The EOS of cold asymmetric NM has been obtained within the HF
formalism using different effective NN interactions in chapter 2 and used
further to describe the β-stable matter in the core of neutron star. In this
chapter, we use the same interactions in the HF calculation of NM at finite
temperature to obtained the EOS of the hot asymmetric NM. Such hot
NM exists in the core of a proto-neutron star.
Given the direct (vD) and exchange (vEX) parts of the (central) inmedium NN interaction vc as introduced in section 2.1, the total energy
density of NM at the given baryon density and temperature T is determined
in Eq. (2.1, 2.2). At finite temperature, the nucleon momentum distribution nστ(k; T) in the hot, spin-saturated NM is given by the Fermi-Dirac
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baryon densities. Such an enhancement of the proton fraction in PNS
96 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
T=10 MeV
T=10 MeV
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 5.3: Entropy per baryon (upper panel) and temperature (lower panel) as function
of baryon number density nb of the -stable PNS matter given by the CDM3Y6 interaction
[13, 9] (thick lines) and its soft CDM3Y6s version [6] (thin lines) in the -free (left panel)
and -trapped (right panel) cases.
matter by neutrino trapping was also found in the BHF calculation by
Vida~na et al. [94] that includes hyperons. The suppression of the impact
of the nuclear symmetry energy in the presence of trapped neutrinos is
mainly explained by the fact that the PNS matter is more symmetric and
weak processes, like p+ e $ n+ e, can proceed in both directions. It is
clearly seen in Fig. 5.2 that the more symmetric matter the less impact of
the symmetry energy. This eect is also illustrated in the density proles of
entropy and temperature of the -stable PNS matter given by the CDM3Y6
and CDM3Y6s interactions shown in Fig. 5.3. One can see on the left panel
of Fig. 5.3 that in the -free case, the dierence between the sti and soft
symmetry-energy scenarios is strongest at high baryon densities so that
5.2. EOS of PNS matter 97
k CDM3Y6
S/A=1 n
S/A=4 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
S/A=1 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
S/A=2 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
S/A=4 n
Figure 5.4: Particle fractions as function of baryon number density nb in the -free and
-stable PNS matter at entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4, given by the CDM3Y6
interaction [9] (upper panel) and its soft CDM3Y6s version [6] (lower panel).
the center of PNS becomes much hotter when the symmetry energy is
soft. Such an impact to the density proles of entropy and temperature
by the symmetry energy is, however, suppressed in the presence of trapped
neutrinos (see right panel of Fig. 5.3).
In both cases, the eect of the symmetry energy is clearly demon-
strated: at high baryon densities, the asy-sti interactions always give
higher electron and proton fractions compared with those given by the
asy-soft interactions. Such an impact of the symmetry energy is more pro-
nounced in the -free case, where the electron fraction xe predicted by the
asy-soft models reduces signicantly to below 0.1 at high baryon densi-
ties. As discussed in Ref. [6], the dierence in the electron fraction caused
98 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
k CDM3Y6S/A=1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 5.5: The same as Fig. 5.4 but for the -trapped, -stable matter of the PNS.
by dierent slopes of the symmetry energy at high baryon densities has a
drastic eect on the -emission process during the cooling of neutron star.
Namely, in the soft symmetry-energy scenario, the direct Urca process is
strongly quenched because of Ye < 11% [6, 56], while it is well allowed
in the sti symmetry-energy scenario. The dierence in the electron frac-
tion caused by dierent slopes of the symmetry energy is less pronounced
in very hot PNS matter at S=A = 4. Such state of hot PNS matter has
been shown to occur at the onset of collapse of a very massive (40 M)
progenitor to black hole [76, 4].
Based on dierent EOS's given by dierent density dependent NN in-
teractions, the composition of the -stable PNS in terms of the constituent-
particle fractions at entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4 is quite dierent
(see Figs. 5.4-5.7). The results shown in Figs. 5.4 and 5.6 were obtained
5.2. EOS of PNS matter 99
k SLy4
S/A=1 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
S/A=1 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
S/A=2 n
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
S/A=4 n
Figure 5.6: The same as Fig. 5.4, but given by the SLy4 version [19] of Skyrme interac-
tion (upper panel) and M3Y-P7 interaction parametrized by Nakada [16] (lower panel).
for the -free PNS matter that corresponds the late stage of the evolu-
tion of PNS when most of neutrinos have escaped from the core. In this
case the dierence between the sti- and soft symmetry-energy scenarios
is quite signicant as discussed above for the neutron-proton asymmetry.
