Báo cáo Thực tập tại Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh
A-giới thiệu chung.
- Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh được khởi công xây dựng năm 1992 cùng với đường dây 500kV Bắc -Nam. Trạm được xây dựng trên địa bàn xã Thạch Điền - huyện Thạch Hà - tỉnh Hà Tĩnh, là một trong 5 trạm nút quan trọng của HTĐ 500kV Bắc - Nam.
- Trạm được đưa vào vận hành ngày 27 tháng 05 năm 1994 với nhiệm vụ bù các thông số cho đường dây bằng các kháng bù ngang và tụ bù dọc chính vì thế trạm có tên là trạm bù 500kV Hà Tĩnh. Sơ đồ nối điện chính của trạm khi đó gồm có:
+ 2 đường dây 500kV : Một đường nối với trạm biến áp 500kV Hoà Bình và một đường nối với trạm biến áp 500kV Đà Nẵng.
+ 2 kháng bù ngang công suất mỗi kháng là 128MVAr.
+ 2 tụ bù dọc công suất 3 pha định mức của một tụ là 91.5MVAr.
+ Một máy cắt 500kV và 2 máy cắt nối tắt tụ.
- Đến năm 2002 trạm được mở rộng thêm và đưa vào vận hành 2 MBA tự ngẫu AT2 và AT4 nên trạm đổi tên là trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh.Lúc này để truyền tải và phân phối điện năng trạm dùng 2 đường dây 220kV và 3 đường dây 110kV: + Đường dây 272 Hà Tĩnh đi Vinh.
+ Đường dây 274 Hà Tĩnh đi Đồng Hới.
+ Đường dây 172 Hà Tĩnh đi Thạch Linh1.
+ Đường dây 174 Hà Tĩnh đi Thạch Linh2.
+ Đường dây 176 Hà Tĩnh đi Kỳ Anh.
- Năm 2005 do miền Bắc thiếu điện phải tải từ miền Nam ra bằng hệ thống đường dây 500kV Bắc - Nam với một lượng công suất khá lớn (thực tế theo thống kê công suất tải trên đường dây từ MN ra MB có lúc lên tới gần 1000MW) nên đường dây 500kV mạch có nguy cơ quá tải lâu dài và sẽ dẫn đến khả năng mất ổn định của hệ thống, để khắc phục tình trạng này đường dây 500kV mạch 2 được xây dựng và đưa vào vận hành . Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh cũng được xây dựng mở rộng và thay đổi lại sơ đồ đấu dây. Có thể nói cho tới nay trạm biến áp 500kV Hà tĩnh là một trong những trạm biến áp lớn ở khu vực miền Bắc và bắc miền trung cũng như trong HTĐ 500kV Bắc - Nam.
B - báo cáo nội dung thực tập.
I- Vai trò, nhiệm vụ của trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh trong hệ thống điện.
1. Vai trò :
Trạm biến áp 500 kV Hà Tĩnh là một trong những trạm nút quan trọng trong HTĐ 500kV Bắc - Nam . Nó đóng góp một vai trò quan trọng trong việc kết nối giữa HTĐ miền bắc và HTĐ miền nam, để truyền tải và phân phối điện năng từ miền nam ra miền bắc.
2. Nhiệm vụ:
Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh có các nhiệm vụ sau:
1- bù các thông số cho đường dây 500 kV bằng các kháng bù ngang và tụ bù dọc nhằm mục đích: Tăng khả năng tải của đường dây; Cải thiện tính ổn định điện áp hệ thống ; Tăng độ dự trữ ổn định ; tăng khả năng ổn định của hệ thống; Phân bố lại công suất phản kháng trong hệ thống dẫn đến giảm tổn thất của hệ thống.
2- Biến đổi điện áp cấp 500kV xuống điện áp 220kV (dùng máy biến áp tự ngẫu AT2) để kết nối với các trạm biến áp 220 kV Vinh và Đồng Hới với mục đích lấy điện từ hệ thống 500kV truyền tải, cung cấp điện cho khu vực bắc miền trung .
3- Biến đổi điện áp cấp 220kV xuống điện áp 110kV (dùng máy biến áp tự ngẫu AT4) để cung cấp điện cho các khu công nghiệp thuộc tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
II - Liên hệ của trạm với các công trình điện lực khác của hệ thống .
Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà tĩnh được liên hệ với các công trình điện lực khác bằng 4 đường dây 500kV, 3 đường dây 220 kV và 3 đường dây 110kV:
- Đường dây 571 và 574 Hà Tĩnh được nối với trạm biến áp 500kV Đà Nẵng.
- Đường dây 580 và 582 Hà Tĩnh được nối với trạm 500kV Nho Quan.
- Đường dây 272 và 276 Hà Tĩnh được nối với trạm biến áp 220kV Hưng Đông thành phố Vinh - tỉnh Nghệ An.
- Đường dây 274 Hà Tĩnh được nối với trạm biến áp 220kV Đồng Hới- tỉnh Quảng Bình.
- Đường dây 172 được nối với trạm 110kV Can lộc -huyện Can lộc- tỉnh Hà Tình.
- Đường dây 174 được nối với trạm 110kV Thạch Linh - thị xã Hà Tình.
- Đường dây 176 được nối với trạm 110kV Vũng áng - huyện Kỳ Anh- tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
44 trang |
Chia sẻ: lvcdongnoi | Lượt xem: 3085 | Lượt tải: 1
Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Báo cáo Thực tập tại Trạm biến áp 500kV Hà Tĩnh, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
1: 0.4 A
HÖ sè h·m K1: 30%
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS2: 2.0 A
HÖ sè h·m K2: 150%
Thêi gian trÔ tÝn hiÖu c¾t liªn ®éng(PIT): 0 ms
Sai sè thêi gian trÔ kªnh truyÒn: 250 micro sec
Thêi gia trÔ h háng ®êng truyÒn: 0.1 sec
ChÕ ®é kho¸ tù ®éng ®ãng l¹i: C¾t liªn ®éng vµ sù cè 3 pha
ChÕ ®é c¾t : 1 pha.
2.3- B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng pha (F51).
- Sö dông r¬ le :MCGG62.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Dßng chØnh ®Þnh : Is = 1.2 In
Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh : t = 1 s
(ë chÕ ®é vËn hµnh b×nh thêng b¶o vÖ ®îc t¸ch khái vËn hµnh).
2.4- B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng chËm ®Êt cã híng
- Sö dông r¬ le: MCGG22 + METI11.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
MCGG : Current setting : Is = 0.1 In
Time setting: t = 0.1 s
METI11: Internal angles setting: +45.
3 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 580 (Hµ tÜnh - Nho Quan1):
3.1- B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch hîp bé :
- Sö dông r¬ le 7SA513.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1101 Relay will internally roll CT polarity: Zero Degrees
1102 System star-point condition: Solidly earthed
1103 Primarry rated voltage: 500 kV
1104 Secondary rated voltage: 110 V
1105 Primarry rated current: 1200 A
1107 Min. current for CT-saturation: 20.00 I/In
1109 Ux voltage transformer connection: Not connected
1110 Nomimal Ph to nomimal 3V0 .sec. voltage ratio : 1.73
1111 I4 Current transformer connection: Protected line
1112 Matching factor Ie/Iph (Ie Protected line): 1
1113 Matching factor Ie/Iph (Ie Parallel line): 1
1114 I5 Current transformer connection: Not connected
1117 RG/RL- Ratio of ground to line resistance: 2.65
1118 XG/XL- Ratio of ground to line resistance: 0.57
1119 Mutual compensating factor RM/RL: 0
1120 Mutual compensating factor XM/XL: 0
1121 Line angle: 85.3 Grad
1122 Line secondary reactance Xsec: 0.74 Ohm/km
1123 Line secondary capacitance CBsec: 0.048 m F/km
1124 Line length: 307.5 km
1125 Earth current ratio parallel line comp. 85%
1130 Trip command min. duration for I > I-RES: 0.06 s
1131 Trip command min. duration for I < I-RES: 0.15 s
1135 Maximum close command duration: 0.06 s
1136 3 pole coupling after 1 pole trip: with trip comm.
