Solution stability of a class of linear generalized equations in finite dimensional Euclidean spaces is studied by means of generalized differentiation.
Exact formulas for the Fr´echet and Mordukhovich coderivatives of the normal
cone mappings of perturbed Euclidean balls are obtained in Theorems 4.1,
4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. These exact formulas solve the open problems raised by Lee
and Yen in [23]. In Theorems 4.6 and 4.7, necessary and sufficient conditions
for the local Lipschitz-like property of the solution maps of such linear generalized equations are derived from the obtained coderivative formulas. Since
the trust-region subproblems in nonlinear programming can be regarded as
linear generalized equations, these conditions lead to new results on stability
of the parametric trust-region subproblems. A series of useful examples have
been provided to illustrate the solution stability criteria for this type of linear
generalized equations.
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agrange multiplier λ ≥ 0 such that
(A+ λI)x = −b, λ(‖x‖ − α) = 0, (4.4)
where I denotes the n × n unit matrix. If x ∈ E(α) and there exists λ ≥ 0
satisfying (4.4), x is said to be a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point (or a KKT point)
of (4.3) and (x, λ) is called a KKT pair. For each KKT point x, the Lagrange
multiplier λ is defined uniquely (see, e.g., [21]). Recall [19] that x is a KKT
point of (4.3) if and only if
〈Ax+ b, y − x〉 ≥ 0, ∀y ∈ E(α).
Thus, the solution set of (4.1) coincides with the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point
set of (4.3).
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the stability of (4.1) with re-
spect to the perturbations of all the three components of its data set {A, b, α}.
Our main tools are the Mordukhovich criterion (see [28, Theorem 4.10] and
[48, Theorem 9.40], or Theorem 1.3) for the local Lipschitz-like property of
multifunctions between finite dimensional normed spaces and some lower and
upper estimates for coderivatives of implicit multifunctions from [22]. Our
results develop furthermore the preceding work of Lee and Yen [23] on the
stability of (4.1). To be more precise, we provide a complete solution for
the open problems raised in [23, Remarks 3.6 and 3.13] by giving exact for-
mulas for the Fre´chet an the Mordukhovich coderivatives of the normal cone
mapping (x, α) 7→ N(x;E(α)). Moreover, we complement the sufficient con-
ditions for stability of the solution set of (4.1) given in [23, Theorem 5.1] by
a more comprehensive necessary and sufficient conditions for stability.
This chapter shows how the generalized differentiation theory [28], [48] can
be applied with a success for analyzing a typical polynomial optimization
problem of the form (4.3).
Our approach to the analysis of the parametric problem (4.3) is quite dif-
ferent from that one adopted by Lee, Tam and Yen [21]. It is worthy to stress
that the focus point of [21] is the lower semicontinuity of the solution map
of (4.1), while our aim is to characterize the local Lipschitz-like property of
that map. The latter is stronger than the inner semicontinuity of the solution
map, which is the basis for defining the above-mentioned lower semicontinu-
ity. It is still unclear to us whether the inner semicontinuity property [28,
p. 42] of a multifunction can be characterized by using coderivatives, or not.
4.2 Formulas for Coderivatives
The normal cone N(x;E(α)) can be computed explicitly. Namely, we have
the formula
N(x;E(α)) =
{0}, if ‖x‖ < α
{µx| µ ≥ 0}, if ‖x‖ = α
∅, if ‖x‖ > α.
For every (x, α) ∈ IRn × IR, we put
N (x, α) =
N(x;E(α)), if α > 0∅, if α ≤ 0, (4.6)
where N(x;E(α)) is given by (4.2). Thus, N : IRn × IR ⇒ IRn is a mul-
tifunction with closed convex values. It is called the normal cone mapping
of the closed ball E(α). Setting y = −b, w = (A,α), G(x,w) = Ax, and
M(x,w) = N (x, α), we can rewrite (4.1) equivalently as
y ∈ G(x,w) +M(x,w). (4.7)
It is clear that
S(A, b, α) = S˜(w, y) :=
x ∈ IRn∣∣ y ∈ G(x,w) +M(x,w)}. (4.8)
Hence, the solution map
S : H(n)× IRn × IR ⇒ IRn, (A, b, α) 7→ S(A, b, α),
of (4.1) can be interpreted as the implicit multifunction
S˜ : W × IRn ⇒ IRn, (w, y) 7→ S˜(w, y), (4.9)
where W := H(n) × IR with H(n) ⊂ IRn×n being the linear subspace of
symmetric n× n matrices of IRn×n.
By (̂u, v) we denote the angle between nonzero vectors u and v in IRn, i.e.,
(̂u, v) ∈ [0, pi] and 〈u, v〉 = ‖u‖ · ‖v‖ cos (̂u, v). For each pair u, v ∈ IRn with
u = (u1, . . . , un)
> and v = (v1, . . . , vn)>, we define the vector
−→uv in IRn by
setting −→uv = (v1 − u1, . . . , vn − un)>. For any x, y, z ∈ IRn, we call x̂yz the
angle between −→yx and −→yz, provided the latter vectors are nonzero.
We are going to obtain exact formulas for the Fre´chet and the Mordukhovich
coderivatives of the normal cone mapping N (x, α) given by (4.6).
Fix any point (x, α, v) ∈ gphN .
4.2.1 The Fre´chet Coderivative of N (x, α)
The following results are due to Lee and Yen [23].
Lemma 4.1 (See [23, Lemma 3.1]) If ‖x‖ < α, then v = 0 and
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = {(0IRn, 0IR)},
for every v′ ∈ IRn.
Lemma 4.2 (See [23, Lemma 3.2]) If ‖x‖ = α and v 6= 0, then v = µx for
some µ > 0. If (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′), then
x′ = −α
x+ µv′, 〈v′, x〉 = 0.
Lemma 4.1 describes the Fre´chet coderivative D̂∗N (x, α, v) in the case
‖x‖ < α. Lemma 4.2 gives an upper estimate for the Fre´chet coderivative
value D̂∗(x, α, v)(v′) in the case ‖x‖ = α, v 6= 0. The first part of the open
problem raised in [23, Remark 3.6] can be reformulated as follows: Is the
upper estimate provided by Lemma 4.2 an exact one? The next statement,
which answers this question in the affirmative, establishes an exact formula
for computing the coderivative D̂∗N (x, α, v) in the situation ‖x‖ = α and
v 6= 0.
Theorem 4.1 If ‖x‖ = α and v 6= 0, then v = µx with µ = ‖v‖ · ‖x‖−1 and,
for every v′ ∈ IRn,
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) =
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn × IR∣∣ x′ = −α′
x+ µv′
, if 〈v′, x〉 = 0
∅, if 〈v′, x〉 6= 0.
