The first, Decision No. 449/QD-TTg dated March 12, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving ethnic strategies up to 2020 has presented all opinions and socio-economic development route of ethnic minority and mountainous regions; therfore, immediately need to build long-term strategies to 2030, towards 2050 with small stages and appropriate steps, and on that basis, determine the policies and solutions to mobilize capital for each stage of development.
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rities equal to 14.3% of the national population. The population lives mostly in 52 povinces and cities. Ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of Vietnam cover ¾ area of the nation and have a lot of advantages and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydropower, mines, tourism, import and export and ecological environment.
Recognize the importance, Vietnamese Party and State have had many guidelines and policies to invest into ethnic minority and mountainous regions. It has resulted in many improvements in physical and spiritual life of minority and mountainous peoples. The proportion of the poor has been reduced remarkably. Socio-economic infrastructure has been strengthened. Education and training have gained lots of achievements. Health care has been better and better. Cultural characters of peoples have been preserved and improved. National defense, security and social order have been guaranteed. The above achievements show the consistent policies and intensive take-care of Vietnamese Party, State and the whole political system and contribution of all people to the socio-economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions.
However, beside the said achievements, ethnic minorities and mountainous regions still have many problems such as low level of socio-economic development, high disparity in comparion to other regions, and higher rate of the poor and nearly poor households than the overall average of the country. One of the vital reasons of the above problems is lack of capital to develop, especially in the Northern midland and mountainous regions. The problem is becoming a huge abstract to socio-economic development of the region. This is not only my private concern but also the general preoccupation of scientists and managers at all levels from the Center to locals to exploit the available potentials of the region to serve the industrialization and modernization of the country.
From these problems, in the study “Mobilize investment capital for socio-economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions of Vietnam from 2010 to 2020”, I choose “Mobilize investment capital for socio-economic development of Northern midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands of Vietnam from 2010 to 2020” because these are two most typical areas. Choosing two regions to do PhD thesis is reasonable and necessary.
- In the world
Many scientists spent a lot of time in studying about capital, investment and mobilization of investment capital and came to important conclusions. In the work “The Wealth of Nations” (1776), Adam Smith affirmed: “Saving is the direct cause of capital increase. Working makes product for saving. However, even a lot of products are made, no saving means no capital increase”. According to C. Mac’s opinion in the work “Capital”, saving is the rule of broadened reproduction. To broaden reproduction, input factors need to be strengthened, that means capital should be invested”. In a famous work of John Maynard Keynes, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”, he improved that it is investment that equals amount of income which is not transferred into expenditure. At the same time, he also showed that saving is the surplus of income more than expenditure.
In recent years, ethnic minority and mountainous have attracted much concern of international organizations as the World Bank, UN Development Program, etc., to investigate and invest in socio-economic development to reach the goal of poverty reduction.
- In Vietnam: (1) scope of economy; (2) scope of ethnic minority and mountainous areas. Studies on scope of economy focus on public investment, capital mobilization for development investment and ODA and FDI mobilization. Those on scope of ethnic minority and mountainous areas focus on summarizing the implementation of investment policies for the regions, assistance poplicies for development of economy, culture and society and poverty reduction, analyzing current situation, shortcomings and reasons of the shortcomings, proposing methods to mobilize capital for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. The studies approached and researched about capital and other resources for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous regions at various levels. From that, they suggested many new useful study directions.
3. Objectives of the study
- Systematize a number of theoretical and practical issues on mobilization of investment capital for socio-economic development, some issues on theories of investment, forecasting capital needs, and some theories of regional development. The study also investigates some experience in capital mobilization for investment and development and regional development policies of several nations in the region and in the world that can be applied into Vietnam.
- Analyze and evaluate the current situation of capital mobilization for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands from 2001 to 2010, result of capital mobilization, development trend of capital resources, impacts of investment capital on economic growth, economic structure movement, budget, and import and export of the regions in stage 2001-2010.
- Analyze to clarify relationships and factors (natural conditions, economy, society, culture, etc.,) affacting to capital mobilization for socio-economic development of the regions; the relationship between the result of capital mobilization and subject using the capital.
- Propose solutions that are feasible and synchronous on investment policies to mobilize the highest amount of investment capital for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous areas and Central Highlands of Vietnam upto 2020.
4. Object, scale and lcation of the study
- Objetc of the study: to mobilize investment capital for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous areas and Central Highlands of Vietnam upto 2020. It will show the most typical characters of “Mobilization investment capital for socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous regions Vietnam from 2010 to 2020”.