1137 Trip type with 2 phase faults: Three-pole
1138 Load compensation: Yes
1140 Current threshold for open line detect. I-RES: 0.10 I/In
1141 Voltage threshold for open line detect. U-RES: 30 V
1142 CB close zone release extension: 0.05 s
1143 Checking of circuit breaker position: CB AUX and I-RES.<
1145 Prolongation time after manual closing: 0.30 s
1149 Stabilization time for external trip: 0.01 s
1301 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-phase)R1: 15.00 Ohm
1302 Zone 1: Resistance (reach) X1: 3.21 Ohm
1303 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-earth)R1E: 20.00 Ohm
1304 Zone 1: Drection: Forwards
1305 Zone 1: Delay for single phase faults T1 1PH: 0.00 s
1306 Zone 1: Delay for multi- phase faults T1: 0.00 s
1311 Zone 2: Resistance settingR2: 15.00 Ohm
1312 Zone 2: Resistance X2: 28.26 Ohm
1313 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-earth)R2E: 20.00 Ohm
1314 Zone 2: Drection: Forwards
1315 Zone 2: Delay for single phase faults T2 1PH: 0.50 s
1316 Zone 2: Delay for multi- phase faults T2: 0.50 s
1321 Zone 3: Resistance R3 : 15.00 Ohm
1322 Zone 3: Resistance X3 : 28.56 Ohm
1323 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-earth)R3E: 20.00 Ohm
1324 Zone 3: Drection: Forwards
1325 Zone 3: Delay for all faultsT3: 1.00 s
1401 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-phase)R1B: 15.00 Ohm
1402 Zone 1B: Resistance (reach)X1B: 28.56 Ohm
1403 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-earth)R1BE: 20.00 Ohm
1404 Zone 1B: Drection: Forwards
1405 Zone 1B: Delay for single phase faults: 0.00s
1406 Zone 1B: Delay for multi- phase faults: 0.00 s
1407 Coord.- Timer for blocking scheme : 0.01 s
1411 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-phase)R1L: 15.00 Ohm
1412 Zone 1L: Resistance (reach)X1L: 28.56 Ohm
1413 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-earth)R1LE: 20.00 Ohm
1414 Zone 1L: Drection: Forwards
1415 Zone 1L: Delay for all faults T1L: +*s
1602 Earth fault detection Ie>: 0.10 I/In
1602 Earth fault detection(independent of1707) Ie>>: 0.10 I/In
1621 Min. current for imped. measurement Iph>: 0.10 I/In
1622 Fault detection polygon setting X+A: 45.00 Ohm
1623 Fault detection polygon setting X-A : 45.00 Ohm
1624 Fault detection polygon setting RA1: 20.00 Ohm
1625 Fault detection polygon setting RA2: 45.00 Ohm
1626 Fault detection polygon for earthfaultRA1E : 30.00 Ohm
1627 Fault detection polygon for earthfaultRA2E : 55.00 Ohm
1628 Fault detection polygon angle PHI A: 450
1629 Fault detection polygon angle(earth) PHI AE: 450
1630 Overcurrent fault detection Iph>> : +* I/In
1701 Earthfault detection using Ue> : 20 V
1703 Loop selection with Ph-Ph-E fault detection: Block leading
1707 Earthfault detection with: Ue> and Ie>
2201 Permissive overreach transfer trip is : ON
2202 Permissive overreach transfer trip feature: Z1B release
2203 Transient block. time after external flt : 0.05 s
2204 Waiting time for trans. blocking : +*s
2206 Send signal prolongation for P.O.T.T : 0.05 s
2210 Effective direct.for direct. comparison: Forwards
2211 Waiting time for trans. block. (reverse faults): 0.04 s
2212 Send signal delay for P.O.T.T : 0.00 s
2220 Echo function for weak infeeds : ON
2221 Echo delay time : 0.04 s
2222 Duration of echo impulse : 0.05 s
2223 Echo blocking time: 0.15 s
tch-on-to-fault function is : ON
ease of switch-on-to-fault function: Only man. close
2404 Current for fault recognition:Isc : 1.80 I/In
2501 Weak infeed function is : ON
2502 Under voltage Uph : 50 V
2505 Reception signal delay(for stabilisation): 0.01 s
2506 Reception signal extension : 0.20 s
3101 Earth fault protection is: ON
3102 Earth fault overcurrent characteristic: Del.inite Time
3103 Earth fault overcurrent threshold Ie> , Iep: 0.50 I/In
3104 Minimum voltage for direct. measurment Ue> : 5.0 V
3106 Delay time for directional trip T-Direc : 1.50 s
3107 Direction: Forword
3108 Delay time for non-direct. trip T Non-Dir>: +*s
3111 Directional decision: With Ue and IY
3112 Ue inverse time characteristic Ue> INV: 0.2 V
3113 Rapid trip (w/3115) w/ rapid auto reclose(RAR): off
3114 Mode of operation with manual close (M/C): off
3115 Delay for RAR(3113) and MC w/ F/ D dir (3114): 0.00 s
3201 Earth fault directional comparison is: ON
3202 Delay time for transmission and trip: 0.00s
3203 Transient blocking time after external fault: 0.05 s
3204 Waiting time for trans. block. (missing recept): +*s
3206 Waiting time for trans. block. (reverse faults): 0.04 s
3210 Echo funtion for weak infeed: OFF
3211 Echo delay time: 0.04 s
3212 Duration of echo impulse: 0.05 s
3213 Echo blocking time: 0.40 s
3.2- B¶o vÖ so lÖch dßng cã h·m (F87L).
- Sö dông r¬ le LFCB 102.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS1: 0.75 A
HÖ sè h·m K1: 30%
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS2: 2.0 A
HÖ sè h·m K2: 150%
Thêi gian trÔ tÝn hiÖu c¾t liªn ®éng(PIT): 0 ms
Sai sè thêi gian trÔ kªnh truyÒn: 250 micro sec
Thêi gia trÔ h háng ®êng truyÒn: 0.1 sec
ChÕ ®é kho¸ tù ®éng ®ãng l¹i: C¾t liªn ®éng vµ sù cè 3 pha
ChÕ ®é c¾t : 1 pha.
3.3- B¶o vÖ so lÖch dßng cã h·m (F87L).
- Sö dông r¬ le MICOM 546.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS1: 0.30 A
HÖ sè h·m K1: 30%
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS2: 2.0 A
HÖ sè h·m K2: 150%
Thêi gian trÔ tÝn hiÖu c¾t liªn ®éng(PIT): 0 ms
Sai sè thêi gian trÔ kªnh truyÒn: 250 micro sec
Thêi gia trÔ h háng ®êng truyÒn: 0.1 sec
ChÕ ®é kho¸ tù ®éng ®ãng l¹i: C¾t liªn ®éng vµ sù cè 3 pha
ChÕ ®é c¾t : 1 pha.
3.4- B¶o vÖ qu¸ ¸p ,qu¸ dßng Io .
- Sö dông r¬ le MICOM P141.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
IN1>1 Function: DT
IN1> 1Drirection: Drirection Fwd
IN1> 1Current: 500.0 mA
IN1>1 Time delay: 1.500 s
IN1>1 T.RESET: 0.000 s
IN1>2 Function: DT
IN1>2 Drirection: Drirection Rev
IN1> 2Current: 80.00 mA
IN1> 2Time delay: 0.000 s
IN1>2 T.RESET: 0.300 s
IN1> Char Agle: - 450
V< Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V< Operate Mode: Any phase
V< 1Function: Disabled
V< 2 Status: Disabled
V> Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V> Operate Mode: Any phase
V> 1Function: DT
V> Voltage set: 74 V
V> Time delay: 1.00 s
V> 2 Status: Enable
V> 1 Voltage set: 111 V
V> Time delay: 0.00 s
3.5- B¶o vÖ qu¸ ¸p.