Proof. The property v = µx with µ = ‖v‖ · ‖x‖−1 and the inclusion “ ⊂ ”
of (4.10) are immediate from Lemma 4.2.
To prove the opposite inclusion of (4.10), suppose to the contrary that there
exists (x′, α′) belonging to the set described by the right-hand side of (4.10)
with (x′, α′) 6∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′). Then (x′, α′,−v′) 6∈ N̂((x, α, v); gphN ). So
there exist a sequence (xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v) and a constant δ > 0 such
Pk :=
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)− 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ ≥ δ, (4.11)
for all k ∈ IN . By the choice of (x′, α′), we have
Pk =
x+ µv′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)− 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ +
〈µv′, xk − x〉 − 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ +
〈µv′, xk〉 − 〈v′, vk〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
= Qk +Rk,
Qk :=
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ ,
Rk :=
〈µv′, xk〉 − 〈v′, vk〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ .
Since v = µx 6= 0 and vk → v, we may assume that vk 6= 0 for all k. Since
vk ∈ N (xk, αk), by (4.6) and (4.5) we have vk = µkxk with µk > 0. As
µk = ‖vk‖ · ‖xk‖−1 and xk → x, we must have µk → µ as k →∞.
If xk = x then αk = α and vk = µkxk = µkx. Combining this with the
properties v = µx and 〈v′, x〉 = 0, we get Pk = 0, contradicting (4.11). We
have thus shown that xk 6= x for all k ∈ IN .
It holds that limsupk→∞Rk ≤ 0. Indeed, otherwise there exist a subse-
quence {k`} of {k} and a constant ρ > 0 such that
Rk` =
〈µv′, xk`〉 − 〈v′, vk`〉
‖xk` − x‖+ |αk` − α|+ ‖vk` − v‖
≥ ρ, ∀` ∈ IN. (4.12)
Then we have
Rk` ≤
〈µv′, xk`〉 − 〈v′, vk`〉
‖xk` − x‖+ ‖vk` − v‖
〈µv′, xk`〉 − 〈v′, µk`xk`〉
‖xk` − x‖+ ‖vk` − v‖
(1− µk`µ−1)〈µv′, xk`〉
‖xk` − x‖+ ‖vk` − v‖
Since 〈v′, x〉 = 0, it holds that
Rk` ≤
(1− µk`µ−1)〈µv′, xk` − x〉
‖xk` − x‖+ ‖vk` − v‖
≤ (1− µk`µ
−1)〈µv′, xk` − x〉
‖xk` − x‖
= (1− µk`µ−1)
µv′, ‖xk` − x‖−1(xk` − x)
There is no loss of generality in assuming that ‖xk` − x‖−1(xk` − x)→ ξ with
‖ξ‖ = 1. Since µk` → µ, we get
Rk` ≤ (1− µk`µ−1)
xk` − x
‖xk` − x‖
→ 0
as `→∞. This contradicts (4.12), hence there must exist N0 > 0 such that
Rk ≤ δ/2 for all k ≥ N0. Since (4.11) is satisfied and Pk = Qk + Rk for all
k ∈ IN , this implies that Qk ≥ δ/2 for all k ≥ N0. For each k ≥ N0, we have
≤ Qk =
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ =
〈x, x〉 − α′
〈x, xk〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
α2 − α′
〈x, xk〉+ α′αk − α′α
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ =
〈x, xk〉+ α′αk
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
αk − 〈x,xk〉α
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ .
Hence, if α′ = 0 then Qk = 0, which is impossible. Thus α′ 6= 0. If α′ < 0,
then it follows from (4.13) that αk − 〈x,xk〉α < 0. Consequently, we have
αk <
〈x, xk〉
≤ ‖x‖ · ‖xk‖
= αk,
a contradiction. It remains to consider the case where α′ > 0. The subsequent
analytical arguments are based on a geometrical construction. Define the
intersection of the ray Oxk with the sphere ∂E(α) := {x ∈ IRn
∣∣ ‖x‖ = α}
by zk. Let uk be the orthogonal projection of x on the ray Oxk. (Since
xk → x 6= 0, uk is well defined for k ≥ N0 large enough.) Since xk 6= 0 for all
k, we have
≤ Qk =
αk − 〈x,xk〉α
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
αk − 〈x,xk〉α
‖xk − x‖ =
1− 〈x,xk〉
‖xk − x‖
1− 〈x,xk〉‖x‖·‖xk‖
‖xk − x‖ =
1− cos (̂x, xk)
‖xk − x‖
2α′αk sin
(̂x, xk)
‖xk − x‖ =
‖xk − x‖ =
· ‖zk − x‖
‖xk − x‖ .
The equality zk = x yields δ/2 ≤ Qk ≤ 0, an absurd. Thus ‖zk − x‖ 6= 0 for
all k ≥ N0 sufficient large. From the above it follows that
≤ Qk ≤ α
· ‖zk − x‖
‖uk − x‖ =
· ‖zk − x‖‖uk − x‖ · ‖zk − x‖−1
· ‖zk − x‖
sin Ôzkx
· ‖zk − x‖
sin Ôzkx
Thus, for all k large enough,
0 <
‖zk − x‖
sin Ôzkx
. (4.14)
Note that since the triangle Ozkx is isosceles and zk → x, the angle Ôzkx
tends to pi/2 as k →∞. Hence, from (4.14) we deduce that
0 <
≤ 0,
an absurd. Thus, the inclusion “ ⊃ ” of (4.10) is valid. The formula (4.10)
has been established. 2
uk zk
α xO
αO x
Figure 4.1: The sequences {(xk, αk)}k∈IN , {zk}k∈IN , and {uk}k∈IN
Remark 4.1 For the second part of the proof of Theorem 4.1, let us present
another argument dealing with the case where α′ > 0. In this case we have
≤ Qk =
αk − 〈x,xk〉α
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ ≤
α′α−1(ααk − 〈x, xk〉)
‖xk − x‖ .
It follows that
≤ 2(ααk − 〈x, xk〉)‖xk − x‖ =
2(‖x‖ · ‖xk‖ − 〈x, xk〉)
‖xk − x‖
〈xk − x, xk − x〉+ 2‖x‖ · ‖xk‖ − ‖x‖2 − ‖xk‖2
‖xk − x‖
= ‖xk − x‖ −
∣∣∣‖xk‖ − ‖x‖∣∣∣ ·
∣∣∣‖xk‖ − ‖x‖∣∣∣
‖xk − x‖ .