A comparison with the BHF results obtained for the -stable PNS matter
at entropy S=A = 1; 2 (see upper panels of Figs. 5.4 and 5.6, and Fig. 4 of
Ref. [27]) shows that the asy-sti interactions (CDM3Y3, CDM3Y6, and
SLy4) give the results rather close to the BHF results, while the results
given by the asy-soft interactions (CDM3Y3s, CDM3Y6s, and M3Y-P7)
are very dierent from the BHF results. The results shown in Figs. 5.5
and 5.7 were obtained for the -trapped PNS matter with the electron
lepton fraction Ye 0:4, as expected during the rst stage of the core-
100 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
k SLy4S/A=1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 5.7: The same as Fig. 5.6 but for the -trapped, -stable PNS matter.
collapse supernovae [3, 27]. In such a scenario, the electron conversion to
muon is unlikely at low temperatures or entropy, and the muon fraction
was found much suppressed at S=A = 1 and 2. At high temperatures of
the PNS matter at S=A = 4, the electron chemical potential e increases
and exceeds the muon threshold, and muons appear again.
It is interesting to note the dierence between results obtained in the
-trapped and -free cases. Although -equilibrium implies the weak pro-
cesses l + p $ n + l, in the -free PNS matter most of neutrinos have
escaped and cannot contribute to these processes, and they proceed prefer-
ably in one direction (from left to right). As a result, the PNS matter
undergoes the neutronization process [29, 95]. Therefore, the -free PNS
matter is always more neutron-rich than the -trapped matter as shown
above in Fig. 5.2.
5.2. EOS of PNS matter 101
We discuss also the eect of increasing temperature (or equivalently
increasing entropy) on the particle fractions shown in Figs. 5.4-5.7. In
general, the increase of temperature tends to reduce the dierence between
the neutron and proton fractions (nn decreases while np increases with
T ). In a similar way, the dierence between e and becomes also less
pronounced with the increasing temperature (ne decreases and n increases
with T ). Such a phenomenon is expected to occur between particles of
similar nature, and the hot matter tends to quench the dierence in their
5.2.2 Impact of the in-medium nucleon eective mass
Beside the symmetry energy, the impact of nucleon eective mass to
the thermal properties of NM was found quite signicant in the previous
section, and it is of interest to explore the eect of m in the -stable PNS
matter at dierent temperatures and entropy.
The density proles of neutron and proton eective masses in the -free
and -stable PNS matter at entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4, obtained
with dierent density dependent NN interactions are shown in Fig. 5.8.
One can see that the density dependence of nucleon eective mass in the
hot -stable PNS matter is quite similar to that at zero temperature shown
in Figs. 4.8 and 4.9. While nucleon eective mass given by the CDM3Y6
interaction saturates at nb 0:2 fm 3 and rises up to above unity at
high baryon densities (in agreement with the BHF calculation [71] that
includes 3-body forces), the m values given by other interactions steadily
decrease with the increasing baryon density. The fall of nucleon eective
mass given by the M3Y-P7 and Sly4 interactions is very drastic at high
densities and it should result, therefore, on very high temperature in the
center of PNS. The density proles of temperature in the -free and -
102 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
* /
m CDM3Y6
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 5.8: Density prole of neutron and proton eective mass in the -free and -
stable PNS matter at entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4, given by the HF calculation
using the CDM3Y6 [9] and M3Y-P7 [16] interactions (left panel), the D1N version of
Gogny interaction [18] (right panel) and SLy4 version [19] of Skyrme interaction (right
5.3. Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynamical equilibrium 103
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
nb (fm-3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 5.9: Density prole of temperature in the -free and -stable PNS matter at
entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4, deduced from the HF results obtained with the
same density dependent NN interactions as those considered in Fig. 5.8.
stable PNS matter at entropy per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4, given by the
same density dependent NN interactions are shown in Fig. 5.9. It can be
seen that the rise of temperature with the increasing baryon density given
by the M3Y-P7 and Sly4 interactions is indeed very sti, to T above 200
MeV at high densities. We will see below that such dierent behaviors of
nucleon eective mass also in
uence strongly the hydrostatic conguration
of hot PNS.