- Sö dông r¬ le MICOM P141.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
V< Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V< Operate Mode: Any phase
V< 1Function: Disabled
V< 2 Status: Disabled
V> Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V> Operate Mode: Any phase
V> 1Function: DT
V> Voltage set: 74 V
V> Time delay: 1.00 s
V> 2 Status: Enable
V> 1 Voltage set: 111 V
V> Time delay: 0.00 s
4 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 582 (Hµ tÜnh - Nho Quan1):
4.1- B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch , qu¸ ¸p, chèng ®ãng vµo ®iÓm sù cè:
- Sö dông r¬ le 7SA513.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1101 Relay will internally roll CT polarity: Zero Degrees
1102 System star-point condition: Solidly earthed
1103 Primarry rated voltage: 500 kV
1104 Secondary rated voltage: 110 V
1105 Primarry rated current: 1200 A
1107 Min. current for CT-saturation: 20.00 I/In
1109 Ux voltage transformer connection: Not connected
1110 Nomimal Ph to nomimal 3V0 .sec. voltage ratio : 1.73
1111 I4 Current transformer connection: Protected line
1112 Matching factor Ie/Iph (Ie Protected line): 1
1113 Matching factor Ie/Iph (Ie Parallel line): 1
1114 I5 Current transformer connection: Not connected
1117 RG/RL- Ratio of ground to line resistance: 2.65
1118 XG/XL- Ratio of ground to line resistance: 0.57
1119 Mutual compensating factor RM/RL: 0
1120 Mutual compensating factor XM/XL: 0
1121 Line angle: 85.3 Grad
1122 Line secondary reactance Xsec: 0.74 Ohm/km
1123 Line secondary capacitance CBsec: 0.048 m F/km
1124 Line length: 290 km
1125 Earth current ratio parallel line comp. 85%
1130 Trip command min. duration for I > I-RES: 0.00 s
1131 Trip command min. duration for I < I-RES: 0.15 s
1135 Maximum close command duration: 1.00 s
1136 3 pole coupling after 1 pole trip: with trip comm.
1137 Trip type with 2 phase faults: Three-pole
1138 Load compensation: Yes
1140 Current threshold for open line detect. I-RES: 0.10 I/In
1141 Voltage threshold for open line detect. U-RES: 30 V
1142 CB close zone release extension: 0.05 s
1143 Checking of circuit breaker position: CB AUX and I-RES.<
1145 Prolongation time after manual closing: 0.30 s
1149 Stabilization time for external trip: 0.01 s
1301 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-phase)R1: 12.00 Ohm
1302 Zone 1: Resistance (reach) X1: 2.15 Ohm
1303 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-earth)R1E: 17.00 Ohm
1304 Zone 1: Drection: Forwards
1305 Zone 1: Delay for single phase faults T1 1PH: 0.00 s
1306 Zone 1: Delay for multi- phase faults T1: 0.00 s
1311 Zone 2: Resistance settingR2: 15.00 Ohm
1312 Zone 2: Resistance X2: 27.00 Ohm
1313 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-earth)R2E: 20.00 Ohm
1314 Zone 2: Drection: Forwards
1315 Zone 2: Delay for single phase faults T2 1PH: 0.50 s
1316 Zone 2: Delay for multi- phase faults T2: 0.50 s
1321 Zone 3: Resistance R3 : 15.00 Ohm
1322 Zone 3: Resistance X3 : 27.00 Ohm
1323 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-earth)R3E: 20.00 Ohm
1324 Zone 3: Drection: Forwards
1325 Zone 3: Delay for all faultsT3: 1.00 s
1401 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-phase)R1B: 15.00 Ohm
1402 Zone 1B: Resistance (reach)X1B: 27.00 Ohm
1403 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-earth)R1BE: 20.00 Ohm
1404 Zone 1B: Drection: Forwards
1405 Zone 1B: Delay for single phase faults: 0.00s
1406 Zone 1B: Delay for multi- phase faults: 0.00 s
1407 Coord.- Timer for blocking scheme : 0.01 s
1411 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-phase)R1L: 15.00 Ohm
1412 Zone 1L: Resistance (reach)X1L: 27.00 Ohm
1413 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-earth)R1LE: 20.00 Ohm
1414 Zone 1L: Drection: Forwards
1415 Zone 1L: Delay for all faults T1L: +*s
1602 Earth fault detection Ie>: 0.10 I/In
1602 Earth fault detection(independent of1707) Ie>>: 0.10 I/In
1621 Min. current for imped. measurement Iph>: 0.10 I/In
1622 Fault detection polygon setting X+A: 45.00 Ohm
1623 Fault detection polygon setting X-A : 45.00 Ohm
1624 Fault detection polygon setting RA1: 20.00 Ohm
1625 Fault detection polygon setting RA2: 45.00 Ohm
1626 Fault detection polygon for earthfaultRA1E : 30.00 Ohm
1627 Fault detection polygon for earthfaultRA2E : 55.00 Ohm
1628 Fault detection polygon angle PHI A: 450
1629 Fault detection polygon angle(earth) PHI AE: 450
1630 Overcurrent fault detection Iph>> : +* I/In
1701 Earthfault detection using Ue> : 20 V
1703 Loop selection with Ph-Ph-E fault detection: Block leading
1707 Earthfault detection with: Ue> or Ie>
2201 Permissive overreach transfer trip is : ON
2202 Permissive overreach transfer trip feature: Z1B release
2203 Transient block. time after external flt : 0.05 s
2204 Waiting time for trans. blocking : +*s
2206 Send signal prolongation for P.O.T.T : 0.05 s
2210 Effective direct.for direct. comparison: Forwards
2211 Waiting time for trans. block. (reverse faults): 0.04 s
2212 Send signal delay for P.O.T.T : 0.00 s
2220 Echo function for weak infeeds : OFF
2221 Echo delay time : 0.04 s
2222 Duration of echo impulse : 0.05 s
2223 Echo blocking time: 0.15 s
Switch-on-to-fault function is : ON
Release of switch-on-to-fault function: Only man. close
2404 Current for fault recognition:Isc : 1.80 I/In
3701 Over voltage protection stage is: ON
3703 Over voltage pick-up value U> : 1.3 U/Un
3704 Over voltage reset ratio: U> reset/ U> : 0.9
3705 Trip time delay T-U> : 1.00 s
3706 Over voltage compensation function : OFF
3708 Over voltage trip action: Local trip
3711 Highset over voltage protection stage is: ON
3712 Highset over voltage selection: Phase-Earth
3713 Highset over voltage pick-up value U>>: 1.75 U/Un
3714 Highset over voltage reset: U>> reset/ U>>: 0.9
3715 Highset over voltage fault detection action: OR COMBINET
3716 Delay time with closed circuit breaker: 0.06 s
3717 Delay time with open circuit breaker: 0.02 s
3718 Time for block. of highset over voltage: 0.06 s
3720 Highset over voltage trip action: Local trip
3721 Duration of sed signal: 0.25 s
4.2- B¶o vÖ so lÖch däc (F87L).
- Sö dông r¬ le: 7SD522
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
87-1 Pickup : 0.54 A
87-1 Value under switch on condition: 0.86 A
87-1 Trip time delay: 0.00 s
Delay 1ph-fault (comp/ isol. star-point): 0.00 s
87-2 Pickup: 1.200 A
4.3- B¶o vÖ so lÖch dßng cã h·m (F87L).
- Sö dông r¬ le MICOM 546.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS1: 0.5A
HÖ sè h·m K1: 30%
Dßng so lÖch ngìng IS2: 2.0 A
HÖ sè h·m K2: 150%
4.4- B¶o vÖ qu¸ ¸p ,qu¸ dßng Io :
(Gåm 2 bé: sö dông cïng lo¹i r¬ le vµ th«ng sè ®Æt nh nhau).
- Sö dông r¬ le MICOM P141.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
IN1>1 Function: DT
IN1> 1Drirection: Drirection Fwd
IN1> 1Current: 500.0 mA
IN1>1 Time delay: 1.500 s
IN1>1 t.RESET: 0.000 s
IN1>2 Function: DT
IN1>2 Drirection: Drirection Rev
IN1> 2Current: 80.00 mA
IN1> 2Time delay: 0.000 s
IN1>2 t.RESET: 0.300 s
IN1> Char Agle: - 450
V< Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V< Operate Mode: Any phase
V< 1Function: Disabled
V< 2 Status: Disabled
V> Measur’t Mode: Phase-Neutral
V> Operate Mode: Any phase
V> 1Function: DT
V> Voltage set: 74 V
V> Time delay: 1.00 s
V> 2 Status: Enable
V> 1 Voltage set: 111 V
V> Time delay: 0.00 s
5 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 272.
5.1- B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng(F21).