∣∣∣‖xk‖ − ‖x‖∣∣∣ ≤ ‖xk − x‖, we have
0 ≤
∣∣∣‖xk‖ − ‖x‖∣∣∣ ·
∣∣∣‖xk‖ − ‖x‖∣∣∣
‖xk − x‖ ≤ ‖xk − x‖.
Therefore, passing k to infinity, from (4.15) we deduce that 0 < δα
α′ ≤ 0. We
have arrived at a contradiction.
Remark 4.2 Formula (4.10) shows that if 〈v′, x〉 = 0, then D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′)
is a straight line in IRn× IR passing through the point (µv′, 0). To see this, it
suffices to put first α′ = 0 to get x′ = µv′, then let α′ take an arbitrary real
value and compute x′ = −α′
x+ µv′ for each α′ ∈ IR.
In the case where ‖x‖ = α and v = 0, the following result has been obtained
in [23].
Lemma 4.3 (See [23, Lemma 3.3]) If ‖x‖ = α, v = 0, and (x′, α′) ∈
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′), then 〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0, and there exists γ ∈ IR such that x′ = γx.
The upper estimate for the Fre´chet coderivative value D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′)
provided by Lemma 4.3 can be rewritten formally as
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn × IR∣∣ x′ = γx for some γ ∈ IR} (4.16)
when 〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0, and D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = ∅ if 〈v′, x〉 < 0. The estimate (4.16)
may be strict.
Example 4.1 Let n = 2. In this case, N is a multifunction between IR2× IR
and IR2. For α = 1, x = (1, 0)>, and v = (0, 0)>, we have (x, α, v) ∈ gphN
because v ∈ N(x;E(α)). Choosing αk = α = 1, xk = (1− k−1, 0)>, and vk =
v = (0, 0)>, we see at once that (xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v). Select v′ = (1, 0)>,
x′ = (−1, 0)>, α′ ∈ IR, and observe that
〈v′, x〉 > 0 and x′ = γx,
where γ = −1. However, (x′, α′) 6∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′). To see this, it suffices
to note that
gphN−→ (x,α,v)
〈x′, x˜− x〉+ α′(α˜− α)− 〈v′, v˜ − v〉
‖x˜− x‖+ |α˜− α|+ ‖v˜ − v‖
≥ limsup
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)− 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ = 1 > 0;
hence (x′, α′,−v′) 6∈ N̂((x, α, v); gphN ).
Tightening the estimate (4.16) we can get an exact formula for the coderiva-
tive D̂∗N (x, α, v) in the case ‖x‖ = α and v = 0 as follows.
Theorem 4.2 If ‖x‖ = α and v = 0, then
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) =
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn × IR∣∣ x′ = −α′
x, α′ ≤ 0}, if 〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0
∅, if 〈v′, x〉 < 0,
for every v′ ∈ IRn.
Proof. Fix any v′ ∈ IRn. If 〈v′, x〉 < 0, then D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = ∅ by
Lemma 4.3. If 〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0 and (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′), then by Lemma 4.3
we can select a γ ∈ IR such that
x′ = γx. (4.18)
We are going to show that γ = −α′
and α′ ≤ 0. As (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′),
we have
gphN−→ (x,α,v)
〈x′, x˜− x〉+ α′(α˜− α)− 〈v′, v˜ − v〉
‖x˜− x‖+ |α˜− α|+ ‖v˜ − v‖ ≤ 0. (4.19)
Choosing αk = α, xk = (1− k−1)x, and vk = 0 for every k ∈ IN , we can infer
that (xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v). Hence, in accordance with (4.19) and (4.18),
0≥ lim
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)− 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖
= lim
〈x′, xk − x〉
‖xk − x‖ = limk→∞
〈γx, (1− k−1)x− x〉
‖(1− k−1)x− x‖ =
−γ〈x, x〉
‖x‖ = −γα.
Combining this with the condition α > 0, we get γ ≥ 0. Now, for every
k ∈ IN , let xk = αkα−1x and vk = v = 0, where αk will be chosen so that
αk → α. As (xk, αk, vk) gphN−→ (x, α, v), by (4.19) we have
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α| ≤ 0.
Thus, for any ε > 0, there exists kε ∈ IN satisfying
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α) ≤ ε(‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|), ∀k ≥ kε.
Since x′ = γx, the latter implies that
γ〈x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α) ≤ ε(‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|), ∀k ≥ kε.
α′(αk − α)≤ γ(〈x, x〉 − 〈x, xk〉) + ε(‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|)
= γ(α2 − 〈x, αkα−1x〉) + ε(‖αkα−1x− x‖+ |αk − α|)
= γ(α2 − αkα) + 2ε|αk − α|.
(α− αk) ≤ γ(α− αk) + 2ε
|αk − α|. (4.20)
Letting αk ↑ α as k → ∞, from (4.20) we get −α′α ≤ γ + 2εα . Letting αk ↓ α
as k → ∞, from (4.20) we obtain −α′
≥ γ − 2ε
. Since ε > 0 can be chosen
arbitrary, it follows that γ = −α′α−1. As γ ≥ 0 and α > 0, we must have
α′ ≤ 0. Since x′ = γx = −α′α−1x by virtue of (4.18), we have proved that
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn+1
∣∣∣ x′ = −α′
x, α′ ≤ 0
. (4.21)
Let us check the opposite inclusion of (4.21) in the case 〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0. If one
could find an element (x′, α′) from the set on the right-hand side of (4.21)
with (x′, α′) 6∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′), then there would exist a sequence (xk, αk, vk)
and a constant δ > 0 such that (xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v) as k →∞ and
Pk :=
〈x′, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)− 〈v′, vk − v〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk − v‖ ≥ δ, ∀k ∈ IN. (4.22)
Since x′ = −α′α−1x with α′ ≤ 0 and since v = 0, we have
Pk = Qk −Rk (4.23)
Qk :=
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖ , Rk :=
〈v′, vk〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖ .
We distinguish two cases: (i) 〈v′, x〉 = 0, (ii) 〈v′, x〉 > 0.
Case (i): 〈v′, x〉 = 0. In this case Rk → 0 as k →∞. Indeed, if vk = 0 for all
large k, then Rk = 0 for all k large enough; hence limk→∞Rk = 0. Otherwise,
we may assume that vk 6= 0 for all k. For every k, since vk ∈ N (xk, αk) \ {0},
by (4.6) and (4.5) there exists µk > 0 such that vk = µkxk. Then, we have
‖vk‖ = µk‖xk‖ 6= 0. Consequently,
|Rk|= |〈v
′, vk〉|
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖
≤ |〈v
′, vk〉|
‖vk‖ =
|〈v′, xk〉|
‖xk‖ →
|〈v′, x〉|
‖x‖ = 0 (as k →∞).