5.3 Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynam-
ical equilibrium
We used the total internal energy E and pressure P inside PNS at en-
tropy per baryon S=A = 0; 1; 2 and 4 given by the dierent EOS's discussed
104 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
CDM3Y6ν-free CDM3Y6ν-trapped
12 18 24 30
R (km)
12 18 24 30
Figure 5.10: Gravitational mass (in unit of solar mass M) of the -stable, -free (left
panel) and -trapped (right panel) PNS at entropy S=A = 1; 2 and 4 as function of the
radius (in km), based on the EOS of the homogeneous PNS core given by the CDM3Y6
interaction [9] (upper panel) and its soft CDM3Y6s version [6] (lower panel). The circle
at the end of each curve indicates the last stable conguration.
above in previous section as inputs for the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov
(TOV) equations [38]. The -stable hydrostatic conguration of hot PNS
in dierent scenarios given by the solutions of the TOV equations are pre-
sented in Tables 5.1 and 5.2, and Figs. 5.10-5.12.
In order to explore explicitly the eects caused by the nuclear sym-
metry energy to the stable conguration of PNS, we have considered solu-
tions of the TOV equations given by the EOS's based on the CDM3Y3 and
CDM3Y6 interactions [9] and their soft versions CDM3Y3s and CDM3Y6s
[6]. The only dierence between these two groups of the CDM3Yn in-
teraction is the modeling of the IV density dependence that gives dier-
5.3. Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynamical equilibrium 105
Table 5.1: Properties of the -free and -trapped, -stable PNS at entropy per baryon
S=A = 0; 1; 2 and 4, given by the solutions of the TOV equations using the EOS's based on
the CDM3Y3, CDM3Y6 interactions [9] and their soft CDM3Y3s, CDM3Y6s versions [6].
Mmax and Rmax are the maximum gravitational mass and radius; nc; c; Pc, and Tc are
the baryon number density, mass density, total pressure, and temperature in the center
of PNS. Ts is temperature of the outer core of PNS, at baryon density s 0:63 1015
g/cm3. Results at S=A = 0 represent the stable conguration of cold (-free) NS [6].
EOS S=A Mmax Rmax nc c Pc Tc Ts
(M) (km) (fm 3) (*) (**) (MeV) (MeV)
CDM3Y3 0 1.59 9.70 1.44 3.16 494.4 0.0
(-free) 1 1.64 9.60 1.53 3.16 538.9 19.7 17.6
2 1.65 10.14 1.40 2.90 446.8 49.4 37.9
4 1.94 14.67 0.78 1.58 180.5 113.6 84.6
CDM3Y3 1 1.67 10.59 1.44 2.90 470.8 18.7 14.3
(-trapped) 2 1.69 11.40 1.29 2.59 373.9 44.7 30.1
4 1.99 15.67 0.75 1.45 163.1 91.4 66.9
CDM3Y3s 0 1.13 9.36 1.61 3.26 261.1 0.0
(-free) 1 1.18 9.53 1.52 3.07 253.0 37.4 18.4
2 1.33 10.47 1.30 2.66 239.0 71.4 39.0
4 1.93 15.28 0.67 1.33 130.6 120.3 86.1
CDM3Y3s 1 1.55 10.84 1.46 2.90 390.3 18.0 14.2
(-trapped) 2 1.58 11.31 1.30 2.59 319.0 46.5 30.1
4 1.93 14.91 0.77 1.50 161.8 91.5 69.0
CDM3Y6 0 1.95 10.23 1.20 2.74 627.3 0.0
(-free) 1 1.97 10.25 1.24 2.73 626.5 10.1 17.4
2 1.93 10.68 1.18 2.59 524.1 33.7 37.5
4 2.12 14.37 0.80 1.63 235.5 114.1 86.8
CDM3Y6 1 2.03 11.11 1.18 2.51 553.9 9.7 18.3
(-trapped) 2 2.00 11.46 1.13 2.37 467.7 24.8 29.6
4 2.11 14.29 0.82 1.68 246.6 89.7 66.6
CDM3Y6s 0 1.42 9.74 1.46 3.06 340.4 0.0
(-free) 1 1.65 9.20 1.50 3.45 652.7 17.1 18.3
2 1.37 11.13 1.16 2.44 212.9 65.4 38.8
4 1.96 14.24 0.80 1.67 206.9 121.5 84.5
CDM3Y6s 1 2.04 11.67 1.02 2.02 314.7 12.3 13.9