- Scale of the study
+ Temporal scale: analyze and evaluate the real situation of capital mobilization of the regions from 2001 to 2010; solutions to mobilize capital for the regions upto 2020.
+ Spatial scale: The study is implemented at 2 regions: the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands. These are 2 typical regions for ethnic minority and mountainous areas of Vietnam.
5. Study method
- Methodology: based on the scientific perspectives of Marxism – Leninism, methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the views and policies of Vietnamese Party and State, economic theories, socio-economic policies and regional development theory, etc.
- Study method: (1) Information collection; (2) Comparision; (3) Group to statistics; (4) Inheritance; (5) Expert; (6) Forecast.
6. Contributions of the thesis
- This is the first systematic study researching in-depth in: investment, development investment, capital, capital mobilization for socio-economic development; theory of investment and forecasts of socio-economic development capital demand, regional development theory, problems of raising investment capital for regional socio-economic development and regional problems and ethnic minority and mountainous areas in Vietnam.
- The thesis analyzes and assesses the status of capital mobilization for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands in th period 2001 - 2010; analyzes and assesses achievements, limitations, reasons of the limitations, lessons and the question of capital mobilization for socio-economic development; and analyzes relationships and the factors (natural conditions, socio-economic conditions, policies and mechanisms to mobilize capital, etc.) that influence to result of capital mobilization from 2001 to 2010.
- The thesis provides more scientific basis to propose solutions of investment capital mobilization to develop economy and society in the Northen midland and mountainous area and Highland of Vietnam to 2020.
7. Structure of the thesis
Beside introduction, conclusion, references and appendixes, the thesis includes 3 chapters:
Chapter 1: Theory and the fact of mobilization of regional socio-economic development capital.
Chapter 2: The real situation of capital mobilization for socio-economic development in the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands.
Chapter 3: Solutions to mobilize investment capital for socio-economic depvelopment of the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands of Vietnam upto 2020.
1.1. Theory of socio-economic development capital
- The thesis presented concept of investment and development investment. The author specializes in researching development investment with the following issues: (1) Characteristics of development investment; (2) Basic information of development investment; (3) Investment capital and capital resource; (4) The role of development investment with growth and development (impact on aggregate supply and aggregate demand of economy, on economic growth, on economic structure movement, on science and technology, on social improvement and on environment and impact of economic growth and development on investment)
- Some theories on investment: investment multiplier, internal fund theory of investment, Harrod-Domar model; All theories on investment which are applied have concerning to socio-economic development investment capital. This is an abundant issue. For this reason, the thesis chooses the Harrod – Domar model to forcast the demand of development investment capital. It gives a foundation to define total demand of capital for regional development and economy development in a certain period. From that, the thesis finds down duties and builds solutions to mobilize investment capital for the development of whole economy as well as each region.
1.2. Theory on regional socio-economic development
- The thesis gives some concepts: region, regional economy, socio-economic region, ethnic minority and mountainous region, regional socio-economic development.
- Some theories concern to regional development: (1) Theory of regional; (2) Theory of regional development stages; (3) Selection of the motivative field in regional development. There are quite many hypotheses about regional growth. However, in the framework of the thesis, the autor only mentions to the theories that relate to resources and function as the foundation to build solutions to mobilize regional development capital. The theories can be referred or applied. Regional study is affected by the following factors: natural conditions (natural resources, geographical position); investment capital; labor; science and technology; cooperation (shows association ability of the region); socio-economic infrastructure; and policies.
1.3. Theory on mobilization of regional socio-economic dvelopment capital
- The thesis gives some theories on mobilization of regional socio-economic development capital. With different positions, different objects and different characteristics, types of capital mobilization can be classified as follows: (1) Classify according to the mobilization sources; (2) Classify according to scope of mobilization sources; (3) Classify according to mobilization time; (4) Classify according to mobilization forms.
- The indicators reflecting investment capital mobilization of socio-economic development are reflected through the volume target, structure of capital investment and efficiency of regional socio-economic development capital: for investment projects, it must be considered from two angles, the investor and the economy. With economic scope, industries, regionsl or locals, economic and social effectiveness is assessed through criteria: economic performance, growth of total GDP, the economic restructuring, budget increase, increase of foreign exchange earnings or export turnover than investment capital having effectiveness in researching period. Social performance: employment, poverty reduction, social and cultural development, etc.
- The relationship between capital mobilization sources and capital users: the study defines clearly that the relationship not only helps managers set forth resolutions to increase effectiveness of capital using but also help policy makers give effective methods to enhance capital mobilization for socio-economic development.