We have seen that Rk → 0 as k →∞.
Case (ii): 〈v′, x〉 > 0. Since xk → x, this strict inequality yields 〈v′, xk〉 > 0
for all k large enough. If there is k¯ ∈ IN such that vk = 0 for all k ≥ k¯, then
Rk = 0 for all k ≥ k¯. If there exists a subsequence {vk`} of {vk} with vk` 6= 0
for all ` ∈ IN , then vk` = µk`xk`, where µk` > 0 for all `. Since 〈v′, xk`〉 > 0
for all ` sufficiently large, we have
〈v′, vk`〉 = 〈v′, µk`xk`〉 = µk`〈v′, xk`〉 > 0 (` is large enough).
This implies that
0 ≤ Rk` =
〈v′, vk`〉
‖xk` − x‖+ |αk` − α|+ ‖vk`‖
≤ 〈v
′, vk`〉
〈v′, xk`〉
→ 〈v
′, x〉
‖x‖ (as `→∞).
Since the last property of {Rk} is valid for any subsequence {vk`} of {vk} with
vk` 6= 0 for all `, we can assert that 0 ≤ Rk ≤ ‖x‖−1〈v′, x〉 + 1 for all k large
From the above analysis we see that, in both the cases (i) and (ii), there
exists an index k0 such that Rk ≥ −δ/2 for all k ≥ k0. Then, by (4.22) and
Qk = Pk +Rk ≥ δ +Rk ≥ δ
, ∀k ≥ k0.
Since α′ ≤ 0 and ‖xk‖ ≤ αk, for each k ≥ k0 we have
≤ Qk =
x, xk − x〉+ α′(αk − α)
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖ =
〈x, xk〉+ α′αα2 + α′αk − α′α
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖
α′αk − α′α 〈x, xk〉
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖ ≤
α′αk − α′α ‖x‖ · ‖xk‖
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖
≤ α
′αk − α′αk
‖xk − x‖+ |αk − α|+ ‖vk‖ = 0.
This contradiction completes the proof of the opposite inclusion in (4.21),
hence establishes (4.17). 2
Remark 4.3 Theorem 4.2 gives a complete solution for the second part of
the open problem raised in [23, Remark 3.6].
4.2.2 The Mordukhovich Coderivative of N (x, α)
Based on the obtained formulas for D̂∗N (x, α, v)(·), we provide exact for-
mulas for the Mordukhovich coderivative D∗N (x, α, v)(·) of the normal cone
mapping N (·) in various cases. In the next two lemmas, we recall some
existing results.
Lemma 4.4 (See [23, Lemma 4.4]) The set gphN is locally closed in the
product space IRn × IR× IRn.
Lemma 4.5 (See [23, Lemma 3.7]) If ‖x‖ < α, then v = 0 and
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = {(0IRn, 0IR)},
for every v′ ∈ IRn.
By Lemma 4.5, the normal cone mappingN (·) is graphically regular at any
point (x, α, v) ∈ gphN with ‖x‖ < α. The forthcoming theorem shows that
N (·) is also graphically regular at any point (x, α, v) ∈ gphN with ‖x‖ = α
and v 6= 0.
Theorem 4.3 If ‖x‖ = α and if v 6= 0, then we have
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′)
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn × IR∣∣ x′ = −α′
x+ µv′
, if 〈v′, x〉 = 0
∅, if 〈v′, x〉 6= 0
for every v′ ∈ IRn, where µ := ‖v‖ · ‖x‖−1.
Proof. Fix any v′ ∈ IRn and let (x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) be given arbitrary.
By the definition of the Mordukhovich coderivative, there exist sequences
(xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v) and (x′k, α′k, v′k)→ (x′, α′, v′) such that
(x′k, α
k) ∈ D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k), ∀k ∈ IN. (4.25)
Since v 6= 0, we have vk 6= 0 for all k large enough. For those k, according to
Theorem 4.1, (4.25) holds if and only if ‖xk‖ = αk,
〈v′k, xk〉 = 0 and x′k = −
xk +
k. (4.26)
Passing (4.26) to limit as k → ∞ and remembering that xk → x, αk → α,
vk → v, x′k → x′, α′k → α′, and v′k → v′, we obtain
〈v′, x〉 = 0 and x′ = −α
Thus (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) by Theorem 4.1. We have shown that
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′). Since the reverse inclusion is obvious,
combining this with (4.10) we obtain (4.24) for every v′ ∈ IRn. 2
The case (x, α, v) ∈ gphN with ‖x‖ = α, v = 0, is treated now. Combining
the following theorem with Theorem 4.2, we see that D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) 6=
D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) for all v′ from the closed half-space {v′ ∈ IRn| 〈v′, x〉 ≤ 0}.
So the multifunction N (·) is graphically irregular at any point (x, α, v) ∈
gphN where ‖x‖ = α and v = 0.
Theorem 4.4 Suppose that ‖x‖ = α and v = 0. For every v′ ∈ IRn, the
following hold
(i) If 〈v′, x〉 6= 0, then
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) =
∗N (x, α, v)(v′), if 〈v′, x〉 > 0
{(0IRn, 0IR)}, if 〈v′, x〉 < 0
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn+1∣∣ x′ = −α′
x, α′ ≤ 0}, if 〈v′, x〉 > 0
{(0IRn, 0IR)}, if 〈v′, x〉 < 0.
(ii) If 〈v′, x〉 = 0, then
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) =
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn × IR
∣∣∣ x′ = −α′
x, α′ ∈ IR
. (4.28)
Proof. Let (x, α, v) ∈ gphN , ‖x‖ = α, v = 0, and v′ ∈ IRn. (i) If
〈v′, x〉 < 0, then D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = {(0IRn, 0IR)}. Indeed, for such v′, given
(x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) one can find sequences (xk, αk, vk) gphN−→ (x, α, v)
and (x′k, α
k, v
k)→ (x′, α′, v′) with
(x′k, α
k) ∈ D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k), ∀k ∈ IN. (4.29)
The condition 〈v′, x〉 < 0 implies that 〈v′k, xk〉 < 0 for large k. Fix for a while
such an index k. If ‖xk‖ = αk and if vk 6= 0, then D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) = ∅ by
Theorem 4.1 and by the equality 〈v′k, xk〉 < 0. If ‖xk‖ = αk and if vk = 0, then
D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) = ∅ by Theorem 4.2 and by the equality 〈v′k, xk〉 < 0.