- Sö dông r¬ le EPAC 3000
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Nominal voltage: 110V
Nominal current: 1A
Line lenght: 63.04 km
Voltage ratio (Ku): 2045
Current ratio (Ki): 1200
R1 positive sequence Resistance: 3.81Ohm
X1 positive sequence Resistance: 15.86 Ohm
Z1 positive sequence Resistance: 16.31 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 76 Degree
R01 positive sequence Resistance: 9.36 Ohm
X01 positive sequence Resistance: 55.51Ohm
Z01 positive sequence Resistance: 56.294 Ohm
Argument of Z01: 80 Degree
R02 positive sequence Resistance: 9.36 Ohm
X02 positive sequence Resistance: 55.51 Ohm
Z02 positive sequence Resistance: 56.294 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 80 Degree
K01r Real of K01: 0.81
K01x Imaginary of K01: 0.07
K02r Real of K02: 0.81
K02x Imaginary of K02: 0.07
Zone 1 impedance: 13.05 Ohm LV
Zone 2 impedance: 19.68 Ohm LV
Zone 3 impedance: 49 Ohm LV
Zone 4 impedance: 49 Ohm LV
Zone 5 impedance: 13 Ohm LV
Zone 3 Direction: Forwards
Zone 1 Time delay (T1): 0 ms
Zone 2 Time delay (T2): 500 ms
Zone 3 Time delay (T3): 4000 ms
Zone 4 Time delay (T4): 5000 ms
Zone 5 Time delay (T5): 5000 ms
Phase - earth resistance zone 1: 21 Ohm LV
Phase - phase resistance zone 1: 21 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 2: 23 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 3: 30 Ohm LV
Starting limit resistance: 65 Ohm LV
I0 and I2 threshold detection: 0.05 In
Fuse failure alarm time delay: 1 s
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 1 In
Tfus> time-delay: 1000 ms
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 2.5 In
Tfus> time-delay: 300 ms
- B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng(F21).
- Sö dông r¬ le 7SA511.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Current transformer: Towards line
System star-point condition: Solidly earthed
Primarry rated voltage: 225 kV
Secondary rated voltage: 110 V
Primarry rated current: 1200 A
voltage transformer connection: Not connected
Matching factor Uph/Udelta (sec. earth voltage): 1.73
1112 Matching factor Ie/Iph for earth current: 1.000
1117 Residual compensating factor: RE/RL 0.49
1118 Residual compensating factor: XE/XL 0.83
1122 Secondaryreactance per unit line length Xsec: 0.252 Ohm/km
1124 Line length: 63.04 km
1130 Trip command min.duration for I > I-RES: 0.05 s
1131 Trip command min.duration for I < I-RES: 0.15 s
1135 Maximum close command duration: 1.00 s
1136 3 pole coupling: with fault detection
1137 Trip type with 2 phase faults: Three-pole
1145 Prolongation time after manual closing: 0.30 s
1149 Stabilization time for external trip: 0.01 s
1301 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-phase)R1: 3.05 Ohm
1302 Zone 1: Resistance (reach) X1: 12.69 Ohm
1303 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-earth) R1E: 21.00 Ohm
1304 Zone 1: Drection: Forwards
1305 Zone 1: Delay for single phase faults T1 1PH: 0.00 s
1306 Zone 1: Delay for multi- phase faults T1: 0.00 s
1311 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-phase) R2: 4.58 Ohm
1312 Zone 2: Resistance (reach) X2: 19.04 Ohm
1313 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-earth) R2E: 23.00 Ohm
1314 Zone 2: Drection: Forwards
1315 Zone 2: Delay for single phase faults T2 1PH : 0.50 s
1316 Zone 2: Delay for multi- phase faults T2: 0.50 s
1317 Single pole trip for faults in Z2: no
1321 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-phase) R3: 11.39 Ohm
1322 Zone 3: Resistance (reach) X3: 47.65 Ohm
1323 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-earth) R3E: 30.00 Ohm
1324 Zone 3: Drection: Forwards
1325 Zone 3: Delay for all faults T3: 4.00 s
1401 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-phase) R1B: 4.58 Ohm
1402 Zone 1B: Resistance (reach) X1B: 19.04 Ohm
1403 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-earth) R1BE: 23.00 Ohm
1404 Zone 1B: Drection: Forwards
1405 Zone 1B: Delay for single phase faults T1B 1PH : 0.00s
1406 Zone 1B: Delay for multi- phase faults T1B: 0.00 s
1411 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-phase) R1L: 4.58 Ohm
1412 Zone 1L: Resistance (reach) X1L: 19.04 Ohm
1413 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-earth) R1LE: 23.00 Ohm
1414 Zone 1L: Drection: Forwards
1415 Zone 1L: Delay for all faults: T1L 0.00 s
Overcurrent detection Iph>>: 0.75 I/In
Earth fault detection Ie>: 0.10 I/In
1621 Mimum current for fault detection Iph>: 0.20 I/In
1622 Fault detection forward reach X+A: 50.00 Ohm
1623 Fault detection reverse reach X-A: 30.00 Ohm
1624 Fault det. resistance (ph-ph, phi<PHI A) RA1: 35.00 Ohm
1625 Fault det. resistance (ph-ph, phi>PHI A) RA2: 35.00 Ohm
1626 Fault det. resistance (ph-e, phi<PHI AE) RA1E: 40.00 Ohm
1627 Fault det. resistance (ph-e, phi>PHI AE) RA2E: 40.00 Ohm
1628 Fault det. ph-ph angle betw. RA1/RA2 PHI A: 450
1629 Fault det. ph- e angle betw. RA1E/RA2E PHI AE: 450
2601 Emergency overcurrent definite time protection on
2602 Highset phase overcurrent threshold (DT) I>>: 2.50 I/In
2603 Delay time for I>> TI>>: 0.30 s
2612 Phase overcurrent threshold(DT) I>: 1.0 I/In
2613 Delay time for I> TI>: 1.00 s
2621 Phase overcurrent stage effect. : Manual close I>> undelayed
2623 Phase overcurrent stage effect. : Auto close I>> always
2642 Earth overcurrent threshold (DT)IE>: 0.40 I/In
2643 Delay time for IE> TIE>: 1.00 s
2651 Earth overcurrent stage effect: Manual close Ie> undelayed.
6 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 274.
6.1 - B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng.
- Sö dông r¬ le: EPAC 3000.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Nominal voltage: 110 V
Nominal current: 1 A
Line lenght: 150 km
Voltage ratio (Ku): 2045
Current ratio (Ki): 1200
R1 positive sequence Resistance: 9.068 Ohm
X1 positive sequence Resistance: 37.77 Ohm
Z1 positive sequence Resistance: 38.843 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 76 Degree
R01 positive sequence Resistance: 22.274 Ohm
X01 positive sequence Resistance: 132.15 Ohm
Z01 positive sequence Resistance: 134.014 Ohm
Argument of Z01: 80 Degree
R02 positive sequence Resistance: 22.274 Ohm
X02 positive sequence Resistance: 132.15 Ohm
Z02 positive sequence Resistance: 134.014 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 80 Degree
K01r Real of K01: 0.81
K01x Imaginary of K01: 0.07
K02r Real of K02: 0.81
K02x Imaginary of K02: 0.07
Zone 1 impedance: 31.08 Ohm LV
Zone 2 impedance: 46.62 Ohm LV
Zone 3 impedance: 77.7 Ohm LV
Zone 4 impedance: 77.7 Ohm LV
Zone 5 impedance: 13 Ohm LV
Zone 3 Direction: Forwards
Zone 1 Time delay (T1): 0 ms
Zone 2 Time delay (T2): 500 ms
Zone 3 Time delay (T3): 4000 ms
Zone 4 Time delay (T4): 5000 ms
Zone 5 Time delay (T5): 5000 ms
Phase - earth resistance zone 1: 26 Ohm LV
Phase - phase resistance zone 1: 26 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 2: 29 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 3: 36 Ohm LV
Starting limit resistance: 65 Ohm LV
I0 and I2 threshold detection: 0.05 In
Fuse failure alarm time delay: 1 s
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 1 In
Tfus> time-delay: 1000 ms
fus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 2 In
Tfus> time-delay: 300 ms
- B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng.