Investment capital for socio-economic development includes:
- Dometic capital: A part of total GDP is used for expenditure. The rest is saved. A piece of the saved part is used to pay debt and backup. The other part is used for socio-economic development. Savings in residential and non-state enterprises is divided a part for business and production, a provision for bringing in bank credit or financial intermediaries. Moreover, investment capital is also mobilized from non-state enterprises and people’s contribution through public labor days.
+ Foreign capital: including the oficial development assistance and direct investment into Vietnam (ODA and FDI).
- Factors affacting to the mobilization of regional socio-economic development capital includes: natural, economic and social conditions, regional and international integration, mechanisms and policies on regional development; role of gavement at all levels from the center to local; and national defense and security.
1.4. Experience in capital mobilization for development of several nations
The thesis has shown experience in capital mobilization in Korea, China and ASEAN. These are lessons for Vietnam to develop investment policies and management methods and allocate socio-economic development investment capital.
1.5. Experience in organizing regional apparatus and regional development policies of some countries
The thesis has shown experience in organizing regional management apparatus and regional development policies of several nations in the world. These are lessons for Vietnam to organize regional apparatus and pay attention to natural conditions, geographic position, development level and socio-economic factors when planning regional development policies.
2.1. Natural, socio-economic and defense characteristics have impacts on capital mobilization at the Northen midland and mountainous area and Central Highlands
- The thesis has presented natural, socio-economic and defense characteristics affacting to capital mobilization of the Northen midland and mountainous area and Central Highlands with the following typicals: (1) This is a vast region with area of 94.862 km2 (account for 29% of whole nation area), special defense position, abundant natural resources (forest, soil, water, mine), and difficult and dissected terrain by block of mountains running according to northwest - southeast direction. Hoang Lien Son ranges to 180 km long, 30 km wide, with a number of high peaks from 2800 to 3000 m. It has very harsh climate: in winter, hoar frost and very low temperature appear at, especially at high mountains. In summer, there are many storms, whirlwinds, floods and flood tubes, hail, etc., causing landslides leading to many difficulties for production and life; (2) About economy: Average economic growth at all period 2001-2010 was 8.7 %; economic structure had a positive change, agriculture rate decreased from 39.0 % in 2001 to 35.1 % in 2005 and 30.5 % in 2010, similar to industry and construction increased from 31.1 % to 32.1 % and 33.0 %, services increased from 30.0 % to 32.8 % and 36,5 %; (3) About society and culture: population is 11,053,545, accounting for 12.9 % of the national population. In which, there are 6,034,224 people of ethnic minorities, making up 54.6 % of the region population. There are 49 peoples living together. The largest is Tay, Thai, Nung, Muong, H'mong; culture and language of Tay, Nung, Thai, Muong, Mong affect to the regional culture. Labor accounts for 49.5 % of the population; untrained workers account for 80.5 %. Health care and education have improvement of both quantity and quality. Material and spiritual life of the people are increasingly improved.
- The thesis presented natural, socio-economic and national security characteristics having impacts on capital mobilization of socio-economic development in the Central Highlands with features as follows: (1) The Central Highlands is a plateau with abundant natural resource. It has an important strategic position on national security with an area of 54.659 km2 and natural tropical monsoon climate plateau, is divided into two seasons: rainy season from May to October with humid and cool climate and dry season from November to April with dry and cold climate. The average temperature is about 19 - 200C. (2) About economy: economic growth rate in 2001-2010 period was 8.6 %. The economic structure had positive changes; agriculture's share decreased from 54.7 % in 2001 to 52.3 % in 2005 and 51.1 % in 2010, similar to industry and construction increased from 16.4 % to 19.0 % and 22.0 %; services increased from 28.9 % to 28.7 % and 26.9 %. (3) About society and culture: population is 5,115,135, accounting for 5.95 % of the national population. There are 1,805,226 ethnic people accounting for 35.3 % throughout the region. There are 46 peoples living intertwinedly. The largest is Jarai, Ede and Bana. Jarai, Ede and Bana culture and language affect to the regional culture; population density is 98 people/ km2. Untrained workers account for 82.08 %, which is a large obstacle to socio-economic development of the region. Health care and education are paid interest to invest; people's life is gradually improved.