Therefore, the nonemptyness of D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) shown in (4.29) yields
‖xk‖ < αk. By Lemma 4.1, the latter implies that D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) =
{(0IRn, 0IR)}. Consequently, (x′k, α′k) = (0IRn, 0IR) for all k large enough; hence
(x′, α′) = limk→∞(x′k, α
k) = (0IRn, 0IR). This justifies that D
∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂
{(0IRn, 0IR)}. To get the reverse inclusion, choose xk = (1 − k−1)x, αk = α,
vk = 0, x
k = 0, α
k = 0, and v
k = v
′ for every k ∈ IN . Then, (xk, αk, vk) ∈
gphN , (xk, αk, vk) → (x, α, v), and (x′k, α′k, v′k) → (0IRn, 0IR, v′) as k → ∞.
The choice of xk and αk yields ‖xk‖ < ‖x‖ = α = αk. Hence, by Lemma 4.1
we have
(x′k, α
k) ∈ D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) = {(0IRn, 0IR)}, ∀k ∈ IN.
This gives (0IRn, 0IR) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) and thus establishes the desired
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = {(0IRn, 0IR)}.
Suppose now that 〈v′, x〉 > 0. Due to D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′)
and Theorem 4.2, the proof of the equalities
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) = D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) =
(x′, α′) ∈ IRn+1∣∣ x′ = −α′
x, α′ ≤ 0
which are stated in (4.27), reduces to checking the fulfilment of the inclusion
D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) ⊂ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′). (4.30)
For any (x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′), there exist (xk, αk, vk) gphN−→ (x, α, v) and
(x′k, α
k, v
k)→ (x′, α′, v′) such that (4.29) holds.
(a) Consider the situation vk = 0 for all k sufficiently large. If ‖xk‖ < αk
for all large k, then by Lemma 4.5 we get (x′k, α
k) = (0, 0) for large indexes
k. Hence, (x′, α′) = (0, 0) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′) (the last inclusion is ready by
Theorem 4.2 and the assumptions ‖x‖ = α, v = 0, and 〈v′, x〉 > 0). If there
exists a subsequence {k`} of {k} such that ‖xk`‖ = αk` for all ` ∈ IN , then
from (4.29) and Theorem 4.2 we can infer that
〈v′k`, xk`〉 ≥ 0, x′k` = −
xk`, α
≤ 0.
Taking the limits as `→∞, we obtain
〈v′, x〉 ≥ 0, x′ = −α
x, α′ ≤ 0.
By virtue of (4.17), this yields (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x, α, v)(v′).
(b) Suppose now that there is a subsequence {k`} of {k} such that vk` 6= 0
for all ` ∈ IN . Then, ‖xk`‖ = αk` for all `. From (4.29) and Theorem 4.1 we
〈v′k`, xk`〉 = 0 and x′k` = −
xk` +
for all `. This obviously leads to 〈v′, x〉 = 0, a contradiction with the assump-
tion that 〈v′, x〉 > 0. The inclusion (4.30) has been proved.
Thus, if 〈v′, x〉 6= 0, then we get (4.27).
(ii) Suppose that 〈v′, x〉 = 0. For any (x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′), there
exist sequences (xk, αk, vk)
gphN−→ (x, α, v) and (x′k, α′k, v′k) → (x′, α′, v′) such
that (4.29) holds. If vk = 0 for all k large enough then, arguing similarly as
in the subcase (a) of the proof of assertion (i), we obtain
〈v′, x〉 = 0, x′ = −α
x, α′ ≤ 0.
Hence (x′, α′) belongs to the set on the right-hand side of (4.28). If there is
a subsequence {k`} of {k} such that vk` 6= 0 for all ` ∈ IN , then by repeating
the arguments of subcase (b) of the proof of assertion (i) we have
‖xk`‖ = αk`, 〈v′k`, xk`〉 = 0, and x′k` = −
xk` +
for all `. Since v = 0, this implies that
〈v′, x〉 = 0, x′ = −α
x, and α′ ∈ IR.
Thus, the inclusion “ ⊂ ” in (4.28) is valid.
To verify the inclusion “ ⊃ ” in (4.28), fix any element (x′, α′) in the set on
the right-hand side of (4.28). We have to show that (x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′).
For every k ∈ IN , choose xk = x, αk = α, and vk = µkxk, where µk := k−1. It
is clear that (xk, αk, vk) ∈ gphN and (xk, αk, vk) → (x, α, v) as k → ∞. For
every k ∈ IN , putting
v′k = v
′, α′k = α
′, and x′k = −
x+ k−1v′,
we have
〈v′k, xk〉 = 〈v′, x〉 = 0, x′k = −
xk + µkv
Hence, in accordance with Theorem 4.1, (x′k, α
k) ∈ D̂∗N (xk, αk, vk)(v′k) for
all k. Observing (x′k, α
k, v
k)→ (x′, α′, v′) as k →∞, we obtain the inclusion
(x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x, α, v)(v′) which completes the proof of (4.28). 2
4.3 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability
Conditions for stability of the solution map (A, b, α) 7→ S(A, b, α) of the linear
GE of the form (4.1) are obtained in this section.
4.3.1 Coderivatives of the KKT point set map
As in Section 4.1, we put G(x,w) = Ax and M(x,w) = N (x, α) for every
x ∈ IRn and w = (A,α) ∈ W with W = H(n)× IR. Fix a triplet (A¯, b¯, α¯) ∈
H(n)×IRn×IR. Put w¯ = (A¯, α¯), y¯ = −b¯, and let x¯ ∈ S(A¯, b¯, α¯). Then we have
x¯ ∈ S˜(w¯, y¯) with S˜(w¯, y¯) being given by (4.8). Let v¯ = y¯−G(x¯, w¯) = −b¯−A¯x¯.
We will need two more lemmas of [23].
Lemma 4.6 (See [23, Lemma 4.1]) The Mordukhovich coderivative
D∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯) : IRn ⇒ IRn ×H(n)∗ × IR
of the multifunction M : IRn ×W ⇒ IRn, where H(n)∗ is the dual space of
H(n), is computed by the formula
D∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′) =
(x′, 0H(n)∗, α
∣∣ (x′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)}
for every v′ ∈ IRn.
Lemma 4.7 (See [23, Lemma 4.3]) For every v′ ∈ IRn,
∇G(x¯, w¯)∗(v′) = {A¯v′} × {τ(v′, x¯)} × {0IR},
where τ(v′, x¯) := (v′ix¯j) is the n× n matrix whose ij-th element is v′ix¯j.
Remark 4.4 Similarly as in Lemma 4.6, the Fre´chet coderivative
D̂∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯) : IRn ⇒ IRn ×H(n)∗ × IR
of the multifunction M : IRn ×W ⇒ IRn is computed as follows
D̂∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′) =
(x′, 0H(n)∗, α
∣∣ (x′, α′) ∈ D̂∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)}.