- Sö dông r¬ le 7SA511.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1101 Current transformer: Towards line
1102 System star-point condition: Solidly earthed
1103 Primarry rated voltage: 225 kV
1104 Secondary rated voltage: 110 V
1105 Primarry rated current: 1200 A
1109 Voltage transformer connection: Not connected
Ching factor Uph/Udelta (sec. earth voltage): 1.73
1112 Matching factor Ie/Iph for earth current: 1.000
1117 Residual compensating factor RE/RL: 0.49
1118 Residual compensating factor XE/XL: 0.83
1122 Secondaryreactance per unit line length Xsec: 0.252 Ohm/km
1124 Line length: 150 km
1130 Trip command min.duration for I > I-RES: 0.05 s
1131 Trip command min.duration for I < I-RES: 0.15 s
1135 Maximum close command duration: 1.00 s
1136 3 pole coupling: with fault detection
1137 Trip type with 2 phase faults: Three-pole
1145 Prolongation time after manual closing: 0.30 s
1149 Stabilization time for external trip: 0.01 s
1301 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-phase) R1: 7.25 Ohm
1302 Zone 1: Resistance (reach) X1: 30.22 Ohm
1303 Zone 1: Resistance (phase-earth) R1E: 26.00 Ohm
1304 Zone 1: Drection: Forwards
1305 Zone 1: Delay for single phase faults T1 1PH: 0.00 s
1306 Zone 1: Delay for multi- phase faults T1: 0.00 s
1311 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-phase) R2: 10.88 Ohm
1312 Zone 2: Resistance (reach) X2: 45.33 Ohm
1313 Zone 2: Resistance (phase-earth) R2E: 29.00 Ohm
1314 Zone 2: Drection: Forwards
1315 Zone 2: Delay for single phase faults T2 1PH: 0.50 s
1316 Zone 2: Delay for multi- phase faults T2: 0.50 s
1317 Single pole trip for faults in Z2: no
1321 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-phase R3): 18.14 Ohm
1322 Zone 3: Resistance (reach) X3: 75.5 Ohm
1323 Zone 3: Resistance (phase-earth) R3E: 36.00 Ohm
1324 Zone 3: Drection: Forwards
1325 Zone 3: Delay for all faults T3: 4.00 s
1401 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-phase) R1B: 10.88 Ohm
1402 Zone 1B: Resistance (reach) X1B: 45.33 Ohm
1403 Zone 1B: Resistance (phase-earth) R1BE: 29.00 Ohm
1404 Zone 1B: Drection: Forwards
1405 Zone 1B: Delay for single phase faults T1B 1PH: 0.00s
1406 Zone 1B: Delay for multi- phase faults T1B: 0.00 s
1411 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-phase) R1L: 10.88 Ohm
1412 Zone 1L: Resistance (reach) X1L: 45.33 Ohm
1413 Zone 1L: Resistance (phase-earth) R1LE: 29.00 Ohm
1414 Zone 1L: Drection: Forwards
1415 Zone 1L: Delay for all faults T1L: 0.00 s
1601 Overcurrent detection Iph>>: 0.75 I/In
1602 Earth fault detection Ie>: 0.20 I/In
1621 Min. current for fault detection Iph>: 0.20 I/In
1622 Fault detection forward reach X+A: 80.00 Ohm
1623 Fault detection reverse reach X-A: 40.00 Ohm
1624 Fault det. resistance (ph-ph, phi<PHI A) RA1: 40.00 Ohm
1625 Fault det. resistance (ph-ph, phi>PHI A) RA2: 40.00 Ohm
1626 Fault det. resistance (ph-e, phi<PHI AE) RA1E: 45.00 Ohm
1627 Fault det. resistance (ph-e, phi>PHI AE) RA2E: 45.00 Ohm
1628 Fault det. ph-ph angle betw. RA1/RA2 PHI A: 450
1629 Fault det. ph- e angle betw. RA1E/RA2E PHI AE: 450
2601 Emergency overcurrent definite time protection on
2602 Highset phase overcurrent threshold (DT) I>>: 2.00 I/In
2603 Delay time for I>> TI>>: 0.30 s
2612 Phase overcurrent threshold(DT) I>: 1.0 I/In
2613 Delay time for I> TI>: 1.00 s
2621 Phase overcurrent stage effect. : Manual close I>> undelayed
2623 Phase overcurrent stage effect. : Auto close I>> always
2642 Earth overcurrent threshold (DT) IE>: 0.40 I/In
2643 Delay time for IE> TIE>: 1.00 s
2651 Earth overcurrent stage effect: Manual close Ie> undelayed.
7 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 276.
7.1 - B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch (F21).
- Sö dông r¬ le 7SD52.
- Th«ng ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1103 Full scale Voltage : 225 kV
1104 Full scale Current : 1200 A
1105 Line Angle: 770
1121 Distance Angle : 900
1107 P,Q Sign: Not rever sent
1110 X’ : 0.252 Ohm/km
1111 Line length: 65.6 km
1116 RE/RL (Z1): 0.49
1117 XE/XL (Z1): 0.83
1118 RE/RL (Z1 ... Z5) 0.49
1119 XE/XL (Z1 ... Z5): 0.83
1201 FCT Distance : ON
1202 Minimum Iph> : 0.50 A
1203 3Io > Threshold: 0.10 A
1204 3Uo > : 5.00 V
1208 SER - COMP . : NO
1210 Star Time : ON Des. Pickup
1211 Distance Angle: 900
1232 SOTF zone : Inactive
1241 R load (PH -E): 75 Ohm
1242 j load (PH -E): 450
1243 R load (PH -PH): 63.00 Ohm
1244 j load (PH -PH): 450
1301 Op. mode Z1 : Forward
1302 R (Z1) PH - PH : 5.00 Ohm
1303 X (Z1) 13.2 Ohm
1304 RE (Z1) PH - E : 16.00 Ohm
1305 T1 - 1Phase : 0 sec
1306 T1 - Multi-Phase : 0 sec
1307 Zone Reduction : 00
1311 Op. mode Z2 : Forward
1312 R (Z2) PH - PH : 10.00 Ohm
1313 X (Z2) 20.60 Ohm
1314 RE (Z2) PH - E : 25.00 Ohm
1315 T2 - 1Phase : 0.50 sec
1316 T2 - Multi-Phase : 0.50 sec
1321 Op. mode Z3 : Forward
1322 R (Z3) PH - PH : 40.00 Ohm
1323 X (Z3) 62.00 Ohm
1324 RE (Z3) PH - E : 65.00 Ohm
1325 T3 Delay : 3.50 sec
1331 Op. mode Z4 : Inactive
1332 R (Z4) 35.20 Ohm
1334 RE (4) PH - PH : 35.20 Ohm
1333 X (ZZ4) PH - E : 35.20 Ohm
1335 T4 Delay: 2.00 sec
1341 Op. mode Z5 : Inactive
1342 R (Z5) PH - PH : 35.20 Ohm
1343 X (Z5) 35.20 Ohm
1344 RE (Z5) PH - E : 35.20 Ohm
1345 T5 Delay: 3.00 sec
7.2 - B¶o vÖ so lÖch(F87).
- Sö dông r¬ le: 7SD52
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
I - DIFF > 0.2 A
I - DIFF >> 1.5 A
7.3 - B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng vµ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng(F67).
( Gåm 2 bé gièng nhau vµ cã th«ng sè ®Æt gièng nhau).
- Sö dông r¬ le: 7SD52
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1300 EARTH O/C
1301 Earth O/C : ON
1302 Ie >> ∞ A
1303 T Ie >> ∞ sec
1302 Ie > 0.10 A
1303 T Ie > 4 sec
1500 DIR. PH O/C
1501 Dir. Phase O/C ON
1502 I >> 2.6 A
1503 T I >> 0.3 sec
1504 I > 1.00 A
1505 T I > 3.5 sec
1601 Dir. Earth O/C : ON
1602 Ie >> 1.10 A
1603 T Ie >> 0.30 sec
1604 Ie > 0.50 A
1605 T Ie > 1.50 sec
8 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 172.
8.1 - B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng(F21+F67).
- Sö dông r¬ le EPAC 3000.
- Th«ng ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Nominal voltage: 110 V
Nominal current: 1 A
Line lenght: 31 km
Voltage ratio (Ku): 1045
Current ratio (Ki): 800
R1 positive sequence Resistance: 4.8 Ohm
X1 positive sequence Resistance: 10 Ohm
Z1 positive sequence Resistance: 11 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 65 Degree
R01 positive sequence Resistance: 8.33 Ohm
X01 positive sequence Resistance: 30 Ohm
Z01 positive sequence Resistance: 31.03 Ohm
Argument of Z01: 75 Degree
R02 positive sequence Resistance: 8.33 Ohm
X02 positive sequence Resistance: 30 Ohm
Z02 positive sequence Resistance: 31.03 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 75 Degree
K01r Real of K01: 0.61
K01x Imaginary of K01: 0.12
K02r Real of K02: 0.61
K02x Imaginary of K02: 0.12
Zone 1 impedance: 8.8 Ohm LV
Zone 2 impedance: 14 Ohm LV
Zone 3 impedance: 44.2 Ohm LV
Zone 4 impedance: 44.2 Ohm LV
Zone 5 impedance: 5 Ohm LV
Zone 3 Direction: Forwards
Zone 1 Time delay (T1): 0 ms
Zone 2 Time delay (T2): 500 ms
Zone 3 Time delay (T3): 4000 ms
Zone 4 Time delay (T4): 5000 ms
Zone 5 Time delay (T5): 5000 ms
Phase - earth resistance zone 1: 10 Ohm LV
Phase - phase resistance zone 1: 10 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 2: 20 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 3: 40 Ohm LV
Starting limit resistance: 60 Ohm LV
I0 and I2 threshold detection: 0.05 In
Fuse failure alarm time delay: 1 s
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 1.6 In
Tfus> time-delay: 1000 ms
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 4 In
Tfus> time-delay: 300 ms
- B¶o vÖ qóa dßng vµ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng(F67).