2.2. The real status of capital mobilization for socio-economic development in the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands from 2001 to 2010
2.2.1. Policies relating to the mobilization of investment capital for the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands
Vietnamese Party and State have priority concern for investment into ethnic minority and mountainous regions through a variety of policies in all fields of economics, politics, culture, society, security and defense. In the period 1999-2005, there were 86 writtens of the Government, the Prime Minister and the ministries and central agencies issued and implemented for the minorities and mountainous regions. In the period from 2006 to 2012, investment policies for ethnic minority and mountainous areas were presented in nearly 160 institutions with legal documents including: 14 decrees of the Government, 40 decisions of the Prime Minister; 27 documents on approving schemes and policies; 26 joint documents between the ministries, ministerial-level agencies and 51 documents of ministries, ministerial-level agencies. Besides, based on the actual situation, the locals built and promulgate actively policies for the investment into minority and mountainous regions.
Investment policies for ethnic minority and mountainous regions are changing basically and nearer and nearer to the actual. It is from the policy of direct support in major to both development investment and direct support. Location and objects in policy system also have important changes, from “easy first, difficult later” to priority to invest and support for the most difficult areas and the poorest districts in the program fast and stable poverty reduction of 62 poor districts (Resolution 30a). Nowadays, Vietnam has 85 poorest districts.
Continouing the first stage of Program 135, policies in the second stage from 2006 to 2010 focused on resolving the most difficult and imperative problems for ethnic minority and mountainous regions to speed up the region, such as: Invest into infrastructure of particularly difficult hamlets and villages (Program 135 stage II); policy of supporting living land, production land, living house and household water for ethnic minority community having poor life (Decision 134, Decision 1592), policy of supporting in doing houses (Decision 167), policy of lending capital (Decision 32 ans Decision 1342), policy of supporting to settle agriculture (Decision 33 and Decision 1342), etc. Together with support policies for development, there are plolicies promulgateenclosed with Decision 24, 25, 26 and 27/2008/QD-TTG ensuring combine socio-economic development with security and defense of these regions, border regions, revolutionary base areas and safety zones. The policies for some ethnic minorities such as Brau, Ro Mam, O Du, Si La, Pu Peo, Sewer, Arrays, La Hu, Co Lao and the investment policies for agriculture and rural development, education training, medical care for the people, culture, sport, etc., create a relatively comprehensive policy system, covering the areas around the economics, society, security and defense. The policies are a positive factor to impact on regional development capital raising of minorities and mountainous regions in general and the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands in particular.
2.2.2. Result of capital mobilization for socio-economic development Social investment capital for socio-economic development nationally and regionaly
The statistics of social capital by region certain disparities between regions. Central Highlands has lowest proportion of structural social capital in the whole country. In period 2001-2010, total investment capital was 181.679 billion, accounting for 4.2 %; similarly, next to the Northen midland and mountainous regions with 369.159 billion, accounting for 8.5 % and the Mekong delta region was 609.680, accounting for 14.1 %, North Central and South Central Coast was 911.778 equal to 21.0 %, the Red River delta was 1074836 equal to 24.7 %. 27.4% was the South East with 1.190.007 billion. Areas with difficult socio-economic conditions have lower propotion than those are more developed (the South East region accounted for the highest percentage, 27.4 % in the 2001-2010 period, Red River Delta accounted for 24.8 %, the Central Highlands, the Northen midland and mountainous region had the lowest rate, respectively, 8.5 % and 4.2 %) .
The main causes of the above condition are poor infrastructure, difficult transportation, far away markets, and low quality of human resources, less attractive investment environment. These are the major causes making investors do not invest much capital for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands. Mobilize according to socio-economic development investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous areas and Central Highlands
- Mobilize according to socio-economic development investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous areas. Total investment capital for the period 2001-2010 is 369.159 billion, in which, 150.567 billion if from budget, accounted for 43.3%, similar to the state credit is 46.509 billion and 11.9%, state-owned capital is 18,500 billion and 6.4% and that of non-state sector is 313.236 billion and 32.6%. FDI is 22,801 billion, accounted for 5.9%.
- Mobilize investment capital according to Central Highlands. Total investment capital for the period 2001-2010 is 181.679 billion, in which, 57.039 billion if from budget, accounted for 31.7%, similar to the state credit is 36.855 billion and 20.6%, state-owned capital is 16.838 billion and 7.7% and that of non-state sector is 66.681 billion and 36.5%. FDI is 6.275 billion, accounted for 3.6%. Capital mobilization for economic sectors
In the period from 2001 to 2010, total mobilized investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous region reached 369.159 billion VND, including 30.516 billion VND invested in forestry and aquatic production, accounting for 8.3%; 125.478 billion invested in industry and construction, accounting for 35%. Trading and services was 213.165 billion and 57.7%. The Central Highlands respectively was 181.679 billion VND; 47.590 billion and 26,2%; 64.792 billion and 35,7%; 69.297 billion and 38,1%.