For each x′ ∈ IRn, we put
′) =
(w′, y′) ∈ W × IRn∣∣ (−x′, w′, y′) ∈ ∇G(x¯, w¯)∗(v′)× {0IRn}
−{0IRn} × {0W} × {v′}+ D̂∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′)× {0IRn}
′) =
(w′, y′) ∈ W × IRn∣∣ (−x′, w′, y′) ∈ ∇G(x¯, w¯)∗(v′)× {0IRn}
−{0IRn} × {0W} × {v′}+D∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′)× {0IRn}
where v¯ = y¯ −G(x¯, w¯) = −b¯− A¯x¯.
Since M : IRn ×W ⇒ IRn has a locally closed graph by Lemma 4.4, the
next statement is an immediate corollary of [22, Theorem 4.3].
Theorem 4.5 The inclusions
′) ⊂ D̂∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(x′) ⊂ D∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(x′) ⊂ ΩG,y¯(x′) (4.31)
hold for all x′ ∈ IRn. If, in addition, M(·) is graphically regular at (x¯, w¯, v¯) ∈
gphM , then
′) = D̂∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(x′) = D∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(x′) = ΩG,y¯(x
′) (4.32)
for every x′ ∈ IRn.
Combining (4.32) with Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7, Remark 4.4, Lemma 4.5,
Theorem 4.3, and the first assertion of Theorem 4.4, we obtain exact for-
mulas for computing the Fre´chet and the Mordukhovich coderivatives of
S˜(w, y) = S(A, b, α) at the point (w¯, y¯, x¯) ∈ gphS˜ with the property that
M(x,w) = N (x, α) is graphically regular at ω¯ := (x¯, w¯, v¯) ∈ gphM . Simi-
larly, invoking (4.31), Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7, Remark 4.4, Theorems 4.2 and 4.4,
we get explicit estimates for the Fre´chet and the Mordukhovich coderivatives
of S˜(·) at the point (w¯, y¯, x¯) ∈ gphS˜ where ‖x¯‖ = α¯, v¯ = −b¯− A¯x¯ = 0.
4.3.2 The Lipschitz-like property
Since gphN is locally closed in the product space IRn×IR×IRn by Lemma 4.4,
gphM is also locally closed in IRn × W × IRn. So, both gphS and gphS˜
are respectively locally closed in the product spaces H(n) × IRn × IR × IRn
and W × IRn × IRn. Therefore, by the Mordukhovich criterion stated in
Theorem 1.3, S˜(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (w¯, y¯, x¯) if and only if
D∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(0) = {0}. (4.33)
By (4.8) we have[
D∗S(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯)(0) = {0}
D∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(0) = {0}
This implies that S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) if and only if
S˜(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (w¯, y¯, x¯). If M(·) is graphically regular at
ω¯, then by (4.32) we see that (4.33) holds if and only if ΩG,y¯(0) = Ω̂G,y¯(0) =
{0}. In the case where M(·) is graphically irregular at ω¯, by (4.31) we can
infer that [
ΩG,y¯(0) = {0}
=⇒ (4.33) =⇒
Ω̂G,y¯(0) = {0}
. (4.34)
Theorem 4.6 For any (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) ∈ gphS, the following assertions hold:
(i) If ‖x¯‖ < α¯, then the map S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯)
if and only if detA¯ 6= 0.
(ii) If ‖x¯‖ = α¯ and A¯x¯ + b¯ 6= 0, then S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around
(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) if and only if detQ(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) 6= 0, where
Q(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) :=
A¯+ µI − 1
x¯> 0
with µ being the unique Lagrange multiplier associated to x¯.
Proof. (i) Suppose that ‖x¯‖ < α¯. By Lemma 4.5, N (·) is graphically
regular at (x¯, α¯, v¯). Hence, M(·) is also graphically regular at ω¯ = (x¯, w¯, v¯).
According to (4.32), S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around ω¯ if and only if
ΩG,y¯(0) = {0}. We see that (w′, y′) = (A′, α′, y′) belongs to ΩG,y¯(0) if and
only if there exists v′ ∈ IRn such that(− A¯v′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), α′, y′ + v′) ∈ D∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′)× {0IRn}.
According to Lemma 4.6, this is equivalent to(− A¯v′, α′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), y′ + v′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)× {0H(n)∗} × {0IRn}.
Since D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′) = {(0IRn, 0IR)} by Lemma 4.5, the last inclusion means
that (− A¯v′, α′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), y′ + v′) = (0IRn, 0IR, 0H(n)∗, 0IRn). (4.36)
So, the equality ΩG,y¯(0) = {0} holds if and only if the fulfilment of (4.36)
for some v′ ∈ IRn yields A′ = 0H(n)∗, α′ = 0IR, and y′ = 0IRn. The latter
means that detA¯ 6= 0. Indeed, if detA¯ = 0, then there is v′ 6= 0 such that
−A¯v′ = 0. Setting A′ = τ(v′, x¯) = (v′ix¯j), α′ = 0, and y′ = −v′, we get
(w′, y′) = (A′, α′, y′) 6= (0H(n)∗, 0IR, 0IRn) satisfying (4.36). Thus, there exists
v′ ∈ IRn such that the fulfilment of (4.36) does not yield (w′, y′) = (0W , 0IRn).
Conversely, if detA¯ 6= 0, then (4.36) implies that −A¯v′ = 0; hence v′ = 0.
Substituting v′ = 0 into (4.36) yields A′ = 0, α′ = 0, and y′ = 0.
(ii) Suppose that ‖x¯‖ = α¯ and A¯x¯ + b¯ 6= 0. As in the case (i), S(·)
is locally Lipschitz-like around ω¯ if and only if ΩG,y¯(0) = {0}. Moreover,
(w′, y′) ∈ ΩG,y¯(0) if and only if there exists v′ ∈ IRn such that(− A¯v′, α′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), y′ + v′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)× {0H(n)∗} × {0IRn}.
Since v¯ = −b¯ − A¯x¯ 6= 0, Theorem 4.3 tells us that the last inclusion can be
rewritten equivalently as
−A¯v′ = −α′
x¯+ µv′
〈v′, x¯〉 = 0
α′ ∈ IR, A′ = (v′ix¯j)
y′ + v′ = 0IRn
with µ := ‖v¯‖ · ‖x¯‖−1. If λ is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to
x¯ ∈ S(A¯, b¯, α¯), then (A¯x¯ + λI)x¯ = −b¯. So, λx¯ = −b¯ − A¯x¯ = v¯. It follows
that λ = ‖v¯‖ · ‖x¯‖−1. Thus, µ is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to x¯.