(-trapped) 2 1.88 11.68 1.12 2.30 353.9 34.6 29.8
4 2.06 14.24 0.84 1.68 229.4 91.2 66.7
*1015g/cm3 **MeV fm 3
106 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
CDM3Y3ν-free CDM3Y3ν-trapped
12 18 24 30
R (km)
12 18 24 30
ν-trapped CDM3Y3s
Figure 5.11: The same as Fig. 5.10 but given by the CDM3Y3 interaction [9] (upper
panel) and its soft CDM3Y3s version [6] (lower panel).
ent slopes of the free symmetry energy at high NM densities and dier-
ent temperatures as shown in Fig. 4.5. One can see in Tables 5.1 and
Figs. 5.10 and 5.11 that in the -free case, the impact of the symmetry
energy is quite strong at entropy per baryon S=A = 0; 1 and 2. For exam-
ple, the PNS maximum gravitational mass obtained with the CDM3Y3s
interaction at S=A = 1 is Mmax(CDM3Y3s) 1:18 M, and it increases
to Mmax(CDM3Y3) 1:64 M when the density dependence of the sym-
metry energy is changed from the soft to the sti behavior. Similarly
with the CDM3Y6 interaction, we foundMmax(CDM3Y6s) 1:65M and
Mmax(CDM3Y6) 1:97 M at S=A = 1 (see Fig. 5.10). Thus, the dif-
ference in the slope of the symmetry energy at high NM densities could
lead to a dierence of 0:3 0:5 M in the predicted Mmax value. We note
further that Mmax obtained with the CDM3Y6 interaction at S=A = 0; 1
5.3. Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynamical equilibrium 107
Table 5.2: The same as Table 5.1 but obtained with the EOS's based on the SLy4 version
[19] of Skyrme interaction, M3Y-P7 interaction parametrized by Nakada [16], and D1N
version [18] of Gogny interaction.
EOS S=A Mmax Rmax nc c Pc Tc Ts
(M) (km) (fm 3) (*) (**) (MeV) (MeV)
SLy4 0 2.05 9.96 1.21 2.86 860.4 0.0
(-free) 1 2.06 10.07 1.18 2.74 776.3 96.2 30.4
2 2.11 10.66 1.08 2.51 666.3 162.9 61.9
4 2.37 14.60 0.70 1.54 279.8 214.0 122.6
SLy4 1 2.16 11.00 1.13 2.51 717.7 56.2 19.5
(-trapped) 2 2.16 11.16 1.10 2.44 661.9 92.1 41.1
4 2.14 12.07 1.03 2.30 564.9 148.9 81.9
M3Y-P7 0 2.07 10.05 1.17 2.82 869.9 0.0
(-free) 1 2.14 10.23 1.13 2.66 827.6 60.9 23.5
2 2.23 11.09 1.00 2.00 645.8 104.9 48.09
4 2.40 13.86 0.75 1.73 365.3 174.8 109.5
M3Y-P7 1 2.15 10.49 1.14 2.73 999.7 42.7 16.1
(-trapped) 2 2.22 11.09 1.07 2.44 738.9 75.7 38.0
4 2.27 11.68 1.05 2.30 693.0 138.8 77.2
D1N 0 1.23 7.75 2.36 5.24 819.9 0.0
(-free) 1 1.32 8.46 1.88 4.10 581.3 97.9 22.8
2 1.61 10.31 1.29 2.82 389.3 139.9 43.1
4 2.22 14.28 0.77 1.67 282.9 148.9 84.7
D1N 1 1.82 12.20 1.07 2.05 249.5 32.8 15.1
(-trapped) 2 1.96 12.22 1.06 2.11 314.1 64.0 31.0
4 2.28 14.28 0.85 1.77 352.6 103.0 66.5
is quite close to the neutron star mass of 1:97 M observed recently by
Demores et al. [78]. Because the isospin dependences of the CDM3Y3 and
CDM3Y6 interactions are nearly the same, the dierence of about 0:3 M
in the Mmax values at S=A = 0; 1 obtained with these two interactions in
the -free case should be due to dierent nuclear incompressibilities K0
(see Table 2.6). Concerning other NN interactions under study, only the
108 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
SLy4ν-free ν-trapped SLy4
12 18 24 30
R (km)
ν-free M3Y-P7
12 18 24 30
ν-trapped M3Y-P7
Figure 5.12: The same as Fig. 5.10 but given by the SLy4 version of Skyrme interaction
[19] (upper panel) and M3Y-P7 interaction parametrized by Nakada [16] (lower panel).