2.2.3. Impacts of investment capital to socio-economic development of he region
The thesis presents the impact of investment capital to economic growth, to economy restructuring, to the budget revenues, to solution and creatation of new jobs for workers, to export turnover, and to the implementation of poverty reduction goals.
2.3. Overall assessment
2.3.1. Achievements
The results of raising capital have met the basic requirements of socio-economic development and economic growth promotion (annual average growth rate of the Northen midland and mountainous region is 8.7% and the Central Highlands is 8.6%), while contributing to restructure economy towards industrialization and modernization, increase gradually the share of industry and construction, services, reduce the share of agriculture, forestry, fishery, mining all potentials of the region. Infrastructure (electricity, roads, schools, stations, irrigation, etc.,) has been increasingly improved; the face of rural mountain areas have had a positive change. The investment environment has been improved; economic sectors have increasingly growed; non-state and private enterprises are proactive to invest in production and trading, contributing to economic and social development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
2.3.2. Limitations
The first, mechanisms and policies to mobilize investment capital still are insufficient: we have issued a number of guidelines and policies, including specific policies, but not strong enough to create an attractive investment environment to attract investors at home and abroad.
The second, economy and society develop slowly. Interregional and internal combination is not good.
The third, planning work: residential, urban, towns and townships, transportation, water resources, mineral resources, mining, hydropower construction, airports, ports, etc., still reveal many shortcomings.
The fourth, distribution of human resources and combination of programs and projects is not rally good.
The fifth, organizational structure and staffs working in the field of investment have man shortcomings.
The sixth, investment management work has been sleckened.
2.3.3. Causes of the limitations
- Objective reasons: (1) The regions have vast area, rugged and complexly bisected terrain, severe weather , frequently affected by natural disasters, floods, "double disaster" and Vietnam is considered as one of the five countries affected most by global climate change. Annual losses are huge and put negative impact on the life and production of people. After floods, many households have nothing left; many traffic and irrigation works were destroyed. Every year, Vietnam has about 15-18 small and large storms and losses of 1.5 % of GDP, with almost 1,000 people were killed. (2) Due to historical factors with low socio-economic starting point, rag and backward infrastructures that cannot meet the requirements of development. Quality and educational level of human resources are low. The majority are agricultural and untrained workers, lack of skilled labor and technical experts, good managers. This is a huge barrier to economic and social development; (3) The complicated situation in the world of politics, religion, ethnicity , climate change, economic crisis, etc., have impacted negatively on the socio-economic development of minorities in general and the Northen ethic minority and mountainous region and the Central Highlands in particular .
- Subjective reasons: (1) The coordination between ministries and agencies from the central to local levels in advising organizations develop and implement policies is inadequate; the civil service at all levels was heavy and inefficient. Administrative procedure has improved but is still cumbersome; support measures, investment incentives are not strong, clear, lack of transparency, promotion of investment is weak, (2) The loose review, inspection and supervising of the implementation of plans resulted in the discretion at the local level, the regional ministries, occuring overlapping phenomena, disrupting regional and territorial planning, wasting resource development; (3) A part of officials also thought people are dependent on capital investment from the State, not actively stimulate and promote the good of the local resources .
2.4. Lessons and the problems of investment capital mobilization at the regions
2.4.1. Experimental lessons of capital mobilization for regional socio-economic development
Firstly, it is necessary to have participation of all political system and mobilize all resources into development investment.
Secondly, create general community agreement.
Thirdly, assess properly the situation and determine the location, focuse investment in key points - such as the poorest and the most difficult communes or districts. Need to raise capital and invest in the most critical issues.
Forthly, steering and management work of central and local agencies.
Fifthly, practice indicates that we need to build key socio-economic areas and satellite towns of the mountain areas.
Sixthly, enhance social criticism in all investment processes.
2.4.2. Raising problems
The first cut-off point is the insufficiency in infrastructure and human resource quality.
The second cut-off point is the absorbability of investment capital.
Thirdly, the regions have important strategic position on economics, politics, culture, security and defense.
Forthly, enhance the combination between enterprises, locals in the region and between regions.
Fifthly, it is necessary to research to build key areas, important urban, key economic regions with appropriate scale and specific policies for each region: The Northen midland and mountainous region and the Central Highlands.