Clearly, ΩG,y¯(0) = {0} if and only if from (4.37), with v′ ∈ IRn being chosen
arbitrarily, it follows that A′ = 0H(n)∗, α′ = 0IR, and y′ = 0IRn. The latter is
equivalent to saying that
(A¯+ µI)v′ − α′
x¯ = 0
x¯>v′ = 0
v′ ∈ IRn, α′ ∈ IR
v′ = 0α′ = 0. (4.38)
Since (4.38) can be rewritten equivalently as[(
A¯+ µI − 1
x¯> 0
v′ = 0α′ = 0,
the condition ΩG,y¯(0) = {0} means that detQ(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) is nonzero, where
Q(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) has been defined by (4.35).
The proof of the theorem is complete. 2
Theorem 4.7 Let (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) ∈ gphS be such that ‖x¯‖ = α¯ and A¯x¯+ b¯ = 0.
Then, the following hold
(i) If S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯), then the constraint qual-
ification below is satisfied
A¯v′ − α′
x¯ = 0
〈v′, x¯〉 ≥ 0
v′ ∈ IRn, α′ ≤ 0
v′ = 0α′ = 0. (4.39)
(ii) If detA¯ 6= 0, detQ1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) 6= 0, where
Q1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) :=
A¯ − 1
x¯> 0
, (4.40)
and (4.39) is satisfied, then S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯).
Proof. (i) Suppose that S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯).
Then we have D∗S(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯)(0) = {0}. Thus, D∗S˜(w¯, y¯, x¯)(0) = {0}. By
(4.34), the latter implies that Ω̂G,y¯(0) = {0}. Observe that (w′, y′) ∈ Ω̂G,y¯(0)
if and only if there exists v′ ∈ IRn such that(− A¯v′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), α′, y′ + v′) ∈ D̂∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′)× {0IRn}.
Due to Remark 4.4, the last inclusion means that(− A¯v′, α′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), y′ + v′) ∈ D̂∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)× {0H(n)∗} × {0IRn}.
By virtue of Theorem 4.2, this means that
−A¯v′ = −α′
〈v′, x¯〉 ≥ 0
α′ ≤ 0, A′ = (v′ix¯j)
y′ = −v′.
Therefore, the condition Ω̂G,y¯(0) = {0} is equivalent to saying that (4.39)
(ii) Suppose that detA¯ 6= 0, detQ1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) 6= 0 with Q1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) given
by (4.40), and (4.39) is satisfied. As we have seen in the proof of Theo-
rem 4.6(i), (w′, y′) ∈ ΩG,y¯(0) if and only if there exists v′ ∈ IRn such that(− A¯v′, A′ − (v′ix¯j), α′, y′ + v′) ∈ D∗M(x¯, w¯, v¯)(v′)× {0IRn}
or, equivalently,(− A¯v′, α′, A′− (v′ix¯j), y′+ v′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)×{0H(n)∗}× {0IRn}. (4.42)
If 〈v′, x¯〉 < 0, then (−A¯v′, α′) 6∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′). Indeed, the inequal-
ity 〈v′, x¯〉 < 0 yields v′ 6= 0. Hence −A¯v′ 6= 0 because detA¯ 6= 0. By
Theorem 4.4(i) and by the condition 〈v′, x¯〉 < 0, we have (−A¯v′, α′) 6∈
D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′). Therefore, (4.42) is equivalent to
〈v′, x¯〉 ≥ 0
(−A¯v′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)
A′ = (v′ix¯j)
y′ = −v′.
So, the equality ΩG,y¯(0) = {0} holds if and only if
〈v′, x¯〉 > 0
(−A¯v′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)
A′ = (v′ix¯j)
y′ = −v′
A′ = 0
α′ = 0
y′ = 0
〈v′, x¯〉 = 0
(−A¯v′, α′) ∈ D∗N (x¯, α¯, v¯)(v′)
A′ = (v′ix¯j)
y′ = −v′
A′ = 0
α′ = 0
y′ = 0.
By Theorem 4.4(i), (4.43) means that
A¯v′ − α′
x¯ = 0
〈v′, x¯〉 > 0
v′ ∈ IRn, α′ ≤ 0
v′ = 0α′ = 0. (4.45)
Since (4.39) is satisfied by our assumptions, (4.45) is valid. By virtue of
Theorem 4.4(ii), (4.44) is equivalent to
A¯v′ − α′
x¯ = 0
x¯>v′ = 0
v′ ∈ IRn, α′ ∈ IR
v′ = 0α′ = 0. (4.46)
or, equivalently,[(
A¯ − 1
x¯> 0
v′ = 0α′ = 0.
The latter holds because detQ1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) 6= 0 where Q1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) is given
by (4.40). We have shown that under the assumptions made, the equality
ΩG,y¯(0) = {0} holds. This implies that S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around
(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯), and completes the proof. 2
We now analyze Theorems 4.6 and 4.7 by four examples. The first two show
how Theorems 4.6 can recognize stability/instability of S(·) in the situation
where ‖x¯‖ = α¯ and A¯x¯ + b¯ 6= 0. The third example illustrates a good
association of the necessary stability condition and the sufficient stability
condition provided by Theorem 4.7 for the case where ‖x¯‖ = α¯ and A¯x¯+ b¯ =
0. The last example shows that the necessary stability condition given in
Theorem 4.7(i) can recognize instability of many linear GEs.
Example 4.2 Following [51] and [23], we consider the problem
f(x) = −4x22 + x1
∣∣ x = (x1, x2)> ∈ IR2, x21 + x22 ≤ 1}. (4.47)
Here we have
A¯ =
0 0
0 −8
, b¯ =
, α¯ = 1.
Using the necessary optimality condition (4.4) we find that
S(A¯, b¯, α¯) =
(−1, 0)>, (−1/8,
63/8)>, (−1/8,−
The Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the KKT point x¯ := (−1/8,√63/8)>
is λ = 8. Hence,
detQ(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) = det
8 0
0 0 −
= 63
and we see that the stability criterion (4.35) is satisfied. Observe that
A¯x¯ + b¯ 6= 0. Thanks to Theorem 4.6(ii), we can infer that S(·) is locally
Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) ∈ gphS. By symmetry, we see at once that
the assertions made for x¯ = (−1/8,√63/8)> is also valid for the KKT point
(−1/8,−√63/8)>. For the KKT point x̂ = (−1, 0)> and the associated La-
grange multiplier λ = 1, we find that A¯x̂+ b¯ 6= 0 and
detQ(A¯, b¯, α¯, x̂) = det
1 0 10 −7 0
−1 0 0
= −7.