Sly4 and M3Y-P7 interactions give the Mmax values at S=A = 0; 1 close
to the observed neutron star mass of 1:97 M [78]. The D1N interaction
gives a too low Mmax 1:23 and 1.32 M at S=A = 0 and 1, respectively,
while the M3Y-P5 interaction gives unstable results for the PNS congu-
ration at high temperatures and baryon densities, and are not included in
the present discussion. We note that the instability of the results given by
the M3Y-P5 interaction is a purely numerical one that is likely due to the
parametrization of this version of M3Y-Pn interaction.
In the presence of trapped neutrinos, the eect caused by dierent
slopes of the symmetry energy is diminished already at entropy S=A = 1
and 2, and stable values of the maximum mass and radius of PNS are rather
close, independent of the behavior of the symmetry energy (see Table 5.1,
Figs. 5.10 and 5.11). We note that the microscopic BHF calculation of the
5.3. Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynamical equilibrium 109
-trapped, isentropic PNS [27] gives the maximum mass Mmax 1:95 M
at entropy per baryon S=A = 1 and 2, and the corresponding Rmax
10:3 and 10.8 km. Thus, only the PNS conguration obtained with the
CDM3Y6 interaction has the maximum mass close to the BHF result,
while the maximum radius is slightly larger than that predicted by the
BHF calculation.
At much higher temperatures of the PNS matter at S=A = 4, the
impact of the symmetry energy becomes weaker and similar -stable con-
gurations were found with both the asy-sti and asy-soft interactions in
both the -free and -trapped scenarios. However, the eect of the in-
creasing entropy on the maximum gravitational mass and radius of the
-stable PNS is very signicant, and we found a strong increase of Mmax
and Rmax at entropy per baryon S=A = 4 compared to those obtained at
S=A = 0 (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2, and Figs. 5.10-5.12). The hot PNS at
S=A = 4 is substantially expanded in its mass (Mmax 0:3 0:5 M)
and size (Rmax 4 5 km), while the pressure in the core is decreased
by a factor up to three. The case of the D1N interaction is extreme with
the dierences Mmax 1 M and Rmax 6:5 km found between the
cold neutron star and hot PNS at S=A = 4 (both being in -equilibrium
without trapped neutrinos).
With a minor impact of the symmetry energy at entropy S=A = 4,
a very substantial dierence in temperature of hot PNS matter given by
dierent density dependent interactions (shown in the last two columns of
Tables 5.1 and 5.2) is directly related to the dierence in nucleon eective
mass illustrated in Figs. 5.8-5.9. While the maximum gravitational masses
obtained with the D1N, M3Y-P7 and Sly4 interactions are only slightly
larger than that obtained with the CDM3Y6 interaction by Mmax
0:1 M, the dierence in temperature of PNS at entropy S=A = 4 is very
large, up to about 100 MeV. The recent hydrodynamic simulation of the
110 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
gravitational collapse of a massive 40M protoneutron progenitor to black
hole [76] has shown that the -stable matter (with very small neutrino
fraction) in the outer core of PNS, is reaching S=A 4 at baryon density
s 0:63 1015 g/cm3 and temperature Ts 80 90 MeV, depending on
the inputs of the EOS of -stable PNS matter (see Fig. 16 of Ref. [76]).