- Sö dông r¬ le KCEG 142.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le: I>>> = 3.4 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
I>> = 1.5 A Thêi gian c¾t: 1.0 s
I> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 4.0 s
Ie>>> = 2.6 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
Ie>> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0.5 s
Ie> = 0.1 A Thêi gian c¾t: 3.5 s
(Qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cÊp Ie> kh«ng ®Æt híng).
9 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 174.
9.1-B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng(F21+F67).
- Sö dông r¬ le EPAC 3000.
- Th«ng ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Nominal voltage: 110 V
Nominal current: 1 A
Line lenght: 12.3 km
Voltage ratio (Ku): 1045
Current ratio (Ki): 800
R1 positive sequence Resistance: 1.525 Ohm
X1 positive sequence Resistance: 3.887 Ohm
Z1 positive sequence Resistance: 4.175 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 69 Degree
R01 positive sequence Resistance: 2.937 Ohm
X01 positive sequence Resistance: 11.662 Ohm
Z01 positive sequence Resistance: 12.026 Ohm
Argument of Z01: 76 Degree
R02 positive sequence Resistance: 2.937Ohm
X02 positive sequence Resistance: 11.662 Ohm
Z02 positive sequence Resistance: 12.026 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 76 Degree
K01r Real of K01: 0.61
K01x Imaginary of K01: 0.12
K02r Real of K02: 0.61
K02x Imaginary of K02: 0.12
Zone 1 impedance: 3.34 Ohm LV
Zone 2 impedance: 5.02 Ohm LV
Zone 3 impedance: 47.7 Ohm LV
Zone 4 impedance: 47.7 Ohm LV
Zone 5 impedance: 12 Ohm LV
Zone 3 Direction: Forwards
Zone 1 Time delay (T1): 0 ms
Zone 2 Time delay (T2): 500 ms
Zone 3 Time delay (T3): 3500 ms
Zone 4 Time delay (T4): 5000 ms
Zone 5 Time delay (T5): 5000 ms
Phase - earth resistance zone 1: 27 Ohm LV
Phase - phase resistance zone 1: 27 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 2: 28 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 3: 40 Ohm LV
Starting limit resistance: 60 Ohm LV
I0 and I2 threshold detection: 0.05 In
Fuse failure alarm time delay: 1 s
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 1.6 In
Tfus> time-delay: 1000 ms
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 4 In
Tfus> time-delay: 300 ms
- B¶o vÖ qóa dßng vµ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng.
- Sö dông r¬ le KCEG 142.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le: I>>> = 1.65 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
I>> = 1.35 A Thêi gian c¾t: 1.0 s
I> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 3.5 s
Ie>>> = 1.8 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
Ie>> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0.5 s
Ie> = 0.1 A Thêi gian c¾t: 3.5 s
(Qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cÊp Ie> kh«ng ®Æt híng).
10 - B¶o vÖ ®êng d©y 176.
10.1-B¶o vÖ kho¶ng c¸ch vµ qóa dßng cã híng(F21+F67).
- Sö dông r¬ le EPAC 3000.
- Th«ng ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Nominal voltage: 110 V
Nominal current: 1 A
Line lenght: 56.2 km
Voltage ratio (Ku): 1045
Current ratio (Ki): 800
R1 positive sequence Resistance: 6.967 Ohm
X1 positive sequence Resistance: 17.76 Ohm
Z1 positive sequence Resistance: 19.078 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 69 Degree
R01 positive sequence Resistance: 13.4 Ohm
X01 positive sequence Resistance: 53.283 Ohm
Z01 positive sequence Resistance: 54.947 Ohm
Argument of Z01: 76 Degree
R02 positive sequence Resistance: 13.42 Ohm
X02 positive sequence Resistance: 53.283 Ohm
Z02 positive sequence Resistance: 54.947 Ohm
Argument of Z1: 76 Degree
K01r Real of K01: 0.61
K01x Imaginary of K01: 0.12
K02r Real of K02: 0.61
K02x Imaginary of K02: 0.12
Zone 1 impedance: 15.26 Ohm LV
Zone 2 impedance: 22.89 Ohm LV
Zone 3 impedance: 53 Ohm LV
Zone 4 impedance: 53 Ohm LV
Zone 5 impedance: 12 Ohm LV
Zone 3 Direction: Forwards
Zone 1 Time delay (T1): 0 ms
Zone 2 Time delay (T2): 500 ms
Zone 3 Time delay (T3): 3500 ms
Zone 4 Time delay (T4): 5000 ms
Zone 5 Time delay (T5): 5000 ms
Phase - earth resistance zone 1: 32 Ohm LV
Phase - phase resistance zone 1: 32 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 2: 35 Ohm LV
Limit resistance for zone 3: 45 Ohm LV
Starting limit resistance: 60 Ohm LV
I0 and I2 threshold detection: 0.05 In
Fuse failure alarm time delay: 1 s
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 1.6 In
Tfus> time-delay: 1000 ms
Ifus> enabled
Ifus> threshold: 4 In
Tfus> time-delay: 300 ms
- B¶o vÖ qóa dßng vµ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng(F67).
- Sö dông r¬ le KCEG 142.
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le: I>>> = 2.1 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
I>> = 1.4 A Thêi gian c¾t: 1.0 s
I> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 3.5 s
Ie>>> = 2.0 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0 s
Ie>> = 0.55 A Thêi gian c¾t: 0.5 s
Ie> = 0.1 A Thêi gian c¾t: 3.5 s
(Qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cÊp Ie> kh«ng ®Æt híng).
11-B¶o vÖ m¸y biÕn ¸p AT2.
11.1-B¶o vÖ so lÖch cã h·m : F87T2
- Thuéc m¹ch BV2- M¸y ng¾t sè:572 , 573 , 232 , 342.
- Sö dông r¬ le SEL387( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: SEL).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+ Tû sè biÕn dßng : CTR1 = 600 CTR3 = 1200
CTR2 = 600 CTR4 = 1600
+ C«ng suÊt tèi ®a cña MBA : MVA = 450.
+ Bï tæ ®Êu d©y biÕn dßng hoÆc cuén d©y MBA:
W1CTC =12 W3CTC = 12
W2CTC =12 W4CTC = 12
+ §iÖn ¸p pha- pha:
VWDG1 = 500 VWDG3 = 225
VWDG1 = 500 VWDG4 = 35
+ ChØnh ®Þnh dßng so lÖch cã h·m: O87P = 0.2 .
+ HÖ sè h·m phÇn tr¨m: SPL1 = 20
SPL2 = 80.
+ Giíi h¹n dßng h·m cña hÖ sè h·m thø nhÊt : IRS = 1.
+ ChØnh ®Þnh dßng so lÖch kh«ng h·m: U87P = 10.
+ Møc h·m hµi bËc 2 : PCT2 = 15.
+ Møc h·m hµi bËc 5 : PCT5 = 40.
+ Møc c¶nh b¸o hµi bËc 5: TH5P = 0.5
+ Thêi gian trÔ c¶nh b¸o hµi bËc 5: TH5D = 250.
11.2- B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng:
- B¶o vÖ t¸c ®éng : C¾t MC232.
- Sö dông r¬ le MicomP141( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+ I >1 Current set : 1.5 xIn.
+ I >1 Time Delay : 1.5s.
+ IN2 >1Direction : Direction Fwd.
+ IN2 >1 Current set : 0.3 xIn.
+ IN2 >1 Time Delay : 1.5s.
11.3- B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng: F51A (B¶o vÖ phÝa 35 m¸y biÕn ¸p AT2).
- Thuéc m¹ch BV2 - M¸y ng¾t sè:572,573,232,342.
