first is to increase the total effective leaf area
and promote photosynthesis.
+ Secondly, easily manage orchard and increase the
vigor of the tree, maintain the most efficient balance
between vegetative growth and fruiting.
+ Thirdly, removing diseased or infected branches.
First year of planting: after planting, when seedling grows to a
height of 70-80cm, It back cut to height of 30-40cm the
ground in order to promote the lateral shoot growth.
Second year: keep branches No. 1,2 and 3. Which will
grow into scaffold branches. Pinch the end of branches
No. 4,5 and 6, which should be cut off in the next two
Third year and fourth year: remove branches No. 6,5 and 4.
35-40o 30-35o
After training
The fruits should be removed while they are small and
green during second year of tree.
Never to remove more than 15% of the total shoots.
Removing diseased or infected brancher, water sucker,
undesirable branch and shoots (wrong position, wrong
Control of pest and diseases
On fruit crops, pests and diseases caused much
damages and the farmers normally use pestisides for
controlling them, which lead to residue on fruits.
However, for controlling of pests, the best way is
using IPM, which use less toxicity chemicals,
combines with cultural practices, biological agents,
and organic fertilizers.
Green ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) are being used as
the biology control
Only use bio or natural products to spray or apply as basal. Such
as: seaweed, copper… in order to control pest and diseases. Bio-
products could be used as Bacillus thuringiensis (BT).
fruit bagging by net bag, black papers for preventing pests and
disease and improve color of skin. Protect fruits from sunburn
and fruitfly
To use yellow traps to attract insects. It will be
died by petroleum jelly on yellow traps.
To plant Murraya paniculata in oder to attract the coming citrus psylla.
Psylla are considered as vector to transmit the HLB diseases. Murraya is
host plant for citrus psylla and may be immune to HLB disease.
Therefore, Murraya may become trap of psylla.
To use the water pipe with high pressure to irrigation
for trees and by the way to reduce the density of mites.
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