For the purpose of comparison, we have also deduced temperature of the
PNS layer of baryon density of around 0:63 1015 g/cm3 from out mean-
eld results (see the last column of Tables 5.1 and 5.2), and found that
only the CDM3Yn and D1N interactions give temperature Ts in the -free
scenario comparable with that obtained in the hydrodynamic simulation.
The temperature Tc in the center of -stable hydrostatic PNS given by the
CDM3Yn interaction is about 90 and 110 MeV in the -trapped and -free
scenarios, respectively. The Tc values given by the D1N, M3Y-P7 and Sly4
interactions are much too high (see Tables 5.2), and this eect is clearly
due to the unrealistic behavior of nucleon eective mass predicted by these
interactions at high baryon densities (see Fig. 5.8). From the above
discussion, only the asy-sti CDM3Yn interaction seems to reproduce the
conguration of hot PNS comparable with that given by the hydrodynamic
We discuss our mean-eld results for the -free and -stable PNS at
S=A = 4 in more details. Because the simulated density prole of temper-
ature reaches its maximum at the total entropy per baryon S=A 4, the
authors of Refs. [76, 4] have compared the stable hydrostatic congurations
obtained with dierent EOS's for the -free, -stable PNS at S=A = 4 with
the results of their hydrodynamic simulation. What they found is quite
remarkable: the gravitational mass MG enclosed inside the shock at the
onset of collapse of the 40M protoneutron progenitor to black hole (open
squares in Fig. 5.13) given by the simulation is rather close to the maxi-
mum gravitational mass Mmax given by the same EOS of hot PNS matter
5.3. Proto-neutron star in the hydrodynamical equilibrium 111
2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Figure 5.13: Delay time tBH from the onset of the collapse of a 40 M progenitor until
the black hole formation as function of the enclosed gravitational massMG (open squares)
given by the hydrodynamic simulation [76, 4], and Mmax values given by the solution of
the TOV equations using the same EOS for the -free and -stable PNS at S=A = 4 (open
circles). The Mmax values given by the present mean-eld calculation of the -free and
-stable PNS at S=A = 4 using dierent density dependent NN interactions are shown on
the correlation line interpolated from the results of simulation.
(open circles in Fig. 5.13). As a result, almost a linear correlation was
found between the Mmax value and the delay time tBH from the onset of
collapse until black hole formation predicted by the simulation [76] (see
the solid line in Fig. 5.13). We have combined, therefore, the results of this
interesting study from Refs. [76, 4], and presented the correlation between
tBH, MG and Mmax values in Fig. 5.13. Although the tBH and MG values
that might be obtained from the hydrodynamic simulation using the EOS's
considered in the present work are still uncertain, we can use the corre-
112 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
lation found between tBH and Mmax in Refs. [76, 4] to roughly estimate
tBH based on Mmax values given by the density dependent NN interactions
under study. Focusing on the CDM3Y6, Sly4, and M3Y-P7 interactions
which give the Mmax value at S=A = 0 close to the observed neutron star
mass of around 1.97 M [78], we nd that tBH 0:5 s might be obtained
with the EOS based on the CDM3Y6 interaction, and tBH 0:6 0:7 s
with the EOS's based on the Sly4 and M3Y-P7 interactions. These values
seem to satisfy the realistic boundary condition tBH & 0:5 s discussed in
Ref. [76].
A consistent Hartree-Fock calculation of cold and hot asymmetric NM
has been performed to obtain the EOS of the npe matter of the neu-
tron star and proto-neutron star in equilibrium, using several realistic
versions of the in-medium density dependent NN interaction that give two
dierent behaviors of the NM symmetry energy at supranuclear densities
(the soft and sti scenarios). In general, the EOS given by the soft-type
interactions tend to give the pressure lower than the empirical values at
high densities. Dierent EOS's of the NS core supplemented by the EOS
of the NS crust given by the compressible liquid drop model have been
used for the input of the TOV equations to study how dierent behaviors
of the symmetry energy aect the model prediction of the NS properties.