- Sö dông r¬ le MicomP122 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- HiÖn t¹i bÞ t¸ch ra do viÖc sö dông tÝn hiÖudßng trªn nh¸nh tam gi¸c phÝa 35kV cña MBA kh«ng ®¸p øng yªu cÇu chän läc cho b¶o vÖ.
11.4- B¶o vÖ qu¸ ®iÖn ¸p thø tù kh«ng: B¶o vÖ phÝa 35 m¸y biÕn ¸p AT2.
- Thuéc m¹ch BV2 : T¸c ®éng cña r¬ le chØ ®a tÝn hiÖu c¶nh b¸o
- Sö dông r¬ le KVFG122 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+ Ngìng ®iÖn ¸p d : 11V.
+ §Æc tÝnh thêi gian : Thêi gian ®éc lËp .
+Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh: 1s.
11.5- chèng ch¹m ®Êt h¹n chÕ:
- Thuéc m¹ch BV2 - M¸y ng¾t sè:572,573,232,342.
- Sö dông r¬ le MCAG14 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+ Dßng chØnh ®Þnh Is : 0.075 A.
+ §iÖn trë æn ®Þnh : 620 ohms.
11.6-B¶o vÖ so lÖch MBA cã h·m : F87T1
- Thuéc m¹ch BV1- M¸y ng¾t sè:572 , 573 , 232 , 342.
- Sö dông r¬ le KBCH140( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
* CÊu h×nh m¸y biÕn ¸p:
+ CÊu h×nh MBA : HV(x2) + LV1 + LV2
+ Tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa phÝa cao ¸p : 1200/1
+ Tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa phÝa trung ¸p : 1200/1
+ Tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa phÝa h¹ ¸p : 100/1
+ HiÖu chØnh tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa cao ¸p : Kp = 2.
+ Bï gãc pha phÝa cao ¸p : Yd11.
+ HiÖu chØnh tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa trung ¸p : Ks = 0.9
+ Bï gãc pha phÝa trung ¸p : Yd11
+ HiÖu chØnh tû sè biÕn dßng phÝa h¹ ¸p : Kt = 0.05
+ Bï gãc pha phÝa h¹ ¸p : Ydy0.
* PhÇn tö b¶o vÖ so lÖch:
+ ChØnh ®Þnh dßng so lÖch møc thÊp ( I > ) : 0.2 x In
+ ChØnh ®Þnh dßng so lÖch møc cao ( I >> ) : 9.0 x In
*- PhÇn tö b¶o vÖ ch¹m ®Êt h¹n chÕ:
+ ChØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ ch¹m ®Êt h¹n chÕ phÝa cao ¸p ( I > HL ) : 0.12 x In
+ ChØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ ch¹m ®Êt h¹n chÕ phÝa trung ¸p ( I > HL ): 0.12 x In
+ §iÖn trë æn ®Þnh : 650 ohms.
* PhÇn tö b¶o vÖ qu¸ tõ th«ng:
+ ChØnh ®Þnh møc hµi bËc 5 : 40%
+ Thêi gian trÔ cho møc hµi bËc 5 : 10s
+ §Æc tÝnh t¸c ®éng c¾t V/f : Thêi gian ®éc lËp
+ Møc chØnh ®Þnh c¾t V/f : 3 V/Hz
+ Thêi gian trÔ c¾t V/f : 5s
+ ChØnh ®Þnh c¶nh b¸o V/f : 2.5 V/ Hz
+ Thêi gian trÔ c¶nh b¸o V/f : 5s
11.7-B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng cã híng:
- Thuéc m¹ch BV1- M¸y ng¾t sè:572 , 573 , 232 , 342.
- Sö dông r¬ le KCEG142( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
* B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng pha cã híng:
+ §Æc tÝnh thêi gian t¸c ®éng cho b¶o vÖ cÊp 1 : Thêi gian ®éc lËp.
+ Dßng chØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ cÊp 1: 1.0 A
+ Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ cÊp 1 : 3.0s
+ Gãc ®Æc tÝnh cÊp 1 : +30 degrees
+ Dßng chØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ cÊp 2: 4.0 A
+ Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ cÊp 2 : 0.3s
+ Gãc ®Æc tÝnh cÊp 2 : +30 degrees
* B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng trung tÝnh cã híng:
+ §Æc tÝnh thêi gian t¸c ®éng cho qu¸ dßng trung tÝnh: Thêi gian ®éc lËp
+ Dßng trung tÝnh chØnh ®Þnh : 0.1 A
+ Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh : 3.5s
+ Gãc ®Æc tÝnh : - 60 degrees
+ §iÖn ¸p d tèi thiÓu ®Ó ho¹t ®éng : 2.0 V
+ Dßng qu¸ nhiÖt Ith : 0.43 A
+ H»ng sè thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh T : 20 minutes
+ Dßng chØnh ®Þnh c¶nh b¸o qu¸ nhiÖt : 110% x Ith
11.8 - B¶o vÖ néi bé m¸y biÕn ¸p AT4:
- B¶o vÖ r¬ le ga: B¶o vÖ lµm viÖc khi cã c¸c d¹ng sù cè bªn trong thïng dÇu chÝnh cña MBA. Cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng lµ:Møc 1 b¸o tÝn hiÖu vµ Møc 2 c¾t MC.
- B¶o vÖ nhiÖt ®é dÇu t¨ng cao :
Cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng lµ:Møc 1 b¸o tÝn hiÖu vµ Møc 2 c¾t MC.
- B¶o vÖ dïng r¬ le dßng dÇu: §Æt b¶o vÖ ë thïng c«ng t¾c K cña bé ®iÒu ¸p díi t¶i, nã còng cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng.
- B¶o vÖ ¸p lùc dÇu t¨ng cao.
12-B¶o vÖ m¸y biÕn ¸p AT4.
12.1-B¶o vÖ so lÖch m¸y biÕn ¸p :
- B¶o vÖ t¸c ®éng ®a tÝn hiÖu c¾t MC234 vµ MC134.
- Sö dông r¬ le 7UT513( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
1102 Rated voltage of winding 1 of transformer : 225.0 kV
1103 Rated apparent power of winding 1: 125.0 MVA
1104 Primary rated current of CT winding 1: 400 A
1105 Starpoint formation of CT winding 1: Khai b¸o theo ®Êu nèi thùc tÕ.
1106 Processing of zero sequence current of wind . 1 Io-elimination
1107 Prim. rated current of starpoint CT wind. 1: 400 A
1108 Earth point formation of starpoint CT wind. 1:Khai b¸o theo ®Êu nèi thùc tÕ.
1121 Vector group numeral of winding 2: 0
1122 Rated voltage of winding 2 of transformer : 115.0 kV
1123 Rated apparent power of winding 2: 125.0 MVA
1124 Primary rated current of CT winding 2: 800 A
1125 Starpoint formation of CT winding 2: Khai b¸o theo ®Êu nèi thùc tÕ.
1126 Processing of zero sequence current of wind . 2 Io-elimination
1127 Prim. rated current of starpoint CT winding 2: 400 A
1128 Earth point formation of starpoint CT wind. 2:Khai b¸o theo ®Êu nèi thùc tÕ.
1601 State of differential protection : on
1603 Pick-up value of differential current : 0.30 I/InTr
1604 Pick-up value of high set trip: 8.5 I/InTr
1606 Slope 1 of tripping characteristic: 0.25
1607 Base point 2 for slope 2 of tripping characteristic : 2.5 I/InTr
1608 Slope 2 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.50
1610 State of 2nd harmonic restraint : on
1611 2nd harmonic contend in the different . current: 15%
1612 Time for cross-blocking with 2nd harmonic : 10*1P
1613 Choice a further (n-th) harmonic restraint: 5th harmonic
1614 n-th harmonic contend in the differen. current: 40%
1615 Active time for cross-blocking with n-th harmonic: 10*1P
1616 Limit IDIFFmax for n-th harmonic restraint: 1.5 I/InTr
1617 Max. blocking time at CT saturation: 8*1P
1618 Min. current for blocking at CT satur. 7.00 I/InTr
1625 Trip time delay of diff. current stage IDIFF> : 0.00s
1626 Trip time delay of diff. current stage IDIFF>> : 0.00s
1627 Reset delay after trip has been initiated: 0.10s
2903 Symmetry threshold for current monitoring: 0.50 I/In
2904 Symmetry factor for current monitoring: 0.50
7402 Initiation of data storage : Storage by fault det
7410 Maximum time period of a fault recording: 1.00s
7411 Pre- trigger time for fault recording: 0.10s
7412 Post-fault time for fault recording: 0.10s
7431 Storage time by initiation via binary input: 0.50s
7432 Storage time by initiation via keyboard: 0.50s
7801 Selection of the protected object: 2winding- transformer
7806 Selection of star point transformer A: No assignment
7807 Selection of star point transformer B: No assignment
7816 Differential protection: Existent
7819 Restricted earth fault protection: Non- existent
7821 Back - up overcurrent protection: Non- existent
7824 Thermal overload protection 1: Non- existent
7824 Thermal overload protection 2: Non- existent
7830 External trip function 1: Non- existent
7830 External trip function 2: Non- existent
7885 Parameter change-over: Non- existent
7899 Rated system frequency: fN 50 Hz
12.2-B¶o vÖ so lÖch m¸y biÕn ¸p :
- B¶o vÖ t¸c ®éng ®a tÝn hiÖu c¾t MC234 vµ MC134.