3.1. Opinions and targets of socio-economic development for the Northen midland and mountainous region and the Central Highlands of Vietnam to 2020
To integrate into the country, the region is interested by the Party and State to invest to exploit the available potentials of natural resources, socio-culture and human. It sets out the development opportunities and challenges, the basic and usually requirements to investment capital mobilization in Vietnam in general and in the region in particular.
The task of socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous region and the Central Highlands is entering a period of new strategies in the context of the world is changing very fast, complexly and unpredictably. Peace, cooperation and development continue to be the common trend but ethnic conflicts, religious, resources and territory struggling and terrorism may increase with other global issues such as poverty, disease, climate change and natural disasters. The hostile forces in-door and out-door have not lost the plot of peaceful evolution, causing riots, toppled, using the guise of democracy, human rights, ethnic, religious to combat revolution and prevent the path to the socialism of Vietnam.
3.1.1. Opinions and targets of socio-economic development for the Northen midland and mountainous region to 2020
Strive to maintain a growth rate higher than the general rate of economic development of the country; markedly and uniform improvement of socio-economic infrastructure system to better meet the requirements of economic development, people's livelihood and ensuring national defense and security; specific objectives for regional development, table 3.1 belows:
Table 3.1. Project to develop the Northen midland and mountainous region upto 2020
2010 (original)
I. General target
1. GDP (ghh)
Billion VND
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic products
” ”
- Industry – Construction
” ”
- Services
” ”
2. Increase speed in stage(1)
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic products
- Industry – Construction
- Services
3. Economy structure
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
- Industry – Construction
- Services
Source: The author calculates basing on [113], (PL 6.1).
Note: (1) Increase speed in the stages 2011-2015, 2016-2020
3.1.2. Opinions and target of socio-economic development in Central Highlands upto 2020.
Try to develop society and economy comprehensively, make Highland become the motivative region of the whole country step by step, increase people’s physical and spiritual life continuously, protect ecological environment, and ensure national defense.
The detailed targets are presented in Table 3.2 belows:
Table 3.2. Development project of Central Highlands to 2020
2010 (original)
1. GDP (ghh)
Billion VND
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
” ”
- Industry – Construction
” ”
- Services
” ”
2. Increase speed in stage(1)
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
- Industry – Construction
- Services
3. Economy structure
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
- Industry – Construction
- Services
Source: The author calculates basing on [110], (PL 6.2).
Note: (1) Increase speed in the stages 2011-2015, 2016-2020
3.2. Duty of mobilizing socio-economic development investment capital for midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands of Vietnam upto 2020
Pursuant to opinions and development targets of the Northen midland and mountainous region to forecast capital demand of the region:
Table 3.3. Prediction of capital demand for the Northen midland and mountainous region from 2011 to 2020 according to economic sectors
2016 - 2020
Total (Billion VND)
Rate (%)
Total (Billion VND)
Rate (%)
Total (Billion VND)
Rate (%)
Total investment capital
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
- Industry – Construction
- Services
Source: The author calculates basing on (PL 6.1)
Table 3.4. Prediction of capital demand for Central Highlands region from 2011 to 2020 according to economic sectors
2016 - 2020
Total (Billion VND)
Rate (%)
Total (Billion VND)
Total (Billion VND)
Rate (%)
Total investment capital
- Agricultural, forestry and aquatic product
- Industry – Construction
- Services
Source: The author calculates basing on (PL 6.2)
3.3. Solutions for socio-economic development capital mobilization of the Northen midland and mountainous regions and the Central Highland of Vietnma to 2020
We need to have many goups of solutions with a lot of synchronous mechanisms to ensure high practicability of solution groups:
3.3.1. Solution group of mobilization mechanisms and policies
- Develop a system of policies on investment: (1) Policy of investment guarantee; (2) Policy of investment encouragement (sectors, locations, fields, capital sources, etc.)
- Create a firm macoeconomic and stable development environment (maintain stable growth economy, ensure a stable macroeconomic environment, stable currency values, interest rates and maintain the reasonable exchange rate).
3.3.2. Solution group to construct an attractive investment environment
- Develop stable social and political environment: (1) Investment in socio-economic development encloses with ensuring national security, (2) implement the policy of ethnic solidarity.
- Build economic centers, industrial zones and urban system satisfying development demand:
+ Develop economic and urban centers in the Northen midland and mountainous regions: (1) Build sub-area (North-west, Northeast); (2) Development economic centers on the corridor system; (3) Develop urban space.
+ Develop economic and urban centers in the Central Highlands: (1) Build sub-area (North, Center and South of Central Highlands); (2) Develop urban space.