The EOS's obtained with the sti-type interactions were found to give a
consistently reasonable description of the empirical data for the NS mass
and radius, and to comply well with the causality condition. In compari-
son with the same empirical NS data, the soft-type interactions were found
less successful, especially, the two versions of the Gogny interaction cer-
tainly seem to need an appropriate modication before they can be used
in the TOV equations to study the structure of the neutron star. The vital
role of the NM symmetry energy was demonstrated in our specic test of
the CDM3Yn interactions, where we found a signicant reduction of the
maximum gravitational mass MG and radius RG away from the empirical
boundaries when the slope of the NM symmetry energy was changed from
114 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
the sti behavior to the soft one. It is natural to expect that if hyperons
(and other possible constituents like kaons or quark matter) are included
at high baryon densities, the MG and RG values given by the soft-type in-
teractions can be driven to a region lying well below all existing empirical
The impact of nuclear symmetry energy and nucleon eective mass to
thermal properties of asymmetric NM has been studied in details. We
found that the two groups of the interactions (the so-called asy-sti and
asy-soft) that give the sti and soft behaviors of the symmetry energy of
NM at zero temperature also give the same behaviors of the free symmetry
energy of hot NM. The free symmetry energy and nucleon eective mass
obtained with the asy-sti CDM3Y3 and CDM3Y6 interactions are in a
good agreement with the prediction of the microscopic BHF calculations
[27, 71] using the Argonne NN interaction, while those results given by the
asy-soft interactions dier signicantly from the BHF results at high NM
We have tested the quadratic approximation for the dependence of the
free symmetry energy on the neutron-proton asymmetry by comparing
the results of the HF calculation at dierent asymmetries . While this ap-
proximation remains reasonable for the internal symmetry energy Esym=A
at dierent temperatures, it becomes much poorer for the free symmetry
energy Fsym=A with the increasing temperature. Such a breakdown of the
quadratic approximation is due to the contribution of entropy. The HF
calculation of hot NM has been done in a ne grid of the baryon number
densities, neutron-proton asymmetries, temperatures and entropies to in-
vestigate the density proles of temperature and entropy of hot NM. A very
signicant impact of the nucleon eective mass m to the thermodynamic
properties of hot NM was found, which is directly related to the momen-
tum dependence of the nucleon mean-eld potential. At the given baryon
Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter 115
density, the smaller the nucleon eective mass the larger the temperature
of NM.
The density dependent NN interactions were further used to generate
the EOS of baryon matter in the uniform PNS core, which was smoothly
connected to the EOS of the inhomogeneous PNS crust by Shen et al.
[5] for the mean-eld study of -stable PNS matter at nite temperature.
Our study considered two dierent scenarios: the -trapped matter with
the electron lepton fraction Ye 0:4 and the total entropy per baryon
S=A = 1; 2 and 4, which mimics the initial stage of PNS; the -free matter
at S=A = 1; 2 and 4, which is close to the late stage of PNS when most
neutrinos have escaped. The impact of nuclear symmetry energy was found
signicant in the -free PNS matter where the dynamic neutron-proton
asymmetry, baryon and lepton compositions obtained with the asy-sti
and asy-soft interactions are quite dierent. The high-density behaviors of
the density proles of temperature and entropy of the -free, -stable PNS
matter are strongly aected not only by the symmetry energy but also by
the nucleon eective mass. Although the impact of the symmetry energy
was found less signicant in the presence of trapped neutrinos, we found
that the symmetry energy still aects strongly the neutrino fraction in the
-trapped PNS matter, with x . 0:1 given by the asy-sti interactions at
high baryon densities, and x & 0:1 given by the asy-soft interactions.