So, by Theorem 4.6(ii), S(·) is also locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x̂) ∈
Example 4.3 As in [51] and [23], we consider the problem
f(x) = −4(x22+x23)+x1
∣∣ x = (x1, x2, x3)> ∈ IR3, x21+x22+x23 ≤ 1} (4.48)
with the data tube (A¯, b¯, α¯) given by
A¯ =
0 0 00 −8 0
0 0 −8
, b¯ =
, α¯ = 1.
Using (4.4) we obtain
S(A¯, b¯, α¯) =
(−1, 0, 0)>
(−1/8, x2, x3)>
∣∣ x22 + x23 = 63/64}
For the KKT point x̂ := (−1, 0, 0)> with the associated Lagrange multiplier
λ = 1, a computation similar to that given in Example 4.2 shows that S(·) is
locally Lipschitz-like around the point (A¯, b¯, α¯, x̂) ∈ gphS. To complete the
stability analysis, fix any t ∈ [0, 2pi) and consider the KKT point
xt :=
(− 1/8, (√63/8) sin t, (√63/8) cos t)>
with the associated Lagrange multiplier λ = 8. Note that
detQ(A¯, b¯, α¯, xt) = det
8 0 0 1
0 0 0 −
sin t
0 0 0 −
cos t
sin t
cos t 0
= 0.
Since A¯x¯t + b¯ 6= 0 for any t ∈ [0, 2pi), applying Theorem 4.6(ii) we deduce
that the map S(·) is not locally Lipschitz-like around any point (A¯, b¯, α¯, xt)
for t ∈ [0, 2pi).
Example 4.4 Consider (4.1) with n = 2, A¯ = I, b¯ = −(√2,√2)>, α¯ = 2,
and x¯ = (
2)>. We have ‖x¯‖ = 2 = α¯ and v¯ := −b¯ − A¯x¯ = 0. The
necessary condition for stability of S(·) provided by Theorem 4.7(i) is as
− α′
= 0
v′1 + v
2 ≥ 0
α′ ≤ 0, v′ = (v′1, v′2)> ∈ IR2
v′ = 0α′ = 0.
It is not difficult to see that this condition is satisfied. As detA¯ 6= 0, the suffi-
cient stability condition from Theorem 4.7(ii) reduces to detQ1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) 6= 0,
where the matrix Q1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) is given by (4.40). We have
detQ1(A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) =
1 0 −
0 1 −√2/2√
2 0
= 2 6= 0.
Thus S(·) is locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) ∈ gphS.
Example 4.5 (A class of unstable problems) Let A¯ ∈ H(n) be not positive
definite, i.e., among the eigenvalue set {λ¯1, λ¯2, . . . , λ¯n} of A¯ there is an element
λ¯i0 ≤ 0. Since det(A¯ − λ¯i0I) = 0, there exists x¯ ∈ IRn with ‖x¯‖ = 1 such
that (A¯ − λ¯i0I)x¯ = 0. Let b¯ = −A¯x¯ and let α¯ = 1. We claim that S(·) is
not locally Lipschitz-like around (A¯, b¯, α¯, x¯) ∈ gphS. To see this, it suffices
to check that (4.39) is violated. For v′ := x¯, we have v′ 6= 0 and 〈v′, x¯〉 > 0.
Choose α′ = λ¯i0 ≤ 0. The condition A¯v′ − α
x¯ = 0 in (4.39) is equivalent
to (A¯ − λ¯i0I)x¯ = 0. Since the latter is guaranteed by the choice of x¯, we
conclude that (4.39) fails to holds. Our claim has been proved.
4.4 Conclusions
Solution stability of a class of linear generalized equations in finite dimen-
sional Euclidean spaces is studied by means of generalized differentiation.
Exact formulas for the Fre´chet and Mordukhovich coderivatives of the normal
cone mappings of perturbed Euclidean balls are obtained in Theorems 4.1,
4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. These exact formulas solve the open problems raised by Lee
and Yen in [23]. In Theorems 4.6 and 4.7, necessary and sufficient conditions
for the local Lipschitz-like property of the solution maps of such linear gener-
alized equations are derived from the obtained coderivative formulas. Since
the trust-region subproblems in nonlinear programming can be regarded as
linear generalized equations, these conditions lead to new results on stability
of the parametric trust-region subproblems. A series of useful examples have
been provided to illustrate the solution stability criteria for this type of linear
generalized equations.
General Conclusions
The main results of this dissertation include:
1. An exact formula for the Fre´chet coderivative and some upper and lower
estimates for the Mordukhovich coderivative of the normal cone mappings
to linearly perturbed polyhedral convex sets in reflexive Banach spaces.
2. Upper estimates for the Fre´chet and the limiting normal cone to the
graphs of the normal cone mappings to nonlinearly perturbed polyhedral
convex sets in finite dimensional spaces.
3. Exact formulas for the Fre´chet and the Mordukhovich coderivatives of
the normal cone mappings to perturbed Euclidean balls.
4. Conditions for the local Lipschitz-like property and local metric regularity
of the solution maps of parametric affine variational inequalities under
linear/nonlinear perturbations, and conditions for the local Lipschitz-like
property of the solution maps of a class of linear generalized equations
in finite dimensional spaces.
The problem of finding coderivative estimates for nonlinearly perturbed
polyhedral normal cone mappings requires further investigations, although it
has been studied by several authors.
The general problem of computing the Fre´chet coderivative (resp., the
Mordukhovich coderivative) of the mapping (x, p) 7→ N̂(x; Θ(p)) (resp., of
the mapping (x, p) 7→ N(x; Θ(p))), where
Θ(p) := {x ∈ X| Ψ(x, p) ∈ K}
with Ψ : X × P → Y being a C2-smooth vector function which maps the
product X × P of two Banach spaces into another Banach space Y , and
K ⊂ Y is a closed convex cone, is our next target. In this direction, we have
obtained some preliminary results on computing coderivatives of the normal
cone mappings to parametric sets with smooth boundaries.
List of Author’s Related Papers
1. N. T. Qui, Linearly perturbed polyhedral normal cone mappings and
applications, Nonlinear Anal., 74 (2011), pp. 1676–1689.
2. N. T. Qui, New results on linearly perturbed polyhedral normal cone
mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 381 (2011), pp. 352–364.
3. N. T. Qui, Upper and lower estimates for a Fre´chet normal cone, Acta
Math. Vietnam., 36 (2011), pp. 601–610.
4. N. T. Qui, Nonlinear perturbations of polyhedral normal cone mappings
and affine variational inequalities, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 153 (2012),
pp. 98–122.
5. N. T. Qui and N. D. Yen, A class of linear generalized equations,
SIAM J. Optim., (2014). [Accepted for publication]
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