3.3.3. Solution group of renovating management and administration of government at all level
- Strengthen the planning of socio-economic development “planning work must take one step forward": Territorial planning (provincial, regional, inter-regional, the entire economy); sector planning (each industry, overall economy and society, residential, urban, land, transport, irrigation, agriculture and forestry production, etc.).
- Reform administrative procedures in the direction of opened, transparent and simplified "one door"; establish hot line to recept information relating to the investment; local leaders work with investors and management board of industrial zones to solve timely all difficulties within the implementation process of investment.
- Strengthen investment promotion activities: (1) Increase investment promotion scale; (2) Improve quality and efficiency of investment promotion work.
- Enhance cooperation, including cooperation between regions and between localities in the region, between enterprises in all activities: training human resources, production and business operations, etc., to form chain of links found between the local development in the region, with each region to meet the requirements of development cooperation and the assignment of the trend of integration with the entire economy, the region and the world.
- Innovatate activities of state agencies on investment: (1) Strengthen the organizational structure of the state agency for investment; (2) Strengthen social criticism, (3) Strengthen the monitoring role of community about investment, (4) clearly define personal responsibility, the role of head in investment management.
3.3.4. Solution group of human resource development
- Develop education and training, increase intellectual standards of the people, train human resources according to the direction of increasing scale and quality of general education and high education.
- Develop vocational traning foundations: (1) Vocational training for famers and households; (2) Training engineering workers for enterprises.
Capital is an important resource for socio-economic development of each country, each region, and each locality. For typical geographical factors, Vietnam is formed into the regions with ethnic minorities, forming different cultural and social characteristics. The social factor affects to the mobilization of development investment capital of the Northen midland and mountainous regions and the Central Highlands. They have intimate relationship and dominate ech other.
In the pasing time, Vietnamese Party and State have had many policies to raise all investment capital resources for the region, contributing to socio-economic development. Beside many achievements, it also has many limitations: (1) Volume and structure of mobilization has not met development targets and requirements of economic restructuring, has not equaled advantages and potential of the region on land, natural resources, factors of cultural characters of peoples and human resources; (2) public capial is not effective; (3) Mobilize investment capital and implementation process do not comply with the investment plans lead to inconsistencies, overlapping, more "local" branches, localities, thus wasting investment resources, (4) investment capital of economic groups, corporations and investment in the Northen midland and mountain region and the Central Highlands is not much, yet highly effective investment, capital region and non-state residents, great poten.
Mobilization of investment capital for the region upto 2020 should take care of the following problems:
The first, the region has important strategic position of economics, politics, culture, security and defense. This is the main residential place of ethnic minotities with diversified and abundant culture immersed by traditional characters. The region has a large potential to develop tourism enclosing with maintaining and preserving national cultural characteristics of Vietnam; at the same time, the region shares national bordering with many countries (China, Laos, Cambodia), facilitating to expand comprehensive economic, cultural, social partnerships; the region has abundant and diverse natural resources (minerals, soil for development, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, hydro power resources for hydropower development, etc.). This is an extreme advantage to attract and mobilize investment capital sources to exploit potentials of natural resources. It converges many conditions to become a development zone in the strategy of nationl economy. Therefore, it calls for a comprehensive development strategy of economics, politics, culture, society, security, nd national defense to put the region into the general development of the country and the world.
The second, the region has slow socio-economic development; it has high and divided mountainous terrain and backward infrastructure that do not meet the requirements of development, low literacy levels and human resource quality, high rate of the poor and nearly poor households; physical and spiritual life of ethnic minorities, especially in remote areas, has many difficulties and shortages. In addition, the hostile forces are making fully corrupt use of issues of ethnicity and religion to provoke separatist thought, divisive ethnic unity bloc, causing political instability, social order and safety. Therefore, the State should give more systematic policy mechanisms, which are specific to each region or nation (pay special attention to ethnic groups with population of less than 1,000 people), to support the comprehensive socio-economic development.
The third, resource mobilization is prior to investment in building key areas, important urban regions, key economic zone with scale appropriate for each region: the Northen midland and mountainous regions and the Central Highlands, to ensure interregional association with the major economic regions of the country, forming the development axises and development triangles, creating the flagship satellite to pull the neighboring difficult areas.