Using the inputs of the TOV equation based on dierent EOS's, we ob-
tained the -stable hydrostatic conguration of PNS at the total entropy
per baryon S=A = 1; 2 and 4 in both the -free and -trapped scenarios. In
the absence of trapped neutrinos, dierent slopes of the symmetry energy
at high baryon densities were shown to give a dierence of 0.3 to 0.5 M
in the maximum gravitational mass Mmax predicted with the CDM3Yn
interactions. For the -trapped, -stable PNS, the eect of the symmetry
energy is diminished already at the entropy S=A = 1 and 2, and the stable
116 Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter
values of the maximum gravitational mass and radius of the PNS are rather
close, independent of the behavior of the symmetry energy. However, the
impact of the nucleon eective mass remains drastic in both -trapped and
-free cases, with temperature of the PNS matter being inversely propor-
tional to m. In particular, the dierence in temperature in both the outer
core and center of PNS given by dierent density dependent NN interac-
tions at S=A = 4 is mainly due to the dierence in m because the eect
of the symmetry energy is diminished at this high entropy.
A special attention was given to the conguration of the -free PNS
at entropy S=A = 4, which was shown by Hempel et al. [76] to occur at
the onset of the collapse of a massive (40 M) protoneutron progenitor
to black hole. We found that at very high temperatures of PNS matter
at S=A = 4, the impact of the symmetry energy becomes weaker and
the similar -stable congurations of PNS were obtained with both the
asy-sti and asy-soft interactions. The Mmax and Rmax values were found
strongly increased at the entropy per baryon S=A = 4, with the dierence
Mmax 0:3 0:5 M and Rmax 4 5 km compared to the results
obtained at S=A = 0. Thus, the hot PNS at S=A = 4 is substantially
expanded in size, with the decreased central pressure and density. In the
outer core of hot PNS being at entropy S=A = 4, only temperature given
by the asy-sti CDM3Yn interaction is comparable to that predicted by
the hydrodynamic simulation. The maximum gravitational masses Mmax
obtained for the -stable and -free PNS at S=A = 4 using dierent EOS's
of hot NM were used to estimate the time tBH of collapse of the 40 M
progenitor to black hole, based on a correlation found between tBH and
Mmax from the hydrodynamic simulation [76, 4].
From a more general viewpoint, the present mean-eld study illustrates
the large impact of the nuclear symmetry energy and nucleon eective mass
in dense and hot baryon matter. This eect becomes more complicated
Chapter 5. HF study of the -stable PNS matter 117
after the inclusion of trapped neutrinos which weakens the correlation of
the thermodynamic properties of PNS with the symmetry energy. The
densities and temperatures reached in the core of PNS at entropy of S=A
4 or higher might imply a phase transition to new degrees of freedom as
discussed, e.g., in Refs. [95]. Thus, PNS is the most extreme compact
object which requires the most advanced knowledge in the nuclear and
QCD physics. It is, however, very short-lived because it lasts only a minute
or so before being collapsed to black hole or cooled down to neutron star.
Thus, the observation of the next supernova explosion in our galaxy will
certainly provide the new and fascinating information about the hot PNS
matter that is extremely dicult to obtain in the terrestrial nuclear physics
The present mean-eld results were obtained in the absence of an ex-
ternal electromagnetic eld. This is, however, only an ideal condition.
In reality, numerous magnetars (neutron stars with an extremely power-
ful magnetic eld that emit high-energy electromagnetic radiation in the
form of X-rays and gamma rays) have been detected, and the astrophysics
studies of NS or PNS being in a strong magnetic eld are now of high
interest. Therefore, an extended topics of the present mean-eld study is
the inclusion of a strong magnetic eld into the hot -stable matter inside
the core of NS or PNS. We also expect to learn more about properties of
the spin-polarized NM as well as eects of a strong magnetic eld to the
conguration of a compact massive star.
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List of publications
1. Doan Thi Loan, Ngo Hai Tan, Dao Tien Khoa and J. Margueron,
\ Equation of state of neutron star matter, and the nuclear symmetry
energy", Phys. Rev. C 83, 065809 (2011).
2. Ngo Hai Tan, Doan Thi Loan, Dao T. Khoa and Jerome Margueron,
\Mean-eld study of hot -stable protoneutron star matter: Impact of the
symmetry energy and nucleon eective mass", Phys. Rev. C 93, 035806