- Sö dông r¬ le KBCH 130( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Link 1 Enable low set Id> 1 (Yes)
Link 2 Enable high set Id>> 1 (Yes)
Link 3 Enable REF(Io>) on HV winding 1 (Yes)
Link 4 Enable REF(Io>) on LV1 winding 1 (Yes)
Link 5 Enable REF(Io>) on Tertiary(LV2) winding 0 (No)
Link 7 Enable Overflux Trip 1 (Yes) Link 8 Enable Overflux Alarm 1 (Yes) Link 7 Enable Overflux Block 1 (Yes)
Configuration HV + LV HV CT Ratio 800/1
LV1 CT Ratio 800/1
HV Ratio Cor 2
HV Vector Cor Ydy0(0deg)
LV1 Ratio Cor 1
LV1 Vector Cor Ydy0(0deg)
Low set setting:
Id> 0.2 PU
High set setting:
Id>> 9.0 PU
REF setting HV winding:
Io> HV 0.1 PU
REF setting LV1 winding:
Io> LV1 0.1 PU
Stabilising resistor:
Rs 300 ohms
5 th harmonic Overflux setting:
Iof 40%
5 th harmonic Overflux detector time delay:
Tof 10.00s
Overflux Trip charateristic:
V/f (Trip)Char DT
Setting for Overflux Trip:
V/f (Trip) 3.00V/Hz
Definite time setting for Overflux Trip:
tV/f (Trip) 5.00 s
Setting for Overflux Alarm:
V/f (Alarm) 2.50 V/Hz
Definite time setting for Overflux Alarm:
tV/f (Alarm) 5.00 s
12.3-B¶o vÖ chèng ch¹m ®Êt h¹n chÕ:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCAG 14 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
Curent setting: Is = 0.1 A
Stabilising resistor: Rs = 200 ohms
12.4-B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng cã híng phÝa 220kV:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCEG 142 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+Tû sè TI: 400/1
+Tû sè TU: 225/0.11
+ TrÞ sè ®Æt:
I>>> = 2.15 A Thêi gian c¾t 1.5s
I>> = 1.45 A Thêi gian c¾t 2.5s
(Híng BVQD phÝa 220 kV ®îc ®Æt híng vÒ phÝa MBA AT4)
12.5-B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng phÝa 220kV:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCEG 142 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+Tû sè TI: 400/1
+Tû sè TU: 225/0.11
+ TrÞ sè ®Æt:
Ie> = 0.2 A Thêi gian c¾t 4.5s
(Híng cña BVQD ch¹m ®Êt phÝa 220 kV híng vÒ phÝa ®êng d©y 220kV)
12.6-B¶o vÖ qu¸ t¶i nhiÖt:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCEG 142 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le: Thermal current setting: Ith = 0.85 A
Time contstant setting: T = 20 minutes
Thermal alarm setting: Ith = 110% Ith
Thermal trip : not used
12.7-B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng cã híng phÝa 110kV:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCEG 142 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+Tû sè TI: 800/1
+Tû sè TU: 115/0.11
+ TrÞ sè ®Æt:
I>>> = 2.1 A Thêi gian c¾t 1.0s
I>> = 1.41 A Thêi gian c¾t 2.0s
(Híng BVQD phÝa 110 kV ®îc ®Æt híng ra phÝa ®êng d©y 110kV)
12.8-B¶o vÖ qu¸ dßng ch¹m ®Êt cã híng phÝa 110kV:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCEG 142 ( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+Tû sè TI: 400/1
+Tû sè TU: 225/0.11
+ TrÞ sè ®Æt:
Ie>>> = 2.0 A Thêi gian c¾t 1.0s
Ie>> = 1.0 A Thêi gian c¾t 2.0s
(Híng BVQD ch¹m ®Êt phÝa 110 kV ®îc ®Æt híng ra phÝa ®êng d©y 110kV)
12.9 - B¶o vÖ néi bé m¸y biÕn ¸p AT4:
- B¶o vÖ r¬ le ga: B¶o vÖ lµm viÖc khi cã c¸c d¹ng sù cè bªn trong thïng dÇu chÝnh cña MBA. Cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng lµ:Møc 1 b¸o tÝn hiÖu vµ Møc 2 c¾t MC.
- B¶o vÖ nhiÖt ®é dÇu t¨ng cao :
Cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng lµ:Møc 1 b¸o tÝn hiÖu vµ Møc 2 c¾t MC.
- B¶o vÖ dïng r¬ le dßng dÇu: §Æt b¶o vÖ ë thïng c«ng t¾c K cña bé ®iÒu ¸p díi t¶i, nã còng cã 2 møc t¸c ®éng.
- B¶o vÖ ¸p lùc dÇu t¨ng cao.
13- B¶o vÖ m¸y biÕn ¸p tù dïng TD42.
- B¶o vÖ t¸c ®éng : C¾t MC342.
- Sö dông r¬ le MicomP122( Nhµ chÕ t¹o: ALSTOM).
- Th«ng sè ®Æt cña r¬ le:
+ Dßng chØnh ®Þnh cÊp 1 : 0.11 A
+ Thêi gian chØnh ®Þnh b¶o vÖ cÊp 1 : 0.05s
14 - B¶o vÖ c¸c hÖ thèng thanh c¸i vµ c¸c b¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t.
14.1- B¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t vµ b¶o vÖ so lÖch hÖ thèng thanh c¸i 500 kV:
1. Khèi x÷ lý trung t©m (F87M) : Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
2. So lÖch thanh c¸i ng¨n lé BO1-1(F87B): Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
3. So lÖch thanh c¸i ng¨n lé B01-4(F87B): Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
4. So lÖch thanh c¸i ng¨n lé B20-2(F87B) Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
5. So lÖch thanh c¸i ng¨n lé B20-4(F87B): Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
6. Víi mçi m¸y c¾t 500 kV ®Òu cã mét bé b¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCTI vµ r¬ le MVTT.
- C¸c th«ng sè ®Æt : Is = 0.2 In.
t = 200 ms.
14.3- B¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t vµ b¶o vÖ so lÖch hÖ thèng thanh c¸i 220 kV:
1. Trªn mçi ng¨n lé ®Òu ®Æt mét b¶o vÖ so lÖch thanh c¸i (F87B) :
Sö dông r¬ le: 7SS52.
2. Khèi x÷ lý trung t©m (F87M) : Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
3. Víi mçi m¸y c¾t 220 kV ®Òu cã mét bé b¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t:
- Sö dông r¬ le MCTI vµ r¬ le MVTT.
- C¸c th«ng sè ®Æt : Is = 0.2 In.
t = 300 ms.
14.3- B¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t vµ b¶o vÖ so lÖch hÖ thèng thanh c¸i 110 kV:
1. Khèi x÷ lý trung t©m (F87M) : Sö dông r¬ le 7SS52.
2. Trªn mçi ng¨n lé ®Òu sö dông mét r¬ le 7SS52 víi 2 chøc n¨ng lµ: B¶o vÖ so lÖch thanh c¸i vµ b¶o vÖ h háng m¸y c¾t .
- C¸c th«ng sè ®Æt cña chøc n¨ng F50BF : Is = 0.2 In.
t = 300 ms.
V- Trë kh¸ng t¬ng ®èi trªn thanh c¸i:
220kV: MAX : TTT X1 = 0.04 TTK X0 = 0.016
MIN: TTT X1 = 0.07 TTK X0 = 0.04
110kV MAX : TTT X1 = 0.12 TTK X0 = 0.054
MIN: TTT X1 = 0.15 TT K X0 = 0.1
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