The mobilization of investment capital for Northen midland and mountainous regions and Central Highlands should be implemented synchronously the following contents:
Firstly, develop mechanisms and policies to mobilize capital sources of socio-economic development of the region. Focus on mobilizing and using resources from the state budget; ODA is invested priorly in socio-economic infrastructure, major projects, the dominant key affecting to to the development of many sectors, and investment interest targeted programs for national, regional and remote, ethnic minority areas with special difficulties. Appreciate mechanism-specific policies to attract investors in the country (in all economic sectors: state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, households ...), foreign investors invest in developing society and economy of the North midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands.
Secondly, develop an attractive investment environment. It is an environment which has stable social environment and can create a firm macroeconomic environment. Construct economic centers and urban system meeting development demands to create high attractiveness to attract domestic and foreign investment sources.
Thirdly, renovate management and administration of the socio-economic authorities with following main tasks: (1) Strengthening planning activities includes zoning planning the overall socio-economic planning sectors: infrastructure, land, residential, urban ... , this work should be a step ahead of priority, (2) promote reform of administrative procedures , implementation of social democracy, equality, transparency mechanisms and policies on investment , ensuring consistency of processes and procedures at the local investment; (3) promote and improve the quality of investment promotion activities by subject , by region and locality and to boost ties , cooperation between all levels , levels and sectors , between central and local in all phases of construction and issuance , policy implementation and in the direction , administration and operational management to synchronization mechanisms and policies to promote economic and social development .
Fourthly, human resource development was identified as a strategic breakthrough, is the decisive factor affecting the sustainable development of the society and economy of the Northen midland and mountainous regions and the Central Highlands. It should focus on developing education and training, knowledge, and human resources (high-quality human resources, vocational training for workers and farmers) to meet manpower needs for both immediate and long-term economic and social development.
The first, Decision No. 449/QD-TTg dated March 12, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving ethnic strategies up to 2020 has presented all opinions and socio-economic development route of ethnic minority and mountainous regions; therfore, immediately need to build long-term strategies to 2030, towards 2050 with small stages and appropriate steps, and on that basis, determine the policies and solutions to mobilize capital for each stage of development.
The second, the Government determines the Ethnic Committee as the conjunction agency to cooperate with relating ministries and departments to research typical policies with peoples’ culture factors and regional natural conditions to mobilize the maximum level of investment resources for socio-economic development of the Northen midland and mountainous region and Central Highlands to meet the demand of integration into the whole country.
The third, organize social debate about investment activities at all stages of investment policy development. With programs and projects (important national key projects), focuse on a number of issues: the ability to mobilize investment capital, socio-economic efficiency, environmental impacts (natural and cultural), technology and even security and defense issues; on the other hand, attach personal responsibility and the role iof the leader in decision of investment policies. Also we need to make social debate in the fields of territorial planning, planning sectors (each sector, residential, urban, land, transport, irrigation, agriculture and forestry production, etc.). Well done of two works will bring ”double” benefit: (1) mobilization of social intelligence for investment and planning, (2) community and society will know and perform well all plannings ( residential, urban, land, transport, agriculture and forestry production, etc.,) , (3) community monitors state agencies in carrying out the investment and planning. These are the evergreen issues that contribute to help the center and local governments implement state management work on investment and planning well.
1.Nguyen Van Dung (1999), Methods to mobilize and increase efficiency of using capital at tea companies at Van Chan district, yen Bai province. Thesis of Economic Master, Banking Department, National Economics University.
2. Nguyen Van Dung (2009), Some measures to mobilize investment capital for infrastructure development at especially difficult communes in mountainous and remote regions, Forest and Life Magazine, the Central Forestry Science and Technology of Vietnam, Vol. 17, p. 48-53.
3.Nguyen Van Dung (2009), Improve income of agricultural households in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, Journal of Ethnic Magazine, Vol. 98, p. 14-17.
4. Nguyen Van Dung (Head of science topic at Ministerial level) (2010), Scientific basis to make bilateral commercial policies (supply of materials, goods and procurement of agricultural commodities) in the Northen ethnic minority areas; assessment of acceptance Ministerial Council: Good.
5. Nguyen Van Dung (2011), “ The role of state-owned corporations and general companies in investment to develop economy and society of ethnic minority and mountainous regions”, Summary record of Scientific conference: The real status of State economic corporations in Vietnam and development orientation, Scientific Council of Center Agencies. P. 218-225.
6. Nguyen Van Dung (2012), The role of state-owned corporations and general companies in investment to develop economy and society of ethnic minority and mountainous regions, Industry Magazine, Vole 1 Nov. P. 24-25.
7. Nguyen Van Dung (2013), Several issues on mobilization of socio-economic development investment capital for ethnic minority and mountainous regions to 2020, Economic Magazine, Vol. 5 (420), p. 52-60.
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